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Sep 28, 2007
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Hey. I wanted to make this forum because started three weeks ago I started cutting. I haven't ever told anybody besides my best friend Katie who also cuts. I use a razor (the kind you shave your legs with) and lately I've really been trying to stop but its just so difficult. I can't tell you why I cut because its very personally and a little embarassing. I just wanted to know if there are any other cutters out there or former cutters who can help me tell somebody so I can get some help about this problem. Thanks and please, please please help me.

Cutting is in my opinion, a horrible thing.

I would never cut myself.

Cutters should have some level of self respect.

So sorry, but harming your self is not cool.

Guys, I think she understands that cutting isn't cool. Hence the "Please, please help me" part.

Cutting and all other types of self-harming are really sad and terrible things. It's upsetting to think of somebody becoming so sad that it seems to them that the only solution is to harm their bodies. D:

It's a mental thing that becomes physical - like anorexia or other disorders. So, instead of posting in a tamagotchi forum, I suggest you get proper, professional help.

I think you should talk to your parents or close friends that don't cut.

The reason I say friends that don't cut is that they will be able to give you more balanced advice on how to stop cutting than the people who do cut.

Stay strong!

People are thinking of you. :)

Find other ways to take the stress away.

I've cut since I was 11 and still have problems with it on occasion.

The longer you do it, the harder it is to quit.

You might also consider talking to a counselor or another trusted adult. Typically talking to your friends who cut about cutting isn't exactly a good idea.

I'll be honest. I have cast pain on myself, both physical and emotional. Though I don't cut (I can't stand blood) I claw, slap, and scratch at arms/hands and put myself down often. Mostly because I have no other idea of how to deal with the pain.

I'd like to give you better help but since I don't know the full deal about your problem, I can't give my best advice.

But I'll take a shot at it:

Find the base of your problem and confront it.

Try taking your pain out in other ways. Find an expressive hobby. For example, I write poems like that one in my siggy.

But most importantly find a parent or a teacher. Find a therapist if you're really desperate. Their job is to help you. Plus, there's a lot of organizations that come together for things like this.

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I used to cut, but I don't really anymore.

For me it was a control thing, not so much a depression thing. I felt like I didn't have control over anything in my life, but my body was something I COULD control. I had sole responsibility for what was done to my body and nobody else did. Like Esther said, it's actually related to eating disorders. I also struggled with anorexia about three years ago. That was partially out of control, too.

Of course, it took me a long time to figure that out, and that was just for ME. It's different for other people.

I think I stopped self-harming mainly because I felt guilty. I know that I am blessed, and to think about how unhappy I was with what I had made me feel slimy and selfish.

As SK said, talking to your friend who is also a "cutter" is not the best way to go. (I've been down that road before.) A better idea may be to start a support system -- just like when friends diet together. Bring each other UP instead of bringing each other DOWN (even if bringing your friend down is not your intention). Be there to help your friend get through this, and she'll probably be there for you too.

Therapy and counseling is something to consider, but I believe that it is not right for anyone. I've never seen a counselor or talked to an adult about my bought of self-harming, but I think that I've managed to come to grips with it. However, I know therapy can help -- my one friend was seriously self-harming for well over a year, do to some awful family issues. She said that therapy helped here see things that have always been there but she's never realized before.

The best thing to do is take it a day at a time. When you get the "urge" to cut, try to distract yourself. I know it's hard, I've been there. It takes time to recover.

Cinderpelt is right. You have to figure out if it is more of a depression thing or a self control thing.


Me, I never really cut. I scratch myself sometimes, but never to the point where it harms me or it actually bleeds. It just makes you feel good when your down because it gives you endorphines. :p It's not healthy, but I'm not addicted or anything and it heals fast.


Think what is it other than cutting that will help me with my problem. I dunno what it is, so you'll have to think of it yourself.

You may want to try counseling, depending on how bad it is or how easy it is to get rid of. I go, because of other stuff, and it helps me like crazy.

Find other ways to take the stress away.
I've cut since I was 11 and still have problems with it on occasion.

The longer you do it, the harder it is to quit.

You might also consider talking to a counselor or another trusted adult. Typically talking to your friends who cut about cutting isn't exactly a good idea.
(this is the best advice, trust me)

Bottling up these feelings just isnt going to help x

You need to talk to someone you can trust to help you sort this out :)

You'll feel alot better after, I'm sure :] x

I used to self harm in a lot of different ways. Burning myself, breaking my own fingers, I even managed to dislocate my knee cap on purpose and that actually took months to heal because I kept screwing it up again and again.. And I cut on and off, but never bad enough to leave a scar with the exception of one or two on my left wrist.

It was a stress reliever, but there are other ways. My way out was writing. I have at least four different notebooks filled with random thoughts and ideas and feelings. I still use it to avoid those urges.

I haven't done it in about three months - my friends eventually found out and, thankfully, they got help for me because I wasn't strong enough to get help for myself. They told the nurses, who told my parents, who took me straight to the doctor, who put me on Sertraline. I can't really say if it's helped or not. It still gets bad at night, mostly. Sometimes I just sleep to get away from it, like I used to.

But I'm not cutting or harming myself in any way anymore, and neither should you, despite how bad you might feel at some points. Sometimes it feels like life just sucks and really isn't worth it, I know, but there are so many other good things that you must have going on - optimism is the key, no matter how difficult it is to achieve.

I've never cut. No.

I've been tempted to, but no.

I've harmed myself in many other ways though. Tons. More than I can list. Recently, I've stopped. Partly because I've been forced to, partly because I can't stand seeing my skin in such terrible condition.

It's weird--I still do it every now and then, but it's not as bad as it used to be.

... I just wanted to know if there are any other cutters out there or former cutters who can help me tell somebody so I can get some help about this problem. Thanks and please, please please help me.
I think you already know that you need to get some help about this problem. You don't need cutters or former cutters to tell you that.

You've been given some very sound, sympathetic advice in this thread by several respected members of TamaTalk and now you need to talk with a parent or a trusted adult who can help you get in touch with professional advice about your problem.

I am going to close this topic now since the help needed has been given (and to avoid the situation where anyone feels compelled to start sharing details of what they do in order to try to draw the attention to themselves instead of the topic starter).


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