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December 2007 Contest Winner
Sep 5, 2005
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This is a topic for people who need advice or just want to talk about crushes, etc.

I like this kid in my class.. all my friends know.. and I think he's going to find out soon. Though I don't think he likes me. :\

I figured out something today.

He was in my class last year, and he liked this girl. On the last day of school he asked her out and she said no, ONLY because her best friend was right beside her who like him too.

And she tells me this morning. o_o

He gets kinda shy around me, but I doubt that he likes me..

I have a crush. I try to dimiss it. But I feel... it's more than the love I hear about on TT. He's... like that dude that would love you for who you are. Sometimes... it feels like he's hnting to the fact he loves me. Or, at least, wants to be really, totally awesome friends xD. I love this guy for his personality, by the way. I won't say looks don't matter... but it's hard to love him for his looks. Not 'cause he's ugly... it's hard to explain. But... we already have a really god friendship. i feel that if I told him... it would burn the entire friendship. Just... rip it apart.

That's why I try to dismiss the thought. So I don't get hurt...

P.S. Poppin' in!

I have a crush. I try to dimiss it. But I feel... it's more than the love I hear about on TT. He's... like that dude that would love you for who you are. Sometimes... it feels like he's hnting to the fact he loves me. Or, at least, wants to be really, totally awesome friends xD. I love this guy for his personality, by the way. I won't say looks don't matter... but it's hard to love him for his looks. Not 'cause he's ugly... it's hard to explain. But... we already have a really god friendship. i feel that if I told him... it would burn the entire friendship. Just... rip it apart.That's why I try to dismiss the thought. So I don't get hurt...

P.S. Poppin' in!
Can I guess? Please!

Well I have had one, This boy didnt know I existed (might of dont know) And well IDK

I could go on forever about him.

My friends Nattles and La (short for Natalie and Kayla rofl) both like him and they sit in his group of desks.. grr.. we're moving seats on Wednesday though. :] Mwuahahahaha.

I could never look him in the eye.. it's just too hard..

That's an odd guess. But no, it isn't him.

It's a dude in my real life. xD

Nice, MB. I must've emailed you xD

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I like this boy he is SOOOOO CUTE!!!! The bad thing is that he moved to Texas last year & won't be back until 8th grade!!!! I MISS HIM SOOOOO SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!


okay, for some reason i suddenly like this guy in my class, so ya, i really hope no body finds out, if they do im crushed! Anyways well hes kinda cute, but hes also O.K. LOL.

I really hope no one finds out who it is! :hitodetchi:


i like this girl and she is sooooo hot she might catch on fire anyway she goes to my chuch and my school

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Ah, well, I've got quite a story to tell ;]

Well, I was REALLY good friends (I guess you could say BEST friends) with this boy at my old school. I went to a new school, and I started to... well, I guess MISS him. I developed a crush on him. All of my friends that still go to that school were saying "He just said that he has a crush on you at the beginning of this year!" and junk. So I e-mailed him, making him guess that I like him. He figured out I liked someone, but cluelessly didn't figure out who it is that I like :rolleyes: I've been having very strange dreams about him lately... He'll randomly show up at my new school (It's all-girls and uniform... Thankfully he's not in a skirt in my dreams!!). It's kinda creepy, actually. But my parents are talking about switching me back to my old school, so hopefully I can see him more often! He also e-mailed me a month ago telling me that he got back with his ex-girlfriend :p So that sorta made me sad about the whole situation. Oh well...


I could never look him in the eye.. it's just too hard..
Oh I hate that!

I guess it's not exactly the same for me as of I don't 'like' anybody in that fasion, but sometimes I just can't make eye contact. I don't know why.

i like a girl and get shy around her, she always trys to mke me feel better. but i know she doesnt like me shes just that kind of person whos really nice to everybody and thats why i like her. i believe that looks dont matter (not that shes ugly)

I've got a huge crush on a guy in my class. I like him for his personality, not his looks (but he is kinda cute too! hehehe!). Him and I like the same things. We both play cricket. We played in the same school cricket team last year in primary school. I'm better at bowling than him, but he's better at batting. Figures!

I do get nervous when I'm around him. I've sat next to him once in SOSE, while we were watching a movie called Sparticus. I nearly fell asleep! :furawatchi: How embarassing would that have been!??

I really want to ask him out, but I'm not allowed to have a boyfriend utill I am at least 15. It really sucks!

I've got this feeling that he likes me, because in Technology everyday, there's always that little hint that he likes me. Once his friend suddenly blurted out "**** likes Jess!!!!!!" (The *'s are just to represent his name. I shouldn't really put his name on this without his permission). He looked really embaressed and his face was red. Another time that same lesson, his friend pushed my crush kind at me and said "look. There's your girlfriend." That line really annoys me. He isn't my boyfriend, yet... I also don't get why he just can't look me in the eye. I do catch him looking at me for no reason during lessons when we are supposed to be working. And how did you think I knew? I was looking at him too. I'm not completely sure if he does like me, but I would give anything, yes anything, for him to like me. That would be the best!

Another time that same lesson, his friend pushed my crush kind at me and said "look. There's your girlfriend."
My friend did the something like that. >.>

She said, 'There's your *insert opposite sex of tamaw/pants here*friend', really loud.

I was kinda ticked she did that.

It's sad that some people are just so sure that short people 'have to date tall people because they're short'.

I hate that. Those people need to get a clue.

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