*Curious, Furious*


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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2007
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Hiiii! :)
This kinda gets on my nerves.

Sometimes TT members(who are probably new or have really good posts), try to like, put down a post so they could infleunce what they said to people who were about to read in the future.

So they write their post, whatever. And what do you expect :D No offense to people in the higher ranks; expecially the Tamatalk guides but they write the EXACT SAME THING :D :D , Get my flow?

So you're just checking the topic seeing if its ok, and out of the blooms, somebody(Not a guide) from TT says "Thanks for the help_________, I never thought anyone would acctually say that!"

Don't you think the person who said that in the first place would get angry? Well, they get furious.

You move to the next topic


Write your post down, whatever again.

The next thing you know, you get in trouble. And for what?

Well, the post that you put down was very insensitive.

Then somebody with like a green in their karma list writes down the EXACT same thing, again. And once again, they get the credit for writing down the EXACT SAME THING.

Sometimes it kind of makes me figure"How do they get like this, being a tamatalk guide or something? How could I do it?"

I'm not trying to be offensive to some viewers, but thats what I think

:D I know this topic is very hard to explain but will you PLEASE read it over again then. Thanks:mellow:

Please help.

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Well some people don't read the posts before them so they just say what they think and when they finally read the earlier posts they notice they wrote the SAME thing. They just say 'Oh well!'

Um..I'm sorry it's not very clear. Can you elaborate more?

I would like to reply, but what you said made absolutely no sense. Perhaps you could try to rephrase it?

She means...lets say you said advice like "Talk to your crush." then someone else says the same thing. Then they say thanks to the other person

She means...lets say you said advice like "Talk to your crush." then someone else says the same thing. Then they say thanks to the other person
Ah, I think I understand now! You mean if you say something, and somebody else says the same exact thing after you posted, and then the second person gets all the appreciation?

I guess I do agree, but shouldn't both people get some thanks for trying to help out?

Took me a couple read-throughs to understand.

Yes, that does annoy me, actually.

When someone copys and pastes the same thing over-and-over again, they are just wasting their time.

In my opinion, they are disrupting the forums of Tamatalk.

I think we precisely need to make them stop when we spot them.


*shrug* Just deal with it I guess.

Why does it matter if someone says thanks to someone else? It's the INTERNET. You're supposed to have fun here, not obsess over karma and who thanks who for what.

... And then all of sudden Woly gets karma. Yeah I agree, I've seen that tons of times. And Hearlikesweet84 always post to help people and she joined waayyy before Woly, and all of sudden Wally earns karma after it's 1st month. I've seen with that with a lot of newcomers to tamatalk....
... People need to think before posting and it's not fair how some members work hard, and waste time out of their life to post and they get no credit or recognition.....

.... They say they give karma over long periods of time but I see some members get their karma after about 2 months they join, and LEAVE the site, and they end up like doing 2 posts day....
Your mis-representation of the way Karma is awarded is disappointing :D

1. A member does not get Karma "suddenly" after 1 helpful post (even if it is duplicated) - if you have "seen that tons of times" I can only assume you are mistaking TamaTalk for another site :D

2. A member who has been a regular visitor to TamaTalk for 2 years is not automatically first in line for any Karma over members who joined 1 month ago - if you have "seen that with a lot of newcomers" I can only assume you are mistaking TamaTalk for another site :(

3. If you think that posting on TamaTalk is wasting time out of your life if you don't get credit or recognition I can only suggest that you need to think about why you visit TamaTalk ... ^_^

4. If you read the Karma Guidelines posted at the top of the Users Guide to TamaTalk forum you will see it clearly states:

[SIZE=9pt]There is no fixed amount of time you have to behave well before you get a karma point.[/SIZE]


There is no fixed amount of time you have to be a member of TamaTalk before you get a karma point.


There is no fixed number of posts to make before you get a karma point.


There is no fixed number of problem posts to report before you get a karma point.

It is all about the way you behave on the site.

The best advice I can give you is to "think before posting" in case you are misleading members with incorrect assumptions and to re-read the Karma guidelines in full to refresh your memory.

Thanks, Tamamum. It's great for you to help us out like that. ^_^

I've been trying to earn some Karma, but no such luck...


But as long as we are respectful on Tamatalk, we'll go far.


TamaMum speaks the truth. I mean, I'm kind of sick of seeing people get karma for things that have been done. If someone posted it first, why does the third person to say it get the credit? I also learned that TT mods are unforgiving. (Been a member for months as Yaecia, and no matter how much I HELP people, I'm STILL holding onto negative karma. Not exactly fair, huh?) Heck, most people here don't have a sense of humor. (The manfaye thing I did? Most sites, even people younger than you all, would LAUGH at that because it's FUNNY. But no, people here are like 'You can see the bottom of Dizzy's breasts! Karma point takeaway, mods, NOW!')

It's the interwebs. Not everything is flowers and honey. It's a very ugly world, and the internet is an ugly place. If you cannot adjust to how ugly it is, why are you on my interwebs?

((To clarify, yes, I hold a grudge for someone taking a point from me for a joke. Kind of makes me think the children here are more mature than some of the mods running this place... Oh yeah, and next time you want to say Manfaye or Dizzy cosplays are unacceptable, look up the Venus bikini from Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball. You will be seeing how TAME those cosplayers are compared to that.))

TamaMum speaks the truth. I mean, I'm kind of sick of seeing people get karma for things that have been done. If someone posted it first, why does the third person to say it get the credit? I also learned that TT mods are unforgiving. (Been a member for months as Yaecia, and no matter how much I HELP people, I'm STILL holding onto negative karma. Not exactly fair, huh?) Heck, most people here don't have a sense of humor. (The manfaye thing I did? Most sites, even people younger than you all, would LAUGH at that because it's FUNNY. But no, people here are like 'You can see the bottom of Dizzy's breasts! Karma point takeaway, mods, NOW!')
It's the interwebs. Not everything is flowers and honey. It's a very ugly world, and the internet is an ugly place. If you cannot adjust to how ugly it is, why are you on my interwebs?

((To clarify, yes, I hold a grudge for someone taking a point from me for a joke. Kind of makes me think the children here are more mature than some of the mods running this place... Oh yeah, and next time you want to say Manfaye or Dizzy cosplays are unacceptable, look up the Venus bikini from Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball. You will be seeing how TAME those cosplayers are compared to that.))
Thank you*Fewf* I couldn't put it in words :furawatchi:

I can't understand it. And the color of the writing doesn't help me read it that much.

What she means is something along the lines of this:

"1st person:

[insert helpful post]


2nd person:

[says exactly as post above]


Some random person:

Great post, *2nd person*!"


I'd just ignore it. If that were to happen, I'd just assue *some random person* was really ignorant. C:

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