crying and emotions


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Sep 11, 2009
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I bottle up all my emotions. I know it's bad for me. Lately my friends have been commenting how I'm too pessimistic and I put myself down too much. I know that regular people cry in sad movies, and they can yell at people when their mad. But i never cry at movies no matter how sad, and I barely ever cry in real life, but when i do i just break down and it feels horrible. It's not even sadness i can't control. If I'm mad at someone I try yelling at them but then tears start coming and so i just 'whimper and run away' it makes me sick of myself. I don't want to just cry all the time though. When is it appropriate to cry. How can i handle my emotions. I don't want to rip myself apart for this, I know that nobody is supposed to bottle stuff up.

WHAT DO I DO???????

That's what's happening to me too. I bottled up my emotions and yes, it was ruining me. I was an emotional kid, and soon it got so bad and I barely showed my emotions at school.

I'm solving it by writing in my notebook, and drawing it out. It's actually fun turning your feelings into songs, poems and drawings. If you don't roll that way, talk about it to your friends.

Just don't get too far to where I was.


Tamachick is right. Getting help is the best thing, like as she said, writing and drawing. I have had this problem. And you really should talk to someone.

When I'm mad, I get a hot chocolate to calm me down :] .

Sugary~ :3

You can't help it if you bottle stuff up. Nothing's wrong with you. I bottle my emotions up to. It really gets hard, just life gets hard. If you start feeling really sad, just try to let your emotions out, though. Trust me, you'll feel better. Also, it would be best to tell someone. Then they can help you

Everyone else is right, here.

I do it too. I bottle it up and never talk to anyone. Then one day I break down in tears but it feels alot better. But that's not the way to go. You have to talk to someone if you're feeling something. <_<

Edit - Never finished my post. xDDD

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I do the same thing, my friends say that I've changed and that I'm so solemn and sad. Although it's not as bad as it used to be, before I didn’t know how to handle it, I even still have the scars on my arm from when I used to cut some time ago. It wasn't a pretty sight, but I've learned how to deal with my emotions since them. Try telling someone about it, maybe write your feelings down, or you could cry, anything to let out your emotions, just don't hurt yourself or anyone else.

I used to be like that. I dont like crying and stuff, so I dont really show emotion =\ My friends noticed, but they didnt really ask or anything. Well, I just talked to a friend I really trusted, and yeah, it helped.

I'm the same way. I'm completely stoic in situations that typically don't call for it (funerals, births, etc.). My mother tells me I'd be a good doctor...

It's really just your temperament. Some people are overly emotional and some rarely show any emotion at all. That's perfectly alright, just don't let it get out of hand.

If you feel like you're about to snap or something, or if you really feel you need to let it all out, find a release. If you're afraid someone will see you crying (you shouldn't, everyone does it, but I never want anyone to see me crying, hehe), wait until everyone's asleep or wait until you're alone.

Draw, write, read, do anything. All of it will help release those emotions if it's something you really like.

Don't feel so bad about bottling up your emotions, either. I've found that it comes in handy sometimes, especially when reading about medicine. Just experiment!

i suggest talking to someone like ur mom, ur sister/brother( if u have one), a friend, or a teacher. it really helpes to talk to someone. they always come through to help u. :D

There's really nothing wrong with a good cry every once in a while, although I agree it can be unhealthy to bottle up your emotions. As others have said, finding alternative ways to express your feelings can help quite a bit, or just talking to someone about it. Even talking to you teddy bear can help lift the weight off your chest. ;D

I bottle up all my emotions. I know it's bad for me. Lately my friends have been commenting how I'm too pessimistic and I put myself down too much. I know that regular people cry in sad movies, and they can yell at people when their mad. But i never cry at movies no matter how sad, and I barely ever cry in real life, but when i do i just break down and it feels horrible. It's not even sadness i can't control. If I'm mad at someone I try yelling at them but then tears start coming and so i just 'whimper and run away' it makes me sick of myself. I don't want to just cry all the time though. When is it appropriate to cry. How can i handle my emotions. I don't want to rip myself apart for this, I know that nobody is supposed to bottle stuff up.WHAT DO I DO???????
Let it fall it's alright to cry. I cryed when 100's of people were insulting me on Tamachat and also when in real life I cussed and socked and fought a girl my age who hated me a lot. [i mean she wanted to KILL me]

I used to cry loads but now I just bottle it up. I am sort of the person that people think could never have problems, so I'm kind of like the agony aunt out of me and my friends. I am always pretending to be happy so no-one knows I'm sad.

i do the same thing, i try to control when i cry, but i cry when i'm angry, and i'm angry a lot, so sometimes i just can't help it, and then my mom starts talking to me about how i need to try to not cry when i'm angry, and i am trying! i keep telling myself that i should just shut up and write it down or something, because talking with mom when i'm crying doesn't do any good for me. normally i would just go in my room and cry it out, and then just relax a little. that helps some. :gozarutchi:

I bottle up my emotions too.I have been since I was 6.And It really really hurts deep down.I never talk to my friends about it,cause I fear of what they will say.Im always half-scared that something bad is going to happen,and it feels like of trapped myself in the bottle too.

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