Dear (Insert Name Here),


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You are mean! You need to stop being so... rawr-ish towards me... I don't even know you, and there's no reason to be hating on me... yet > :rolleyes: .


Dear me,

Yay! They (most of them, 'cept ___) liked your poems : D!!!


Dear New MSN Group,

I love you guys already. <3

- Your Croatia.

Dear Tahnee,

Would you get a life?

Jimmy raped them.

And he's a pedo.

You call that nothing.

You have no right to hate Emma.

I was your friend, yes.

And I still am.

But seriously stfu.


Dear Max,


I might be seeing you next Friday :3

Love youuu.

Maria xx

Dear Twitterverse,

I need more followers.


Dear The People Who Made "My Sister's Keeper" a Movie,

You guys rock. I haven't read the book (yet) but the movie is great. Thank you so much!

~Some girl who watches "My Sister's Keeper" every chance she gets

Dear Jessica,


How haven't you seen me in ages?

- Keeley x

Dear James,

Crap. My heart stopped beating then. I swear.

Have a good birthday.

- Keeley xx

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Dear Journey;

So... I heard you're banned from TC?

Yeah, that's cool.

-Krissy .__.

Dear Mary 14th;

You think I can wait another month?

GAH! I want to be thirteen NOW!

Plus, the iPod Touch.. ^.^

-Birthday Girl

Dear Alix;

Okay. I'll stop talking about Russia / Ivan.

But you have to stop dissing Hetalia.

You've never watched it, for god sakes. >.>

You've said nothing about Italy, though.

heh heh.


Dear Self,
I'm such a goddamn hypocrite.

- Claire.
^ I think I lol'd.

I'm sorry.

But I'm a hypocrite, too. xD

So, I second your letter.

Dear Ex-Friend,

Stop dangling it over my head.

I can't help that I didn't want to.

You have to accept that fact.

Stop whining.

Stop complaining.


Just let it go.

I don't like you anymore.

But I'm trying to so you'll stop.

No matter what I say or do, you're never pleased with me.

But I'm not going to be something I'm not.

-- xoxo, Michaela T.

Dear pv s.,

Please wear tight pants more often.

You look awesome in them.

And they make me much more of a pervert.

Thank you. :D

-- xoxo, Michaela T.

Dear Nobody,

Thank you for being the best friend ever.

You're one of the only people I can actually talk to about anything and feel comfortable.

Thank you for everything.

I love you.

-- xoxo, Michaela T.


Dear CM,

You're in my three.

You can stay if you can get him off me.

ffs |: I hate them all. I hate you too, to some degree.

But I hate everyone. Even FB & CC.

And MW & LB, though they're in the three with you.

I might call you sometime.

AF annoys me so much.

- MT.

Dear Mrs Hunt,

You are an awesome Drama teacher! I can't wait to get back to school and find out what you're going to teach us next!

Your star student (well one of them),


Dear Parents,

PLEASE let us be a host family for Thai Students when they come. They can teach us about their culture. So what if there's a language barrier? Overcome it! They can teach you their language!

Your angel daughter,


Dear Kaycee,

I know you're my best friend and all, but I just can't believe what you told me on the phone. First of all, how would you know if someone pulled out so you can fill the spot? Also, the people might have already have a backup family, so it can't be this term anyway. Please tell me you're making this up. I'll believe it when I see it.

Your bestie,


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Dear compulsive liar,Why do you insist on continuously screwing up our friendship? Do I really mean so little to you that you can keep something so important to yourself without even trying to tell me? For christ's sake, you're the one insisting I'm so important to you and that we are best friends, so why do you treat me like I'm so insignificant? You keep telling me I'm not insignificant - then effing treat me like it. My mother effing... boyfriend, or whatever he is, knew before I did. Yeah, Jared told him, and told him not to tell me. For weeks upon weeks I've been trying to salvage whatever is left between us, but by they way you act you seem pretty content to sever all ties. I'm so, so tired of all this drama starting between us, and don't you dare try and put any of this on me. It's nobody's fault but your own. I won't put up with any of this ever again, I can assure you. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going - don't expect me to wait around for you to screw your life up again, if you're just going to use me as a shoulder to cry on when it suits you. If you can't let me in, or treat me like an actual friend, I won't be around for you to call me one.

P.S. Call me "absorbed" in him ever again - and any reference to pacifism I may have made is going straight down the drain, along with any last shred of respect I have for you. I won't ever forgive you for that, I promise.

Sincerely, your "best friend."
You should have respected the fact that I felt it was something I wanted to keep to myself. I don't want to exploit and tell everyone everything about me life if I don't feel comfortable with it. It makes me so upset to know you get angry at me when I don't do what you want me too. Theres a reason why I don't tell people things. For the sake of trust and for the sake of my own personal choice. If you can't expect that, then I'm sorry. I told you anyway, didn't I? Just like how you were going to tell Rebecca about what you did with Drew.. you were going to tell her, just not when you expected too. But you did anyway. I was going to tell you. Just I didn't at the time because I never really had a chance or I never really wanted too.

Its nice to know you have no respect for me.

Although you call me when you have a breakdown, and I support and offer you advise the whole way through.

Offer to look after you and do whatever it takes to make you feel better.. yet you think this of me?

I don't understand.

Dear mangorex and your best friend,

Your letters made me cry... >:|


Dear self,

You're overly sensitive! You cried at the end of Marley and Me, you cried when reading a sad letter- that had nothing to do with you what so ever! What the @!*^%$?


Dear Bradley,

Get well soon bro.

I'm coming to visit you later.


Anyway, I hope the oporation goes well.

- Keeley x

Dear tiny dog that just ran in my garden,

OMG. I must steal you. You are honestly gorgeous. Where's your owner?

You have a collar on, maybe I should see if you have any contact details on it.

- The girl looking at you.

Excuse me, you two, do not flame eachother. I know this is a place for ranting as much as you need to, but replying to that letter, mangorox, makes it into 'flaming another person on TT'. :|

Dear Yahtzee,

lol you are so funny :)

- A Fan.

Dear Journey;

How you got back on TT, I will never know.

-Don't call me Krissy.

Dear Aimee;

Language buddies, I suppose?

Wait, since you're learning Spanish, that makes you trilingual?



Dear piano music;

Ah, so I'm learning a German song, an Italian song, and a Russian song.

I think this is self explanatory.


Dear Claire;

I. Know. Right? <33


Dear May 14th;

Like I said before.

Hurry up and come.

I want that iPod touch soon.

But nooo, I half to wait another month.

-The girl wating impatiently for her birthday.

Dear lunch;

So, an Italian flavored sausage?

That's a contradiction.


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Dear school term,

Please don't come too quickly. I don't wanna go back to school.

From Sarah

Dear Tahnee,Would you get a life?

Jimmy raped them.

And he's a pedo.

You call that nothing.

You have no right to hate Emma.

I was your friend, yes.

And I still am.

But seriously stfu.


Dear Max,


I might be seeing you next Friday :3

Love youuu.

Maria xx

Dear Twitterverse,

I need more followers.

^ Following you now. xD

Dear Facebook,

Stop being a !@#$%^&*.

Thanks. :D

-- xoxo, Michaela T.


EDIT!: Smilie. |:

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