Dazzmina's Tamagotchi Diary


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Cool! Page 4! :D

I've just got time! Jack is now Mizutamatchi and is very cute. We've got to go now, see you tomorrow with photos!

~ Dazzmina and Jack ~

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Hi! Yes, photos are coming! It's impossible NOT to love what you see here!

So, here's Violet:


And here's her backpack to carry a Tama:


Here's the V3, shortly after Jack was born:


A close-up of Jack as a baby:




If you want to see what a newly evolved Mizutamatchi looks like, look here:


Also, I did some editing to make my V3 look really pretty. I had to rub out the keychain for the effect, but Jack and the whole Tama are still intact:


It's so amazing having my beloved old V3 back after so long of having my favourite games and characters broken. I know the V2's basically the same, but the V3 games I think are a lot more fun, and the characters look nicer, and the shop stuff is a bit cheaper. I think I'll take Jack to TamaTown now; I haven't been to V3 TamaTown in ages! Bye for now,

~ Dazzmina and Jack ~

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Today, as expected, Jack evolved into Young Mametchi! I was happy since Young Mametchi is a perfect care character from Mizutamatchi. I'll post photos tomorrow, but for now my mom is in a really bad mood and I definitely don't want to be caught on the computer.

~ Dazzmina and Jack ~

So, here's today's only photo, Jack as Young Mametchi:


I've always hated this character for no reason, he just looks so plain on black and white Tamas -_- . But still, he's good care, so that's what enables me to live with him.

Because of the boredom of running simply a V3, I want to start up another Tama. So I glanced over at my collection. A lot to choose from! V4.5...V4...V5...TMGC+C...TMGO...V2...then my iD L caught the light. What was the use of stopping running that cute Tama the DAY I got downloads and passed my test? I mean, I can easily manage it now because my tests are over and I have downloads. Se you later with a V3 and iD L! I'm very determined to run the V3 for a few generations so I won't put an end to the fun of that one. ;)

See you later with Melodica, my Painaputchi!

~ Dazzmina and Jack ~

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I decided to deactivate my V3 because it was getting a bit boring, despite the amazing games, cool items and design to die for. I DID go through with the iD L thing, but we'll come to that later. I also started up another little friend you least expected me to start...Meet Angela. The name gives away what she is:


So, welcome to my log Melodica, one of the newest Tamas, and Angela, one of the oldest!

Melodica is...uhm...can you guess? Meloditchi. With 3 happy symbols and the fourth to come tomorrow! About to unlock Henshin Jo! In possesion of the outfit she needs to transform to her special character at Henshin Jo!

So, here's Melodica:


Don't worry, that's not a care miss, she's just being silly :p

Here she is from further away:


You may (well, you should) notice that last night I decorated my iD L with a blue beaded keychain and plastic adhesive gems!


It's obvious in the photo above. Don't you think it looks really cute? :)

Angela is, of course, currently a baby so I can't leave her for too long. We'd better go now. See you!

~ Dazzmina, Melodica and Angela ~

Hey everyone! Yesterday I deactivated Angela, I prefer just running one Tama.

Melodica is due to get her last happy symbol at midnight tonight! Then unlock Henshin Jo! If only it wasn't at midnight, I could transform her right now if she would just go get it today! But it looks like I'll have to be patient if you want the much-awaited photos of my first Henshin Jo transformation. I would sneak on at night (MIDnight! I love Tamas that much!) if my camera didn't make noise when I take a photo. I don't know what special character she'll be, only that I think it's the kimono that helps her transform.

You don't want to miss my log tomorrow - that update will be bursting with news and photos!

~ Dazzmina and Melodica ~

Sorry for the random log break -_-

Well, let's leave Melodica for now, and go to the Tamas I'm actualy running. Constellations V3 and white V4! The V3 is, as you probably remember, Jack, and the V4 is our much-missed Young Androtchi, Danny, son of Helen and Zevi!


Character: Young Mametchi

Training: 4 bars

Age: 2 yrs

Weight: 20 lbs

Generation: 1st Gen.

Gotchi Points: 426 GP

Mood: Neutral (for once!)

Recent Events: Nothing much


Character: Young Androtchi

Training: 2 bars

Smart: 49

Beauty: 19

Friendly: 25

Age: 1 yr

Weight: 21 lbs

Generation: 2nd Gen.

Gotchi Points: 17290 GP

Mood: Cheerful...almost TOO cheerful...

Recent Events: Nothing much

Hey everyone! Danny here!

Please be a bit quieter, Danny. I'm trying to read this book. What's the title again, Dazzmina?

Will you STOP trying to read my dad's books about science and money and loads of stuff Tamas (and 10 years olds!) can't understand! Read my brother's books instead, they're more your level!

But they're all about either humans or dinosaurs! What are dinosaurs?

Here. *thrusts Jack book about dinosaurs*

Thanks! *goes off and reads book* Hey, I'm back! Apparently, dinosaurs are green and they make a ribbit noise. There are also some poisonous ones. They live in ponds and are amphibians. And I don't see why your brother has so many books about them!

That's FROGS your talking about! Who switched that dinosaur book for a frog one?


Okay. Here! *gives Danny dad's book*


It's your punishment for playing a trick on me and Jack.

OK, here goes. "Dinosaurs are really really random things that eat and roar, you Young Androtchi with only FORGED Smart points!" HEY, who would send me that?!

Danny! YOUR punishment is to read this OTHER book of my dad's.


I'll pause you if you don't! No, not pause you, take the battery out and run my V2 instead...or reset you...or another idea is to set the time and leave you awake all night...

*SCREAM* *starts reading*

*SCREAM* *starts reading*

They'll be there some time! :D

~ Dazzmina, Danny and Jack ~

Yesterday I de-activated Danny, I don't know why, I just did,

Well, the plan is this: The V3 will have to do for now for a Tama, although it's not my favourite. I'm going to order a Tamagotchi Nano and a set of 6 TMGO figures from eBay, then, if everything goes well and the Nano is any good, I'll be running two TMGOs and the Nano within two weeks. For your information, the Nano I'm planning or ordering is yellow (no other colours), and the TMGO figures are Mametchi, Chamametchi, Memetchi, Kuchipatchi, Violetchi and Ringotchi, plus six different faceplates too. I know I have most of them already, but most of mine are ruined or broken from being in my suitcase for ages, and several are lost altogether... :(

Jack is okay, he hasn't evolved or got training or anything, so I won't post stats. I wish one Tama, just ONE, could be right for me...

TMGC+C = too big and too frustrating and slow

Angel = boring

iD L = where did the plot of a virtual pet go?!

V4 = stressing about skill points

V4.5 = ugly characters when you least expect them

V2 = ugly characters when you MOST expect them, which is all the time

V6 = annoyingly, all my FOUR V6s are broken for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON!! Yes, even my carefully cared-for purple and orange one!

V5 = boring

TMGO = hello, figures, where are you?

V3 = boring

Where does THAT leave me?

~ Dazzmina and Jack ~

I know, I really shouldn't have taken that long break, but on the bright side...

Guess what I just ordered yesterday? Yes, a Tamagotchi Nano (green), and also something else way more awesome - Tamagotchi The Movie! I've literally wanted this for 3 years or more! I have no idea when it will arrive - as far as I know neither item has even been dispatched yet - but I hope it's soon, because the movie looks amazing, and my mom really wants to watch it was well! You heard right - my mom wants to watch Tamagotchi The Movie! She has changed so much - a year ago, she wouldn't even let me order it!

Well, now I'm running Angela. If you don't know who she is, read the rest of this page.

~ Dazzmina ~

Thanks for following, Tamacake! And giving a 5-star rating!

Well, nothing has been happening. I just paused Angela because I was getting bored, so now of course I'm not running anything. There are rumours about someone stealing stuff at my school so I'm not going to be sneaking in any more Tamas until the person has been discovered and stopped.

I'm thinking of running my orange and purple MS, but I don't know if that's a good idea. I fixed it (seemingly by turning the screen background upside down) a few days ago, so now my Tamatchi, Caitlin, is living in a cute upside-down style - paused. I removed the infrared sensor cover and reset button, hoping to maybe sell them on eBay or keep them as spares, but it's still intact and looks okay. However, you don't need to tell me that the MS needs a lot - and I mean a LOT - of attention. But I decided my secondary school so all tests are over, and I think the MS might be quite fun for a generation or two. I'll think about it, and I finally have one space in my PM box, so if you want to PM me with a suggestion, feel free!

~ Dazzmina ~

Hi! First news first - my mom let me use her PayPal to send a donation of $10.00 to TamaTalk Donations! I haven't got my Lifetime Angelgotchi badge and extremely urgently needed message space yet, but I should get it soon!

Today my nerve broke and, after receiving and watching my copy of Tamagotchi The Movie (which, by the way, rocks!), I started up my V5. I reset it to find a Futabatchi, a Mimifuwatchi and Omututchi! The Futabatchi, the oldest, is a girl named Chabela, the Mimifuwatchi is a boy named Kouta, and the Omututchi is a girl named Iona! I'm going for unusual names for my 1st Gen.!

Of course Chabela, Kouta and Iona are still babies, but I'll update when they evolve! Till then,

~ Dazzmina, Chabela, Kouta and Iona ~

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Evolutions! That baby stage passed so quickly...Chabela is Tororotchi, Koura is Mousetchi and Iona is Belltchi! I think I'll go for Smart family characters, simply because they are so cute, and one Cheerful family character (Iona). The predictions are:

Chabela - Tororotchi > Chamametchi > Chantotchi

Koura - Mousetchi > Mamekatchi > Mametchi

Iona - Belltchi > ??? > Memetchi/Hotteatchi

Of course, a Familitchi means Tama conversations, and lots of them!

Chabela: Why couldn't I be Belltchi? It suits my name much better! Chabela the Belltchi - perfect!

Iona: Oh Chabela, stop being so bossy. You're only 20 seconds older than me, after all!

Chabela: Well, I'm older than that quiet Koura, too!

Koura: Hey!

Chabela: No offence! It's just you haven't talked yet!

Iona: Okay, we'll introduce ourselves. I'm Iona, the youngest, and -

Chabela: All that stuff is so BORING! They know it all already, so why bother?

Iona: To be polite...?

Chabela: Koura, don't you agree this is all nonsense?

Koura: Uh..umm... *runs away*

Chabela: Scaredy-cat. Or rather, scaredy-MOUSE(tchi)!

Iona: Please don't be so mean, Chabela.

Chabela: Oh, why oh why couldn't SHE be the ugly Tororotchi...I want to be Belltchi!

Dazzmina: Calm down, you'll be Chamemtchi soon! That suits your name perfectly - that's why I chose it! And Iona, I'm sure you'll be something pretty too. As for you, Koura, who doesn't love Mametchi?!

Chabela: We're only an hour old and you've already got favourites. *sulks*

Iona: Sorry about that. She's been talking to me like that all the time we were babies!

Dazzmina: Well, as adults, you'll all be equal. Who would have favourites out of Chantotchi, Mametchi and Memetchi/Hotteatchi? I love you all, if only Chabela would see that...

Chabela: I heard that!

Dazzmina: Uuuh...maybe we'd better end this post.

~ Dazzmina, Chabela, Koura and Iona ~

Where's that Lifetime Angelgotchi badge got to? I did make the donation! Oh well, I guess I'll get it today...

So, the Sky family (named after my first Tama of course) are okay. I THINK I might get my Nano in the mail today, but there are no update guarantees as my friend (no, not Fwoggy, the one who's into Tamas) is coming over for lunch today. Although it would be nice if Fwoggy was coming, next time she comes over we're going to watch Tamagotchi The Movie! So, let's see how Chabela, Koura and Iona are feeling today:

Chabela: I am so TIRED!

Dazzmina: Well it's YOUR fault for staying up till 9:30 and waking up at 6:15!

Iona: I tried to get them to sleep...but Chabela wouldn't budge...

Koura: *snore*

Chabela: Well, "sensible" Iona, it looks like Koura has the most common sense today!

Iona: *snore*

Chabela: Oh! Well I might as well have a nap too... *snore*

Koura: FROGS!

Chabela: DOLPHINS!

Iona: DOGS!

Dazzmina: STOP IT! Time out, all of you!

~ Dazzmina, Chabela, Koura and Iona ~


Koura: WAAAH! The ending is so sad!

Chabela: Iona?

Iona: *is pretending to be Chamametchi from the movie*

Chabela: IONA! Stop mocking my future character! (in the movie, Chamametchi cries because Mametchi yells at her, and that's the bit Iona's doing)

Iona: I want to be an actress when I grow up! Isn't this good? *fake cries*

Chabela: NO, it sounds like a squealing pig!

Iona: Good! It's supposed to sound like that!


Koura: Stop yelling like Mametchi!

Iona: Hey, this is like the movie! The older sibling yelling at the younger one! WAAAAAAAAH!

Chabela: STOP IT IONA!


Dazzmina: *puts on Tamagotchi The Movie and fastforwards to the bit where Mametchi is yelling at Chamametchi*

Mametchi (movie): WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO -




Mametchi (movie): - AND GET IN MY WAY?!

Chabela: - AND GET IN MY WAY?!

Chamametchi (movie): WAAAH!

Iona: WAAAH!

Okay, that's enough for today! QUIET, Sky Family!

~ Dazzmina, Chabela, Koura and Iona ~

Hi! Yay, as you can see, I am now a TamaTalk Lifetime Angelgotchi! FINALLY PEOPLE CAN PM ME! YAAAY!

So, today I got my green Tamagotchi Nano. I don't have photos right now, but it's really small and cute! It hatched a baby girl, who I named Tanpopo after the girl in Tamagotchi The Movie. And you know the best thing about the Nano? NO BABY STAGES! :D

The Sky Family have not been forgotten! They evolved into Chamametchi, Mamekatchi and Ichigotchi after school today!


Iona: *fake cries*

Chabela: Stop it Iona! I wish you had never watched that movie!


Right now, both Tamagotchis are sitting in my green Tama waist pouch not doing much. I will post photos tomorrow, before or after school - hopefully before!

~ Dazzmina, Tanpopo, Chabela, Koura and Iona ~

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Hi! Yesterday, I sent my mom the link to a cute Mametchi plush I found on eBay, and she ordered it for me! So I should be getting it soon! :D

So, Tanpopo, Chabela, Koura and Iona haven't been doing much lately. I'm trying to get the Sky Family's bonding up (it's currently at 40%), with Tanpopo, are due to evolve today! Sadly I won't be able to update when that happens, I'll be watching Tamagotchi The Movie with Fwoggy.

For the record, I am SO excited about the release of the Princess Spacy! Only 20 days till the growth charts and downloads start flooding in, and I get mine soon after! I will post photos of both my Tamas in an edit soon, but for now, bye!!

~ Dazzmina, Tanpopo, Chabela, Koura and Iona ~

Hi! I de-activated the Sky Family (see you soon Familitchi!), and last night, Tanpopo evolved into Lovelitchi! I will try to log her, although I am sticking with her until she dies, to find out stuff, like can the Nano marry, and does it turn into an oldie, and how long can the best characters live - Lovelitchi is perfect care! I'm glad she thinks I took perfect care of her! :D So bye, I got to go to school now!

~ Dazzmina and Tanpopo ~

I'm ba-ack...

So, I said photos and I mean photos! I've included photos of BOTH Tanpopos, and some of my latest Tamagotchi drawings, copied from the Tamagotchi The Movie case!

Here's Tanpopo (as in Tamgotchi Nano):


And here's the other Tanpopo:


Here are the two Tanpopos together!!


Now for my drawings:



Mametchi and Memetchi. I've stuck then by the side of my bed! :D

Tanpopo is fine - nothing much is happening with her. I am so excited about the Princess Spacy's release! I am also participating in a hatch on March 10th, with my purple iD L, so look out for that one soon!

~ Dazzmina and Tanpopo ~

Hello! Well, my mom has been teaching me how to knit! I'm going to make a bunch of stuff for my Tamas. :) Also, my mom made me a knitted blanket for my Tamas! I can't believe she once hated Tamas and now this! :D My Mametchi plush is also due to arrive tomorrow.

Some great news is - I listed my three old Pixel Chix toys on eBay! In case you don't know what they are, they're toys for young girls where you do stuff with a 2-D girl on the toy. I used to like them, but I've sort of grown out of them now, so I'm selling them to buy Tamas. They're only going for low prices, but at least it's something! I bothered to include batteries and fully test them, so I hope I'll get customers.

Tanpopo is fine; she hasn't been doing anything much. I am getting a bit bored, but she's cute and I want to see how long it takes for her to either get married or die. If you're wondering when I will be running something a bit less 100% boring, I'm hatching my iD L as part of a group hatch on 10th March, so that's when you'll all get a bit less bored with my log! I will post photos of the new knitted blanket tomorrow!

~ Dazzmina and Tanpopo ~

Sad news...

Today, I wanted to start up my 2 V4s and V4.5. I got the backs and batteries for each Tama - going good. I found a weird character on my V4.5 which was Kenny, and a rather neglected Tosakaetchi on my purple V4 - oh, it was Ensio, I remember him! But on my white V4...the ghost of Danny, son of Helen. I almost cried - Danny, my poor Young Androtchi, and Kenny's identical twin...I feel so guilty. I'm still going to run the V4 though, and my purple V4, and my V4.5. But goodbye, Danny...


~ Dazzmina ~
