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stick a pad to your forehead and walk around

stick slices of cheese to your butt and go into CVS

go on kiddy rides and when it goes, start to scream

ask that zoo guy if you can ride the elephant

you know....that kind of stuff i've done. but stuff like

rampage around naked

do a random webcam chat with that guy with your top off

ask that old dude to help you adjust your bra

you know...stuff like that i've turned down. but i have done stupid stuff like that.... but not nearly as bad. i've walked across the street with nothing but a towel before o_O

but i love truth or dare. it's so much fun.

It depends if the dare is too stupid even for me - lol - then I back down XD but if it isn't rarely I'd do them LOL!

for me, it depends on the dare. if someone told me to run around naked screaming my head off like an imbosol, no way.

but if its stick your arms inside your jacket in the winter, run across a busy street ((on the crosswalk of corse!)) flapping the empty jacket sleeves yelling "IM A MAN!!!!!!!!!!!" Im on it!

((LOL. i have done that B4 and i felt AWESOME, even though i couldnt stop laughing :ichigotchi: ))

It depends on the dare. I'll reject it if it was like, jumping off the roof. I don't mind being called a chicken. I can do dares that aren't disgusting, or anything that could injure me or anyone else, and I wouldn't do a dare that would get me in trouble.

I'll usually do ANY dare. Unless it's like those annoying dares like "Kiss him" Or "Feel him up" Or something dumb like that...>.>"

But I've been dared to do so many weird things...Like lick the wall...(Eww -shudders-)

Kiss the stage in my school during lunch time while people were watching. Lol It was so funny though. xD~♥

Depends on the dare. One of my friends went outside and flashed a car. o_O It was dark out (like midnight?) but I would chicken out on that one.

I do dares depending on the dare. I was doing this dare with this guy in my class today. It was funny. He had to hit 3 dudes really hard and hug 3 girls. And I had to hit 3 girls (Not really hard. Hehe.) and hug 3 dudes. I hugged 2 guys. But when I tried hugging the 3rd guy, I almost got in trouble. My teacher thought I pushed him because the guy tripped.(He was trying to avoid my love. xD)

Sometimes when I truth or dare them, they sometimes say kiss this person. And I do...NOT! I hit them. That is how I kiss. =D

yeah for me it depends, if its a stupid dare like, drink and drive, or somthing then i back down, but if its a fun one like "go hug that random kid over there" ill do it :blink: somtimes i dont wanna do when there like "i DOUBLE DOG DARE u to go tell josh u like him" so i just joke around and say something like 'oh, DOUBLE DOG DARE? that means i HAVE to do it" *sarcastic*

it depends on the dare like i got dared to fall down the stairs and i did, it hurt woohoo!!!^^

I do dares depending on the dare. I was doing this dare with this guy in my class today. It was funny. He had to hit 3 dudes really hard and hug 3 girls. And I had to hit 3 girls (Not really hard. Hehe.) and hug 3 dudes. I hugged 2 guys. But when I tried hugging the 3rd guy, I almost got in trouble. My teacher thought I pushed him because the guy tripped.(He was trying to avoid my love. xD)
Sometimes when I truth or dare them, they sometimes say kiss this person. And I do...NOT! I hit them. That is how I kiss. =D
I posted that. Hehe. And also, I love doing hug dares. But only if it's my crush or my doggies*.

*= Doggies mean boys in my class who are like my slaves. (But some of the act like very bad doggies. ;P)

Our dares aren't the 'Kiss him!' it's like 'Go hop around downstairs like a frog in front of my parents...but don't tell them why you're doing it.' (I gave that to my friend).

I once got 'Kiss the guy in the poster...'

We made this disgusting drink once and dared my friend to drink it. Poor Rachel...she drunk a sip and almost got sick. So no food dares after that one.

psh, me and my friends dont even need a dare. we go to Dillards and try on the most ridiculous outfit we can find and parade around the store in them. Dillards is the best place to go if you want to try on random stuff and walk around a store in it.

....I remember kissing a painting of Ariel....the mermaid. That was weird.....

I remember when me and my friends went to Barnes and Noble and ran around the whole store, laughing and yelling, and looks like lunatics. I'm surprised we didn't get kicked out! We desrerved to.

That wasn't a dare. But it could've been....

I usually take them because, between me and my friends, they're not very bad.

I ate 12 hot tamales, the candy, then went out on the boat (I was at the lake with a friend in OK) with a bright red, completely numb tongue. xD

Thursday, I ate a candy heart that had been on the cafeteria floor... o_O;

My best friend and I keep daring eachother to mouth 'olivejuice' to random people, or our guy friends, because it looks like 'I love you'. Reactions are priceless.

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