Dear (Insert Name Here),


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Dear Olympics.

Get off your high horse. Yeah, Canada got finally has Gold. Good for you. So proud.

But Let me watch real tv. I want to watch the news, So stop screwing with my heart and let me watch something decent instead of

hogging up the guide with Olympic Crap. Can't even watch CTV news because of you.

From, An irritated Canadian who just wants to watch something decent on tv.

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Dear Stuffy nose/headache/sore throat;

Please, go away. Because of you, I looked sick in school all day. My nose was red, I coughed constantly, my eyes looked tired and watery, and I had my hand to my forehead all day.

Guess who got sent to the sick room all day even though I was feeling fine. The doctor said I didn't have a cold.

So screw off. Or I'll find a way into my body and kick the crap out of you. I swear I will.

-The person who owns you like a dog.

Dear 'Coach';

An alliance with Russel would PWN. Parvati too, maybe.

Don't do any stupid game moves again.

-Longtime fan

Dear Russel Hantz;

Please win this season. Don't bring any stupid people to the finally this time. You'd probably win against Coach. His not well liked by your competitors.

-That person who always cheered you on.

Dear Boston Rob;

Even though you're probably okay, those previews still scared me. As far as I know, you're unconscious, or even dead. But I'll find out soon enough.

Hope you're okay.


Dear Chris,


I googled that!

It's slightly gross,

but so freaking funny.

Aye, I had no idea what it meant.


I have camp until Wednesday,

So I next get to see you... Thursday.

Oh this really sucks.

I love you,

Maria xx

Dear My Horrible Teacher Mrs. S

I hate you, I hate being in your class and I wish I could say you were a C***, a F***** and all the other nasty words in the world........I hate you for suspending me. and not letting me change my - -------I don't think I will say that on the board!!!!

Oh well, I hate you......

Horrible thoughts, not thinking of you, hope you die in terrible pain, worst wishes,

Lizzie xxxxxxxx

:ichigotchi: :huh: :angry:

Dear Science project;

Today is your last day. >D One more test, then you're destroyed, and separated into baggies, and constructed into bar graphs.. then..... glued onto the evil, black, backboard. Then, you will be judged by a set of strict teachers on Monday, only to be taken apart within a year.

Get me an A


Dear Rain,

You suck.


Dear Bee,

I like you a lot.

If only I knew how to spell your name properly.

If only you knew how much I'm starting to like you.

I need to see you again.

Like, no lie dude.


Dear Heart,

Can't you at least FOREWARN me when I'm going to meet a guy, that I will start to like as soon as I talk to him.

You caught me WAY off guard.

And now he is mostly what I think about.

It's a love/hate thing isn't it?


Dear Heart,


-You know who.

Dear Mr Dohse,

Thanks. Now I know what Sodium Chloride is,

-That girl who finally talked. xD

Dear Rice and Chicken,

You two were really yummy! =3

-Briel's Stomach and Tongue. xD

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Dear last nights dinner,

You burned me. I didnt really like that

I sorta thought it was mean, I mean I still have a burn

But I dont think you ment it really.

I just thought I should tell you.<3

Love. Desiree`

Dear Teachers,

It's Wednesday and I feel like I could swim in my homework.


Your crappy homework is just adding to my problems. So just STOP, please.

- Keeley.

Dear Mr. Carey,

I was actually quite hurt today at the conversation that you had with B today, as I don't see how you couldn't possibly judge my guitar playing since the hardest thing that you've eved heard me play is Chasing Cars.

If I was as bad as you think, I wouldn't be considering playing Barracuda at the school concert, or offered to play for B for her ensemble (I'd not do it if I thought I'd ruin her grade now, would I?).

I'm not some wannabe who thinks they're amazing when they suck, because actually, I'm playing a Grade 5 piece at the moment, and I can play Stairway to Heaven.

So don't knock it before you've tried it, alright? Oh, and, next time you choose to talk about me with someone else, expressing negativity towards my musical ability, how about you do it when I'm not in the room, or, if you insist, not at the desk RIGHT BEHIND ME.

Thank you,


Just had to have this rant.. ):

dear chrissy,

Since my Wii speak got staicy from screaming in the mic to much, i decided to post here while it fixes itself.

Please Dont let your sister on the wii speak again, shes annoying and she SCREAMS in the mic, not TALKS. SHOUTS.

So yeah, bye!

Dear TK,

I KNOW RIGHT?! And if you marry him, you'll last name will be Knight. Win?



Dear Headaches,

You know, I'm happy that you've stopped coming, I really am. But the reason that you were coming has got to be the most retarded, ironic, ...ANNOYING reason on the face of this earth.


Dear Josselyn;

Just shut up. No, a homosexual is not someone who has sex at home. A person with both male and female organisms technically isn't called a "he-she' either. I think I would know, not you.

And my msn is what it is now for a reason. I dislike it when you're all "so r u goin 2 yuth grup 2nite?" Seriously. Proper grammar and spelling is better.


Dear Science Project;

AHHHHH! I. Hate. You! Print out for god sakes. Just because the essay isn't an "unsupported format" doesn't mean you can't print out the bar graphs and pie charts. Seriously.

Mrs. Yeo better let me off the hook. You're due tomorrow.

-Person who wants to to cooperate.

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Dear Chris,







Dear Zoe,

I like you.

But I'd never tell you.

And I know... forget it x_x


Dear WhoeverTheHellDidSendMeThatEmail,

Tell me who you are,

or I am going to rip your head off and throw it in Ailsa's locker.

And then I am going to set the locker on fire,

Sing Party In The USA to it, bash it up and leave it outside Cohen building

to be eaten by Denis He.



Dear Story Ideas,

I have so many.

But I hate writing them out.

Like, on paper. My wrist hurts after a while.



Dear SG,



Dear TT friends;

Gah.. I want to meet you guys so bad!!

If I don't meet someone by the time I turn 15, I'm going to scream.... maybe.


Dear OB novel;

Why can't you be less faily and suckish? It doesn't help that I'm using Mal and Maddie in the story... they're ruining it.

But they've already been in the story for 3 chapters, so I can't really ditch them now.

If you get published, which I doubt, I'll probably lock all your copies away in a safe so nobody can ever read you.

-Your writer

Dear Kristin,

It's okay. You will meet someone, you stilll got a couple of years.


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