dancee :)


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I danced for twelve years - from the time I was two and a half until the time I was fourteen. I took ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, acrobatics, and cecchetti. It used to be the biggest part of my life, but I don't dance anymore and I'm happy that way. Dance was my childhood, but not my future.

Yes I loved dance! I competed since I was like 6 or 7 'till I was 13 But started dance when I was 3.

I did tap when i was little, ballet, jazz, lyrical, and modern. But I didn't compete in modern.

I do have an intrest in dance. I would like to do Hip Hop. My parents are looking in, because my best friends does Hip Hop, so I would like to do it with her. I have done acrobatics for 3 years, when I was younger. (4-7)

I studied ballet for 4-5 years when I was younger, and recently I've taken up ballroom dancing as well as swing dancing.

Ballet put too much pressure on me, whereas with ballroom dancing, it's pretty simple.

Swing is so much fun, whatever guy you're dancing with just leads you into the moves, even ones you don't know! :angry:

I used to do ballet, but I stopped when I was like 5.

Now I figure skate, reallly competitively, and that's sort of like dancing, but I like it soo much more :)

It helps me in all my other sports too, because without it I would be so uncoordinated and unbalanced=)

I took ballet and tap. Ballet definitely wasn't my cup of tea. xD But I really enjoyed tap. I performed twice on stage. :D

I took ballet, tap, musical theatre, jazz, and hip hop until a couple of years ago.

I reallyyy want to take this pasedoble class [ 99.9% sure I spelled that wrong... ]

Because for show choir this year, we have a pasedoble & they want us to get the basics before we actually learn it.

' date='+June 15, 2010 05:35 am'] I'm an earthquake on legs. So no dancing for me.

I love Spanish dances best of all. :)
That was terribly funny. x3 rofl

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