Dear (Insert Name Here),


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Dear Alfred,

It's the fourth of oh who cares England sure doesn't.

Happy birthday~!

- Canadian.

Dear self,

You. Are. An. Idiot.

- someone who knows you all too well.

Dear Mom,

How could you not let me have that last cookie? Talk about meeeeeaaaan!


Dear Self,

No more Monsters for you. You're way too hyper.

- Someone who knows you all too well.

Dear Bethy,

D'awh. Thanks. Love you. <3

<3 Krystal.

Dear Clara,

Would you? I'm not in tip top condition, so if you could just call him for me? );

- Krystal.

Dear Clarabelle(lolwth),

Thanks so much. You're a good friend. <3

- <3

Dear Dad,

Stop working. Relax today, okay?

- Your only daughter.

Dear NotsoniceteachersthathappentoworkasmyMathteacher,

It's your fault for taking up the job! That's why we don't learn anything! We hate you!

You always ask, "Why can't you learn this?" Well....maybe because...I dunno....WE HATE YOUR GUTS?!?!?!?

Love, Always..


Dear OB;

This is my fourth time writing you.

Don't fail this time. Please.

This is the fourth and final attempt.


Dear Dad;

You're such a hypocrite.

Just shut up for once.

Oh. I forgot- you don't know how to.


Dear Cro,

You were just a cute little idea and now you're a cute little stalker.

ily ;w;

- Your RPer.

^^ lol x3

Dear Tyler,

I can't help but wonder if I will ever see you again. u.u I miss you a lot. Senior year will be hard without you there. Write to me soon!


Dear fanfic;

God. That story sucked.

So making a fic where everybody dies

Is awesome right now.

-gets out machine gun-

Anybody want to go see their dead friends? -laugh-


Dear author of that story;




Dear Self;


I really wish you were talking about twilight.

But you're not.

That's a story about gay vampires and faggot werewolves.

This is a story about halfies and dragons.

Both of which are now overrated.


Dear Behind,

I'm so sorry I sit on you most of the day.

I often find my self thinking of exercising on your behalf, but then I find myself too lazy.

I'm extremely sorry, but you know that I love you.

Without you, it would be harder to sit on the floor.

Thinking of you always,

Your upper half.


Dear William Shatner:

I adore you. Although you are probably one of the worst actors I've ever seen, ever, you are the best Kirk.

Chris Pine did a pretty good job, but no one can compare to you.

When you have that Kirk smirk on your face, everyone knows no one can mess with you.

And I love the way you turned it all into a joke nowadays.

With love,

A crazy Trekkie

[Thank god I got that off my chest...]

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