cuzin iz a author and she told me a sad story


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Aug 21, 2006
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Once there lived a happy family of tamagotchies. The little girl was a :wacko: named, Milly. The dad was a :huh: named Inky. The mum was a :huh: named Lilly. The family loved the little girl dearly but then they had a big fight about xmas. Milly yelled at her parents and said she hated them even though she loved them. The parents hated seeing there daughter like this so they went out and bought the xmas present that she wanted so badly two hours later Milly wanted t go say sorry ad give her big parents a big hug and instead the police where they telling her that her parents had been killed in a car accident

Milly ran off crying. Soon, a :) found her and took her to the orphanage. A family walked in. There was a nice and sweet :) named Samantha, a :wacko: named Tim, and a :) named Tara Lee. A conversation started. It went like this:

Tim and Samantha: We will adopt her! We'll rename her to Bunny!

Milly: NO! My name is MILLY and it is STAYING Milly my WHOLE LIFE!

Tim and Samantha: *whisper to each other*

Samantha whispering to Tim: My, she sounds rather demanding

Tim whispering to Samantha: Yes. She does. Very demanding.

Tim and Samantha: *stop whispering* Milly, we aren't adopting you

Milly: :wacko: *starts crying*

Tara Lee: No mwommy! No dwaddy! I wanna nother swister!

Samantha: How about that nice :wacko: Sarah?

Tara Lee: Ok

Tim and Samantha: *adopt Sarah*

Milly: *cries*

Milly was so upset.

She howled all night, all day, until a :p waltzed into the centre.

"Oooo..." Milly said.

The :D said: "I'll take her."

And the workers bowed down to him and handed Milly over.


The :p looked at Milly and said, "Don't be scared Milly, my name is Jonah. I'll look after you."

Milly looked around and saw the orphanage staff bowing to Jonah. "Why are they bowing to you Jonah?" she asked him.

"Because I am Prince Jonah Tachichi of Ruligigiga. My wife is sitting in the hover craft, she is a :D and her name is Yasmin-Lois Tachichi or as the villagers call her Princess Yasmin-Lois Tachichi. You will call her Auntie Yasmin-Lois and you will call me Uncle Jonah, is that OK?" Jonah asked her.

Milly nodded, to stunned to speak and then " How will we get to Atlantis Uncle Jonah?"

"By hovercraft of course!" Jonah said, "Now go sit in the back with Yasmin Lois, I'm driving"

Jonah drove like a maniac. Jonah turned the hovering source off and they flew off the bridge and sunk to the bottom. Milly had her window open, so she swam out the window and reported what had happened to the police. The police blamed it on her and she ran away crying until a :p named Julia came and took her to her home. "I have always wanted a child. So, what is your name?" Julia asked "M-Milly" Milly stammered "Ahhh, Milly. Nice name. I am Julia"

Jonah was angry, "We have to get Milly back, she doesn't know that she is Princess of Atlanta! She is in Danger, the Marionaos of Marionao are after her"

Yasmin-Lois fainted.

Jonah looked at Milly, "Will you come with me to Atlantis Milly? The people need you."

Milly smiled an said goodbye to Julia and went to Atlantis with Jonah. When she got off the hovercraft everyone bowed to her, Jonah and Yasmin-Lois.

Although Milly was happy, every night she said a small prayer to her parents. All day she couldn't stop thinking about them.

Yasmin-Lois looked at Milly, "Milly honey... why are you so sad?" she asked her.

Milly bowed her head. "I just...well....I miss my family so."she said sadly.

Yasmin Lois gave Milly a hug. "That is the can't do anything about it. This is your family now."she said gently.

Milly nodded and hugged Yasmin Lois back.

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