Dark or Preppy?


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I'm dark. I absolutly hate preppyness. I wear mostly clothes from Hot Topic and wear black eyeliner every single day. But I'm not a goth. They have really cute stuff at Hot Topic.


Ugh, none, I don't think being depressed, being typically quite rude and annyoing, and loving deadly things like blood, and death is cool. :rolleyes: Although I love dark colors. :(
(I'll let you know ahead of time that I am feeling quite stressed at the moment. Do I sound stressed? Because I am.)

Why, may I ask, did two people already decide to attack this particular post?

Why did you pick this? I don't see this post any different from any of the many we have attacking "preps" here.

Of course, while posts attacking preps are usually quite sterotypical and moronic, you don't lift a finger to intercede for them?

And of course, those go through all right, now don't they? I hardly see anyone attack those, and defend themselves in the process.

:/ hhhmmmmmmmmmmmm

Now on to what I think. While I do find Locky's post rather sterotypical, I also think that most posts people make about anybody and anything are sterotypical.

I personally don't have a problem with people liking "deadly" things, I think that the ego could do without some "I'm so dark and mystical oooooo" attitude. It can't be applied to "preps" as I can't say that I can think of them telling themselves "I'm so happy and I like to have a good time!" as a way to talk about themsevles. Even if they did, I wouldn't think of it as ego-stroking.

And honestly, what's with the colors? Your color sense will not define you until it is harnessed into productivity. How can anyone hate bouncing of light waves into your eyes, really? o____o I love ALL the colors, although I have taste for the bright and bold myself.

Depressed people.. Give them a break. When they're really depressed, that is. There are so many posers nowadays. Depressed people need a hug, poser depressed people need a slap across the face is what I think :3

I don't like being in the median, though I really can't pick between the two. Besides, just because you say you're something doesn't really mean you are, does it?

I would think that you would be a better judge of my personality as in what I show.

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(I'll let you know ahead of time that I am feeling quite stressed at the moment. Do I sound stressed? Because I am.)
Why, may I ask, did two people already decide to attack this particular post?

Why did you pick this? I don't see this post any different from any of the many we have attacking "preps" here.

Of course, while posts attacking preps are usually quite sterotypical and moronic, you don't lift a finger to intercede for them?

And of course, those go through all right, now don't they? I hardly see anyone attack those, and defend themselves in the process.

:/ hhhmmmmmmmmmmmm

Now on to what I think. While I do find Locky's post rather sterotypical, I also think that most posts people make about anybody and anything are sterotypical.

I personally don't have a problem with people liking "deadly" things, I think that the ego could do without some "I'm so dark and mystical oooooo" attitude. It can't be applied to "preps" as I can't say that I can think of them telling themselves "I'm so happy and I like to have a good time!" as a way to talk about themsevles. Even if they did, I wouldn't think of it as ego-stroking.

And honestly, what's with the colors? Your color sense will not define you until it is harnessed into productivity. How can anyone hate bouncing of light waves into your eyes, really? o____o I love ALL the colors, although I have taste for the bright and bold myself.

Depressed people.. Give them a break. When they're really depressed, that is. There are so many posers nowadays. Depressed people need a hug, poser depressed people need a slap across the face is what I think :3

I don't like being in the median, though I really can't pick between the two. Besides, just because you say you're something doesn't really mean you are, does it?

I would think that you would be a better judge of my personality as in what I show.
hmmn.. very true what you are saying Pyonchit. Preps are okay.. just certain one's that annoy me i don't like and think are idiots and or worthless... i should try to just not only defend those of darker interest... preps are okay. >.> it just depends on the preson to me honestly. >.< people should just try not to insult other's and there interest and stuff...

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hmmn.. very true what you are saying Pyonchit. Preps are okay.. just certain one's that annoy me i don't like and think are idiots and or worthless... i should try to just not only defend those of darker interest... preps are okay. >.> it just depends on the preson to me honestly. >.< people should just try not to insult other's and there interest and stuff...
Glad you think so. :]

Haha, I didn't make through the whol Pyon post [too tired xP] but I'm sure I agree with it. ^^

Yes, that makes total sense.

I used to be really happy, social, and bubbly but thats all changed. I'm no longer truly happy.....my friends are drifting away from me, and I'm just not the same as I used to be. I try and be happy and bubbly on TT, though.

Sme with me...

I was complaining about math, and my friend was like "C'mon ___, think positive!" I just glared at her, while my other friend was like "That's not in her nature." It's true- postitivity ISN'T in my nature... but I try to be positive here... TRY to.

^ I have no idea either.
I'd like to think I'm a happy person though and I like to laugh and mess around :mellow: .

Yus ^I'm the same. ;]

(I'll let you know ahead of time that I am feeling quite stressed at the moment. Do I sound stressed? Because I am.)
Why, may I ask, did two people already decide to attack this particular post?

Why did you pick this? I don't see this post any different from any of the many we have attacking "preps" here.

Of course, while posts attacking preps are usually quite sterotypical and moronic, you don't lift a finger to intercede for them?

And of course, those go through all right, now don't they? I hardly see anyone attack those, and defend themselves in the process.

:/ hhhmmmmmmmmmmmm

Now on to what I think. While I do find Locky's post rather sterotypical, I also think that most posts people make about anybody and anything are sterotypical.

I personally don't have a problem with people liking "deadly" things, I think that the ego could do without some "I'm so dark and mystical oooooo" attitude. It can't be applied to "preps" as I can't say that I can think of them telling themselves "I'm so happy and I like to have a good time!" as a way to talk about themsevles. Even if they did, I wouldn't think of it as ego-stroking.

And honestly, what's with the colors? Your color sense will not define you until it is harnessed into productivity. How can anyone hate bouncing of light waves into your eyes, really? o____o I love ALL the colors, although I have taste for the bright and bold myself.

Depressed people.. Give them a break. When they're really depressed, that is. There are so many posers nowadays. Depressed people need a hug, poser depressed people need a slap across the face is what I think :3

I don't like being in the median, though I really can't pick between the two. Besides, just because you say you're something doesn't really mean you are, does it?

I would think that you would be a better judge of my personality as in what I show.
Actually, I did defend the "preps" in the anti-prep thread, and myself, etc.

I agree that taste in certain topics and the colours we like really have nothing to do with it. I like vampires, but you don't see me going around biting people and being "weird." If it doesn't affect you, you shouldn't worry about it. :mellow:

I agree about depressed people some. Some people can't help it and do have days when they just need a hug. The ones that pose as depressed are emo (yes, I labeled them). I normally am against labels, but I honestly think that being emo or even attention-whoring is ridiculous, no matter how you're doing it (acting depressed, calling yourself ugly when you're obviously not, saying you're going to kill yourself over something minor, etc.).

What am I? Both. Sometimes I like to look "nice" and wear "preppy" things. Sometimes I like to wear bondage pants and a leather collar. Sometimes I like to be a mixture of both and just wear clothes. :mellow: Which do I prefer? Probably between the middle and the bondage pants.

My 'freinds' call me 'gothic', 'emo' and a 'punk', but I've got to say I agree. I don't cut, but life is annoying, I wear studded wristbands, I like FOB, and I don't give a £$*^&". One time, I was smiling because I was trying to be sarcastic, but then a boy was like "OMFG!!! WHAT THE HECK DRUG IS ____ ON?!?!?" I was just like, "Get a *&%£$&% life, idiot." then punched him.

Overall, I like animals and the 'happy happy joy joy' song, but also, drawing, writing dark poetry, FOB, seeing people in movies die, wishing death on a guy in my class, and keeping to myself, so I'm mostly dark, but I can be happy, once in a blue moon, or when I'm getting a present...

//_-\ Nix666 /-_\\

Why must we try to fit others into itty bitty catagories? :U

No one is all 'dark' nor all 'preppy'. Peoples' personalities are so much more complex than that.

I'm neither. Most people I know don't fit into any of those categories. There should be another choice.


I totally disagree with Locky. You shouldn't stereotype people like that. Especially when Rey just said she was dark.


I don't understand it.

'Emo' is a type of music.

'Punk' is a style.

'Happy' is a fun thing. xD

I am a 'happy' person. <3

I'm all of the above, none of the above, and other all into one! Aren't I simplistic? :mellow:

My 'freinds' call me 'gothic', 'emo' and a 'punk', but I've got to say I agree. I don't cut, but life is annoying, I wear studded wristbands, I like FOB, and I don't give a £$*^&". One time, I was smiling because I was trying to be sarcastic, but then a boy was like "OMFG!!! WHAT THE HECK DRUG IS ____ ON?!?!?" I was just like, "Get a *&%£$&% life, idiot." then punched him.Overall, I like animals and the 'happy happy joy joy' song, but also, drawing, writing dark poetry, FOB, seeing people in movies die, wishing death on a guy in my class, and keeping to myself, so I'm mostly dark, but I can be happy, once in a blue moon, or when I'm getting a present...

//_-\ Nix666 /-_\\
That Happended To Me Today

I Was Wearing Boots And A Girl Asked If I Was On Drugs

I Told Her To ''Something'' Off

Ps: Join The Dark Side, We Got Cookies

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