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Happy/Surprised Katie is a guide. Well, I'm not THAT surprised.

Bored because theres nothing to do and Keeley's not replying to my Pm

annoyed because mum keeps talking to me

Excited that the theme of the school dance is "Nerd"

Icky because I keep coughing

Random because MARIO PWNS US ALL! xDD

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Mixed:Happy/Surprised Katie is a guide. Well, I'm not THAT surprised.

Bored because theres nothing to do and Keeley's not replying to my Pm

annoyed because mum keeps talking to me

Excited that the theme of the school dance is "Nerd"

Icky because I keep coughing

Random because MARIO PWNS US ALL! xDD
I just saw it xD

But I won't reply, because I have to go in a minute, it's late, I'm tired.

So yeah, tired. :)

I'm really upset that I didn't get a pair of, "Get low," shorts at the ATL concert this summer. D:

I got a, "Break your little heart," t-shirt, but those, "Get low," shorts are exclusive to their summer shows and I can't find a pair ANYWHEREEE.

Ahhh D:

Downright bored. There's nothing to do besides RP and listen to "If today was your last Day" on Repeat.

Inspired. "If today was your last day" tells me a lot about myself. I swear it does.

Sad. My friend's dog got ran over by a car two days ago and I'm so sad. )':

And the fact that Big Brother and AGT are over until next year.

Excited. Survivor starts tonight!!!! =D

Happy. The Biggest Looser started yesterday, and the heaviest person in HISTORY (Daniel) came back to finish his journey.

Confused. The new "biggest person in biggest looser history" is a girl. That confuses me because the girls are usually not more than 300 pounds, yet the girl (Shay) is 472 pounds. o.0

Ugh. i have a headache, a sore throat, and I have school tomorrow. great. >.>


I bumped into my crush on the way to the buses after school.

Sad. My Crush's Grandpa died.


School pics were today, I saw mine on this little screen thingy. it looked good.

Sad. I didn't have a fun birthday yesterday.

Amazed. This one guy i went to school with, who I haven't seen in a long time, Looks good. Way different than what he looked like before.. He looks like a hippie. a good looking hippie dude. xD

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