Dazzmina's Tamagotchi Diary


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So, I think we've been forgetting my log promises. Here they are, copy-and-pasted from 80 posts ago:

I will ALWAYS post photos when necessary, unless I have a very short time or my mom is telling me to do something else

I will update as soon as I can EVERY TIME my Tama does something significant

I will take good care of my Tamas

I will not pause my Tamas unless absolutely necessary

I will try very hard not to get banned from the computer

I will try very hard not to get banned from Tamas

I will attempt to sneak Tamas into school as long as they are not rare valuable versions or there is a school trip

And some promises to make sure I don't log too much!

I will make sure I do math practice every day

I will always do my homework on time

I will update my log maximum five times per day

I think I'm sticking to the ones in red, but these are the ones I need to improve on:

I will ALWAYS post photos when necessary, unless I have a very short time or my mom is telling me to do something else

I will update as soon as I can EVERY TIME my Tama does something significant

So, I decided I might as well start page 5 with a few photos and some good news!

After a bit of narrowing down, I chose to run my purple V4, my first ever Tama, the one that tends to become character in the Meme family. So I found Ensio the Tosakatchi when I started it up - the smartest Meme family character. I also decorated this bashed-up Tama with two cute dolphin charms, shown here:


Here is Ensio:


And we had a new little accessory joining us today! Here's a clue: It's really comfy, and Ensio loves sitting on it, like this...


Yes! It's my very first knitting project! It only took about twenty minutes, but it was specially desgined to give my purple V4 some comfort and relaxation when I have to set him to sleep while I'm at school (there's a mystery thief at my school). Here it is without Ensio:


It's not perfect, and not nearly as good as my mum's knitting, but Ensio loves it and that's all that matters!

I hope Ensio gets a job soon...oh yes, stats!


Character: Tosakatchi

Training: 4 bars

Smart: 110

Beauty: 46

Friendly: 49

Age: 3 yrs

Weight: 22 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1st Gen.

Gotchi Points: 6049 GP

Mood: Excited about getting a job!

Recent Events: Getting 3 poos in the mail in a row... :eek:

Okay, I guess that's about it! Thanks for reading! ;)

~ Dazzmina and Ensio ~

Thanks for the 1,528 views! :D

Well, Ensio finally got jobbed! I decided to be silly and try him out for the gardening centre - lol, imagine TOSAKATCHI as a gardener! But, to our surpise, he managed to pass his interview and was awarded his job at the gardening centre! It comes with a cute little mini-game - it's like the cake-grabbing game on the V6, you have to lower the claw at the right moment to catch the requested plant. Ensio and I managed to get a score of 13 on our first try. I think the maximum is 20, so we did quite well! We don't know what the wages are like yet, but we'll find out tomorrow morning...we also used the 3 pencils we have stored up, but that clumsy Ensio broke every single one! He got a bit upset, so we bought him an umbrella, and he did a little happy dance with it even though it wasn't raining. Thankfully, he didn't break that, so we still have it! We also donated 101 GP to the king, which will become our daily amount to donate.

~ Dazzmina and Ensio ~

LOL, this is my 1,123rd post!

I've decided, despite the fact I was participating an a group hatch, so start my iD L EARLY! Introducing Lucas the Yurapatchi, 5th Generation!

I did turn his mum, Melodica, into Meloditchi's special character, but let's not go into that, it makes me sad that I got her married so soon... :(

Anyway, Lucas has a plan for Kuromametchi, then Metal Kuromametchi once he's got whatever download item he needs! He's only a cute Yurapatchi at the moment, but his baby stage is almost over. See you soon with hopefully Nannokitchi!

~ Dazzmina and no-one-at-the-moment ~

Heya! Well, Lucas evolved into the expected Nannokitchi. He begged me to go shopping for toys at the Tama Depa, but when we didn't find anything, he practically pushed me to my Palm Treo and demanded a download. I gave him a new and better painting set, and even though we had to throw out our old one to make room (all those toys this fussy boy won't play with!), it was worth it for the fun Lucas had painting with Mimitchi.



We also took a trip to the park, were we met Harapparatchi, who might even be our future pet.


Lucas also dragged me to Henshin Jo to check it out. The guy there said no, but you can see the hopeful expression on Lucas's face...


Something tells me this little Nannokitchi is going to grow up to be a big bossy Metal Kuromametchi! ;)

~ Dazzmina and Lucas ~

He-ey! It's MORNING before school, I got up at 6:30 because I just knew someone on a purple iD L in my house would be evolving into Kuromametchi (he was Hanikamitchi previously)! My hunch was correct! So we grabbed his happy symbols, except the curry, which he didn't quite want to eat yet, and hurried to Henshin Jo wearing the overalls. I don't think he was wearing the right costume, but the guy there, who's known Lucas since he was a tiny Nannokitchi, let us go ahead with it anyway. So I now have...METAL KUROMAMETCHI! :D I'm going to keep him like this, I want his cool costume stored under the TamaTomo book.


We managed to get photos of all the happy symbols, Lucas's transformation and something else we didn't quite expect!

First, we tried the obvious, and Lucas was amazing in his guitar solo!



Then we looked at at chart for help with the other two symbols. He happily put on the overalls...


But he refused to eat the curry for now. Instead, we hurried to Henshin Jo. We expected to be turned away, but to my surprise, I had two options up on the screen and Lucas was nodding frantically. I selected the first option, and he turned into Metal Kuromametchi with a flash and a cloud of rainbow dust!



Here he is, showing off at home after his transformation. :p


I asked him "are you in the mood to go the the restaurant for that curry now?" and he said yes, so at long last, we got his third happy symbol.


We came home, at just as I was sinking back on my bed, my iD L's screen lit up. What was it now, Lucas? But it wasn't Lucas...it was VIOLETCHI'S BIRTHDAY! Luckily I had my DSi at hand, so I took a photo of the short celebration.


Oh yes, I totally forgot to mention, I finally got my Mametchi plush in the mail. It's very cute, and bigger than I expected. Here it is next to my iD L:


Sorry I had to remove some photos to make it fit within the photo limit. :( And also sorry for the short post, I only had an hour to do the research, do the stuff on my Tama, take photos of it, upload the photos, post the photos and type a post!

~ Dazzmina and Lucas ~

Hi! I don't know if your country celebrates this, but if it does, happy world book day! :D

Nothing's been happening to Lucas...he's 4 now, so he should get his last happy symbol tomorrow. I was just woken from an amazing dream that my Mametchi plush had come to life and brought me a 15th Anniversary iD L which came with a free V3...Dream on, I'll only be getting that iD L on my birthday in MAY, and my Mametchi plush is never going to come to life.

So, if my log is boring again, here's a list of times when I'll make it un-boring:

1. When I start up my white V4, tomorrow, for a group hatch. It's Danna the baby girl.

2. When I, at long last, get my Princess Spacy between 25th March and 10th April!

3. When I get my 15th Anniversary for my 11th birthday!

4. Any other Tamas in between.

I guess, whether my mom likes it or not, I'll have to reveal my birthday if I'm going to be starting up a new Tama on it!

~ Dazzmina and Lucas ~

K, sorry, but it's called a log break. And guess what? I'm going to go on ANOTHER (partial) log break! I will be updating once a week with no photos. Sorry, but I really want more forum time and this will probably be over before a week is up...

Anyway, Lucas got his last happy symbol and was married to Chamametchi. He took home an egg, and so far it's grown up just like him - Yurapatchi, Nannokitchi, Hanikamitchi - and now Orion, the baby boy, is getting his care misses to become Peintotchi/Paintotchi. We remodeled our room to an arty theme, too, to prepare for Peintotchi!

So, that's all I've really got for today. 7 DAYS TILL PRINCESS SPACY RELEASE!!

~ Dazzmina and Orion ~

SO SORRY!!!!! D: I've been getting so LONELY without my log!! :( :( :(

TODAY MY PRINCESS SPACY SHIPPED YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I stopped running my iD L, who is a 7th generation Choribotchi named Christobel. I JUST WANT THE PRINCESS SPACY WHICH IS DUE TO ARRIVE IN 3-6 DAYS!!! The chart with the details didn't come out, so I'll just say it's been dispatched and is in the airport or maybe even the plane - and if it is on the plane, it's heading to the UK! :D

Anyway, I've been REALLY missing you and it's nice to come back to the eight follower and ninth 5-star rating. ;)

~ Dazzmina ~

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*is bored*

*Princess Spacy due to arrive in 1-4 days*

Ugh, baby stages...what better time to deal with Christobel the Choribotchi other than when I'm off school with a cold... *cough* It won't let me save my DSi game till I've completed Death Mountain 2 on Zelda so I can't take photos but that level is IMPOSSIBLE...*cough* Where's my camera gone then?... *cough* Okay, I'll go now *cough* and update after Christobel's baby stage *cough* but how the heck am I supposed to complete that game?! *cough*...

~ Dazzmina and Christobel ~


Mar 19

17:25 Awaiting presentation to customs commissioner COVENTRY PARCELFORCE UNITED KINGDOM

PLEASE PLEASE ARRIVE TOMORROW AND PLEASE PLEASE LET ME BE OFF SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!! I really hope it doesn't take too long to go through customs...

I'm sneaking on at night, 10:36 PM right now. I guess I'll take care of Christobel now... *sigh*

~ Dazzmina ~

I felt guilty. -_-

So, whether I like it or not, I've got to brace myself for photos. I have several photos of a drawing I did, but not just any old drawing...one with JAPANESE WRITING BY ME! I've started learning Japanese from my iD L! I already have "Tamagotchi" memorised, and since Christobel is now Painaputchi, I'll be having fun learning that too! For now, this is the drawing:





I know it's kind of failed, but still, I can't help being pleased with my Japanese...

Also, here is my latest photo of my Tamagotchi collection, including accessories!


Sorry it's kind of blurry...

The Princess Spacy's status has not changed. 2 days left to get to me or CD Japan/Parcelforce/customs/whoever-is-delaying-it isn't getting a good review on my log! My brother ordered his iD L from them and it came in like 3 days...HURRY UP CUSTOMS PEOPLE!!

Now, I'd better get Christobel those 4 care misses for Moriritchi... *sigh*

~ Dazzmina and Christobel ~


I don't know what got Christobel to evolve into CHAMAMETCHI, but I think it's one extra care miss. Oh come on, I was inconveniently watching a movie whilst giving her care misses!

Anyway, I sure AM glad I got Chamametchi, because somehow the Wing Hat not only gave her a happy symbol but also turned her into Hapi Chamametchi, who = the cutest thing ever! My photos just about fit in the limit - here they are:



Happy Chamametchi, lol! Not quite Hapi Chamametchi yet...



Chamametchi is Happy again!



Now we truly have HAPI Chamametchi!

The skipping rope is one of the happy symbols, it's got a really weird animation...



And the finale is Happy Hapi Chamametchi!! Although I'm not too sure Mimitchi and Grippatchi are too happy right now...XD...


*alarm clock goes off randomly*

~ Dazzmina and Christobel ~

Princess Spacy's latest status:

Mar 23

0:57 Departure from inward office of exchange COVENTRY PARCELFORCE UNITED KINGDOM

YAAAY IT'S THROUGH CUSTOMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Should get here on Monday or Tuesday. Was supposed to arrive today. -_-

That's basically the reason for this update - Christobel's just hanging around looking cute. I know this isn't really mine to tell, but Fwoggy should be ordering her Princess Spacy on Sunday. :)

Bye for now!

~ Dazzmina ~

Princess Spacy = needs paying import tax on. SORRY PARCELFORCE, I DON'T THINK WE HAVE TIME FOR IMPORT TAX! Should get it on Tuesday. *sigh*

So, this morning Christobel got her last happy symbol. After a while of dithering around, she married a nice Kikitchi (photos coming later, excuse me it's 1:17 AM right now lol) and had a baby Momoirotchi. I had specially scheduled names for the character that would be first to have a Princess Spacy friend - quite simply, a girl would be Princess and a boy would be Spacy. I decided that, once Princess evolved into Rolutchi, that she should be called Princess Perotchi because that's what she's going to be! AND she'll be unlocking Patchi Falls and apple icons for me - it's 8th generation! :D

Princess Perotchi evolved into Rolutchi at about 12:50 AM (50 mins past midnight) and went straight to sleep, and even so I couldn't have taken a photo of her because the camera flash/shutter sound would have woken someone. But I promise for photos later today (remember, it's after midnight, and after midnight is the next day). I'm so excited, I'll get up after a few hours sleep then update my log then go on TamaTalk then play computer games all whilst taking care of Princess Perotchi, and go to Fwoggy's house for the afternoon to help her order a Princess Spacy!

OK, I'm sick of the word princess now...but I'll have to write it AGAIN in the sign-off!

~ Dazzmina and Princess Perotchi ~

Nothing has gone according to plan and my mom is going to yell at me to get up in a minute, but I'm still going to update.

Since I stayed up till 3 AM last night, I woke up at 10. I found that poor Princess Perotchi almost had a care miss (she woke up at 7), and my mom was yelling at me the clocks had gone forward so it was now 11 AM (I hate that!) and we had to go to Fwoggy's house in two hours and didn't I want breakfast and didn't I want lunch and I have to get ready blah blah. So this will be short, but will have photos.

This is Christobel's lovely marriage:









Goodbye, Christobel...


Hello, Princess Perotchi!


She wasn't very needy at all as a baby, so we remodeled our room as a special treat! It's a really cute download I got ages ago. Sorry that I did the photos with hardly any comments, I don't have much time...

Princess Spacy - a lot less development than Princess Perotchi - NONE.

I think I might have time to copy out a letter Christobel sent us from TamaTown:

Dear Dazzmina and Princess Perotchi,

I know you, Dazzmina, would much like to know how I am getting on in TamaTown. I'm going really great. Everyone loves my special powers with the skipping rope! It's so fun here, being with all your previous Tamas and others. I met a Perotchi of your brother's, and I know how lucky I am to rest assured my daughter, a future Perotchi, will return safe and happy other than traumatised for life.

My daughter, Princess Perotchi, I hope you like Dazzmina's care. I hear she almost gave you a care miss this morning, but it was definitely an accident. If you ever dislike your carer, you can always run away to TamaTown, although I am sure you will not feel the need to do that to Dazzmina. Please write back to me.



I wrote back:

Dear Christobel,

I'm very happy to hear you like it in TamaTown! I bet you have lots of friends there, it is kind of lonely in my care because I only usually run one Tama at a time. Your daughter is good too. The care miss WAS definitely an accident, I feel really bad about that...but I'll give her extra good care today to make up for it!

Princess Perotchi says - hi momy wots up in tamatan i luv beeng in dazmenas caer it soe cole sie yu sion!!!


~ Dazzmina and Princess Perotchi ~


Princess Spacy = should get a letter asking us to pay import tax today. Will pay import tax. Princess Spacy will come tomorrow or Wednesday.

This morning, I woke up to discover a ) it was 6:40 AM and b ) my iD L thought it was an hour later and had woken up and evolved into Sabosabotchi. After a bit of being confused about what time it was (my alarm clock said 5:40, iD L said 8:40 and watch said 6:40) until I walked into the kitchen and the clock there said 6:40 AM so I knew that was the time. I set my iD L and alarm clock to the right time. I think the confusion was because the clocks went forward yesterday which is why I feel like it's 6:15 instead of 7:15 AM.

Anyway, I said something about Princess Perotchi being well on her way to the correct character! Sabosabotchi! And guess what - an early morning photo!


~ Dazzmina and Princess Perotchi ~

Yay, 2,000 views! Cool, thanks!

This morning, Princess Perotchi evolved into the right character! I bought her a tiara too, to celebrate the occasion. :D She currently has 3 happy symbols (no photos, she got them at 6 AM in my bed) and is due to get her last the day after tomorrow. And tomorrow...OH WHOA I CAN'T WAIT FOR TOMORROW CAUSE...

PRINCESS SPACY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My dad paid the import tax and they should send it tomorrow! I TOLD YOU IT HAD TO COME ON WEDNESDAY!

OK, got to go to swimming lessons now. I'll be back in about an hour with photos!

PRINCESS SPACY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW, I don't always take perfect care of my Tamas because I have 5 pets in total: 3 ducks (who I feed and stop from killing each other fighting over females), 1 guinea pig (who I make sure doesn't die of old age at a moment's notice) and my Tama. The ducks are odd pets, the guinea pig is a normal pet and the iD L is an easy pet compared to the others!!

PRINCESS SPACY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~ Dazzmina and Princess Perotchi ~

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OK well, I have got an unboxing video but it needs editing because it feautures me running round the house getting batteries or whatever for some reason. The Princess Spacy hatched a Momoirotchi named Danica. Danica is currently napping so I updated, but she's going to wake up soon so I've got to go.


~ Dazzmina, Princess Perotchi and Danica ~

Hi! Full update...

Danica is now a very cute Paletchi! The Princess Spacy is the cutest Tama ever! <3 It has a few new games and items and three new characters, but other than that it's the same as the regular iD L. The food, I just found, is the same as well, and so are most of the interiors. I don't know if there will be specific downloads for the Princess Spacy, but regular iD L downloads seem to work.

Now for the photos!


Here's Danica as Paletchi. Isn't she sweet?


They're the same size and make a super-cute pair!

The Princess Spacy connects to the iD L under the same option as is used to connect to a normal iD L, and I have connect them. We have a few photos (on the Tama) of them together when Danica was a baby! If you're wondering, there's a photo connect option, where one goes round to the other's house and they get a virtual picture taken together. ;)

~ Dazzmina, Danica and Princess Perotchi ~

Well, since this is our last post before page 6 and the huge surprise that comes with it, I'd like to make it fun! :D

A complete recount of today: Woke up. Got excited about Princess Spacy arriving. Stayed super-excited all through school and literally yelled to my mom asking if it had arrived. Was also happy about getting 96% on practice SATS paper, but forgot all about it when home. Started Princess Spacy.

Adventures of my Princess Spacy so far: Unboxing and starting up. Danica's super-needy babyhood. Danica's evolution. Then I sat outside for ages connecting them - we get LOADS of free GP just from connecting! Played several games. Gave lovely gifts; are now best friends. Danica bought a pack of seeds for herself, and a more expensive, Princess Spacy only pack of seeds and gave them to Princess Perotchi. They both planted their seeds which are due to grow up tomorrow! Danica is now sleeping.

My rating for the Princess Spacy:

Delivery - very bad, arrived in about 11 days but was due in 3-6 days. Wouldn't even have made it without customs, which delayed it for 3 days.

Condition - perfect. The packaging is great, the box secure and the Tama in working order with no scratches or anything.

Price - some might call it a rip-off since it's practically the same as the iD L, but I call it a nice upgrade for people who "missed" the iD L, if you know what I mean.

Gameplay - more similar to the iD L than I like, but really great.

Design - lovely for me, but quite a bit too pink for boys. Exactly as shown in photo on CD Japan.

Overall - worth the money, although the delivery was bad, the other factors raise it to a 5-star rating! ;)

I'm off to post my unboxing video on TamaTube...

~ Dazzmina, Princess Perotchi and Danica ~
