Dazzminatchi and the War


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Eternal Mametchi Fan

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2012
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In an egg
One day EMF met Dazzmina in real life and almost had a heart attack but somehow survived. Then she showed Dazz her Tamagotchi manga. “It looks like Melodytchi is in love with Memetchi!” Dazz said.

At that instant, EMF turned into Kurosantchi and Dazz turned into Dazzminatchi. All around the world, TamaTalkers were transforming into Tamagotchis. Kuchipatchi.is.blue55 turned into Bluetchi, who looked like a blue Kuchipatchi. Choco Monkey turned into Chocotchi, who looked like a girl version of Kikitchi but chocolate-colored. CheesyNoodleTama became Noodletchi, who looked like a bowl of noodles with arms, legs, and a face. Tamatown123 turned into Tamatowntchi, who looked kind of like Dazzilitchi but also like Tamatown123 (not that I know what she looks like). Sonicfan123 became Sonictchi, who looked like Sonic the Hedgehog. Caomi became Caomitchi, who looked like a sparkly pink Hanatchi with an orange nose. Orandatchi became, well, Orandatchi, who looked like some kind of pink fish, and Anna Whalley became Annatchi, who looked like a potato.

Now, Kurosantchi was glad to be with her husband Ikemen Mametchi again, but when Dazzminatchi went to visit Kurosantchi, three little baby Tamagotchis raced out screaming and running all over the place!

“AAARGH!” Dazzminatchi wailed, kicking the baby Tamas away.

Kurosantchi waggled her finger accusingly at Dazzminatchi. “Don’t be mean to Kurotchi, Santchi, and Mamesantchi!” she scolded.

Ikemen Mametchi, too, came and gave Dazzminatchi a good telling-off. She was intimidated by them all, so she skedaddled and went on a search for Tamas who could help her battle Kurosantchi, Ikemen Mametchi, and their cute but terrible triplets.

She soon came across the TamaTalkers listed earlier. She had to choose some of them to be on her side of the war. So she chose Bluetchi, Tamatowntchi, Noodletchi, Chocotchi, Caomitchi, and Annatchi.

Dazzminatchi led her team to Kurosantchi’s house and knocked on the door. Ikemen Mametchi answered it. “What can I do for you?” he asked.

“We are going to have a war!” Dazzminatchi announced. “Because…well… I don’t know, but anyway, get your wife and kids out here NOW!”

Ikemen Mametchi smirked and did as Dazzminatchi told him to. Kurosantchi was glad that she was going to fight in a war. It would give her something to do. They all went outside, and Kurosantchi was outnumbered, so Sonictchi and Orandatchi joined her team. Now they were even, both with 7 members on their team!

“Let the battle begin!” Dazzminatchi shouted. But, to her horror, everyone was too busy going gaga over Kurosantchi and Ikemen Mametchi’s adorable triplets!

“Coochie-coochie-coo!” Bluetchi cooed, tickling Mamesantchi’s tummy.

“Aren’t they just adorable?!” Tamatowntchi squealed as Kurotchi stared at her with big, cute eyeballs.

“Please let me adopt Santchi!” Caomitchi begged, pointing at the fluffiest baby, but Kurosantchi scowled and shook her head.

“They’re mine!” she hissed, snatching them away. “Now, let’s fight!”

“Kill the triplets!” Dazzminatchi told her team, but they refused. They were just too adorable to even frown upon!

Meanwhile Orandatchi was getting bored, so she tried to think of a way to attack the other team by surprise. She noticed a swimming pool nearby, filled with water. She then realised it was not water but Ikemen Mametchi saliva! Kurosantchi probably enjoyed swimming in it as well as drinking it. She grabbed a bucket, dunked it in the swimming pool to fill it with the slobber, and then sneaked over to Annatchi and dumped it all over her!

“AAAARRRRRGGHHHHH!” Annatchi wailed, for Ikemen Mametchi saliva is very delicious deadly, and it killed her.

“Oi, that’s only meant to be for me!” Kurosantchi complained, tugging the bucket from Orandatchi. She tossed it over the fence and groaned when she saw that there was not as much saliva in the swimming pool as before. She would have to ask Ikemen Mametchi to put more in later, when she wanted to take an afternoon dip in the pool. She tripped over Annatchi’s dead body and tossed that over the fence too.

But do not worry; Annatchi is a good little girl so she went straight to Heaven. Besides, she’s a strong independent black woman who don’t need no man, and all strong independent black women who don’t need no men go to Heaven, unlike racist people. Annatchi found lots of other strong independent black women who don’t need no men there in Heaven, and they all had a strong independent black woman who don’t need no man party.

Back to the story, Sonictchi began to throw the triplets at Tamatowntchi. But she didn’t mind; it hurt, but she couldn’t get mad at cute little triplets being thrown at her!

“HEY!” Orandatchi shouted at Sonictchi. “I want to throw the triplets!” She tried to grab one from Sonictchi, but he pulled it back away from her and threw it at Noodletchi.

“Let me throw one at Chocotchi!” Orandatchi demanded. She managed to steal a triplet away from Sonictchi, and then she threw it at Chocotchi. But Chocotchi jumped out of the way, and the triplet hit the hard ground and died.

“KUROTCHI, NO!” Kurosantchi sobbed. Chocotchi felt sad; she felt it was her fault that the poor baby died, so she went off to bury it and make a little grave. That made Kurosantchi feel a little better.

“Come back here and fight!” Dazzminatchi shouted at Chocotchi, but she was too busy picking flowers for the grave.

Noodletchi tried to get the two remaining triplets to join Dazzminatchi’s team by luring them with candy. Sonictchi noticed that, so he went to tell Kurosantchi…but she was too busy kissing Ikemen Mametchi! How could she do that a time like this!? “EEEWWWWWW!” Sonictchi grimaced. Tamatowntchi got some popcorn, sat in a chair, and watched Ikemen Mametchi kiss Kurosantchi.

Meanwhile Bluetchi noticed Noodletchi with the candy, and not knowing she was trying to lure the babies, said, “YUMMY CANDY!” and gobbled it all up. Now that the candy was gone, the two disappointed babies went back to their own team, and Orandatchi guarded them.

“Now look what you’ve done!” Noodletchi complained, exasperated, but Bluetchi was too busy nomming the candy.

Dazzminatchi was furious that all her teammates except Caomitchi were off doing something random. She had to kill Kurosantchi, but she couldn’t bring herself to do that… She turned to Caomitchi and whispered, “If we want to win this battle, we’ve got to kill Kurosantchi. Will you do that for me?”

“No!” Caomitchi exclaimed. “I can’t hurt the mother of the adorable triplets.”

Dazzminatchi put on a determined face. She’d have to kill Kurosantchi herself. She got a baseball bat and crept closer, ready to smash Kurosantchi’s head with it.

Orandatchi noticed what was happening, so she pulled a knife out of her pocket and lashed out at Dazzminatchi… but accidentally sliced through Kurosantchi instead, wrecking her organs.

Kurosantchi suddenly pulled away from Ikemen Mametchi, and stared at the blood that was gushing out of her side. She glanced at Orandatchi sorrowfully, tears in her eyes. “Or…Orandatchi…” she choked. “Why…?” She collapsed on the ground, dead.

Sonictchi saw what had happened and was horrified. “What did you do?!” he demanded.

“I didn’t mean to…” Orandatchi began, but was too ashamed to finish.

Dazzminatchi was glad that Kurosantchi was dead, but Tamatowntchi felt sorry for the last two babies as they cried over their dead mother’s body. She patted the babies sympathetically.

Ikemen Mametchi was devastated, and tears trickled down his cheeks. He knew Orandatchi had done it by accident, but he also knew that it was somewhat Dazzminatchi’s fault. “You’ll pay for this,” he threatened. Then he went off to bury Kurosantchi next to Kurotchi. Chocotchi helped him.

Santchi and Mamesantchi were mad and ran towards Dazzminatchi to attack her, but they slipped in the puddle of blood from Kurosantchi and fell flat on their faces, and it looked like they had been painted red. Dazzminatchi burst out laughing. Mamesantchi got back up, but Santchi drowned. Poor thing.

“So, are we winning?” Caomitchi asked Dazzminatchi.

“I think so,” she replied. After all, so far three members of Kurosantchi’s team, including Kurosantchi herself, had died but only one member of Dazzminatchi’s team, Annatchi, had died and was now in Heaven. Annatchi got a surprise when Kurosantchi arrived at the strong independent black woman who don’t need no man party in Heaven.

“Where are Kurotchi and Santchi?” Kurosantchi asked, looking around for her lost babies.

“Probably in heck, because they was as cute as heck,” Annatchi replied, still dancing in the party.

Back on Tamagotchi Planet, Noodletchi had an idea on how to get rid of Sonictchi. She grabbed Kurosantchi’s iD L and threw it into the distance. Sonictchi ran off to find it, but so did Caomitchi!

“Get back here!” Dazzminatchi ordered, but Caomitchi didn’t listen. Dazzminatchi groaned and walked over to Ikemen Mametchi and Chocotchi, who were now digging a grave for Santchi. “You gonna continue the battle or what?”

“I must finish burying Santchi,” Chocotchi replied, placing the baby’s dead body in the hole.

“I guess I will have to lead Kurosantchi’s team now,” Ikemen Mametchi said with a sniffle. He went back to join Orandatchi and Mamesantchi. Dazzminatchi now had Tamatowntchi Noodletchi, and Bluetchi in her team.

“Bluetchi, I want you to kill Ikemen Mametchi,” Dazzminatchi said.

“Ow, I have a tummy ache…” Bluetchi muttered. “Ate too much candy…” Noodletchi glared at her, remembering how she had gobbled up the candy that was meant to be for the babies.

“I suppose you have to go home then,” Dazzminatchi frowned. Bluetchi nodded, and was off. Now both teams had three fighters left.

Orandatchi and Noodletchi fought each other with sticks. But a pretty unicorn suddenly landed, and they both jumped onto its back and it carried them to Magical Land.

Tamatowntchi hated this war, so she went over to Mamesantchi, picked him up, and carried him home to look after. Now it was Ikemen Mametchi VS. Dazzminatchi.

Ikemen Mametchi thought he could kill Dazzminatchi with his sexiness, but although he blinked slowly at Dazzminatchi, she didn’t even flinch. He may have been able to steal Kurosantchi’s heart that way, but there was no way Dazzminatchi would ever fall for him!

Dazzminatchi thought she would be able to kill Ikemen Mametchi with insults. “You are as ugly as heck,” she told him. But that just made him laugh. Dazzminatchi was getting annoyed.

While she was busy thinking of how to defeat him, Ikemen Mametchi grabbed her tightly and smiled at her. “Hey, let me go!” Dazzminatchi said angrily.

But Ikemen Mametchi just leant in and lowered his eyelids, and Dazzminatchi struggled in horror as she realised what he was going to do. “No no no no no-GLMMMMMPPHH!” Now Dazzminatchi knew what it felt like to be kissed by Ikemen Mametchi…. AWFUL! How could Kurosantchi actually enjoy it?! Ikemen Mametchi slobbered all over her mouth.

Ikemen Mametchi’s saliva may have killed Annatchi, but it didn’t work on Dazzminatchi. He pulled away and stared at her in confusion as she stood there smugly instead of dropping dead. “Is that all you got?” Dazzminatchi asked with a self-satisfied smirk.

Then she realised that she should NOT have said that, for what Ikemen Mametchi did next is so terrible I cannot mention it or binary will track me down, and TamaMum will murder my face in, and OldSchoolTama will steal my entire Tamagotchi collection while I’m dying, and graficks will stuff my dead body in the freezer, and Aubrey Hepburn will explode the freezer with dynamite, and jappyx will eat the remains for supper, and SailorRosette will punch everyone in my family which I wouldn’t mind. You can only guess what Ikemen Mametchi did. THAT didn’t necessarily kill Dazzminatchi, but it did torture her and it would definitely haunt her mind forever, so victory belonged to Ikemen Mametchi! The end.

Wait, I can’t remember whether or not Memetchi <3 and Mamapatchi requested to be in the story, but I’ll put them in anyway because I THINK they did.

Memetchi and Mamapatchi, who were not the real Memetchi and Mamapatchi but TamaTalkers with the same names as already existing Tamagotchis, heard about the strong independent black woman who don’t need no man party and wanted to join in the fun, even though they weren’t strong independent black women who don’t need no men. In fact, Mamapatchi was a boy. So anyway, they ate too much food and exploded, dying instantly. But alas, they didn’t go to Heaven. Instead they found themselves face to face with two adorable babies, Kurotchi and Santchi!

“What are we doing here?” Mamapatchi wondered.

“Because we are as awesome as Heck!” Memetchi replied, and they all had an Awesome as Heck party together. The end.

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