Dark or Preppy?


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Rey Mysterio

Well-known member
Jul 24, 2006
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What would you say you are? (personality wise ^^) I'm practicly Miss Darkness. xD

Meh, I'm probably smack dab in the middle. XDD I'm definitely not dark, but on the same time I'm definitely not preppy. I guess you can call me Miss Neutral. XDDD

I'm not Dark, or a Prep. Even though Preps are low sometimes, I'd rather be a prep than low and depressed. It's just not my style. :D

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Preppy all the way! xD

I have nothing against dark people though.

I'm neither, i don't beleive in being Dark, emo, preppy or stuffs.

Emo is a style of music. :D

Preppy-ness, well...i have no idea what that means.

In the middle. I'm not dark, but I hate preppiness.
Same here. I'm not girly, "Like OMG! I broke a nail!" But I wear American Eagle and stuff. But sometimes I shop at Hot Topic. I where black eye-liner everyday, and I always where denim. Jeans, but when it is hot, caprees or bramuta shorts. I am very bubbly and out going.



Guess. xD

It's not really that I hate all preps in general.. I just hate the preps at my school.. They are steaming piles of evil in themselves.. >.>

I used to be all social and bubbly and stuff, but even since my friends pretty much replaced me and I have no one to hang out with, I've turned pretty dark.

Ugh, none, I don't think being depressed, being a *removed*, and loving deadly things like blood, and death is cool. :wacko: Although I love dark colors. :ph34r:

And I'm not preppy, I despise a word like that. Down here we say "boogey" or "stuck up. Or whatever preppy is like Avril Lavenge or something...

*No cursing please.*

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Isnt that a little harsh, Locky458? Im NOT Prepy, so I had to chose Dark, I am more Dark anyway and not like that!! *Points to your post*

i'm neither. i'm in the middle. i'm into fashion and a lot of i guess you could say "preppy things" and i'm pretty quiet and into things like darkness and such but i'm not some snob who randomly flashes guys, nor am i some person who thinks drinking blood is cool. it's not the nicest examples, but i could've said worse things. :rolleyes:

Ugh, none, I don't think being depressed, being a a**hole, and loving deadly things like blood, and death is cool. :rolleyes: Although I love dark colors. :(
that's kinda rude, eh? you don't have to say that.. that's just plain stereo typical and moronic. only sicko's and weird people are like that... and I am not a sicko.

*but i do find gorey films and stuff entertaining, only because i find it funny*

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Iunno really. To be honest I mood swing a lot :(

I honestly think I'm just solid.. hyper, when in a good mood, and solid emo, when in a bad mood. Doesn't it suck to mood swing? :rolleyes:

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