Death for no reason


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Ya I dont no what happened there.

I no that if you have a baby on the screen

the parent always dies and the baby usually stays on the screen. :huh:

;) :lol: :) :huh: :eek: :lol: :blink: B)

Ya I dont no what happened there.I no that if you have a baby on the screen

the parent always dies and the baby usually stays on the screen. :huh:

;) :lol: :) :huh: :eek: :lol: :blink: B)
thats what I thought.

Thanks guys, I've passed the news on to my daugher and while she doesn't appreciate me telling her we should see if it happens again next time she gets a gen. 8 baby (makes her all depressed remembering her old one), she's happy with the new one.

She did ask if she needed to get a new tamagotchi if this line of generations died at 8 so I pointed out that we could get her another one then. Not that she wanted that, she's rather attached to the current .. uhh.. thingy the tamagotchi lives in?

btw, she's 7!

did you friggin read the box?!it says that yes, a baby & its parent can stay together for a few days but soon the dad/mom disapears. FOOL.
Harsh man! Seriously. It died. It didn't leave. 'FOOL.'

That has happened to me a billion times. If it's the baby or the parent that get's sick, it will fall like it just got face-planted, and will die. Did she see it happen? If not, that's the mpst logical answer.

She saw it happen. Had been playing with it and paying it attention only 2-5 mins earlier, then realised it beeped, checked what it wanted now and started panicking telling me that it was dying.

There was no sign of sickness, cause that's the first thing she checked for.

I'll leave it as one of the great mysteries of (tamagotchi) life.

Did you feed it right befor it died? because sometimes when it weighs 100 lb. It can die.

Hopefully the Matchmaker didn't bring one of your Tamagotchi's relatives to breed. :huh:

Sometimes Tamagotchi die of unknown reasons. Each adult character has a lifespan. Some adults, called 'bad characters' by many, have lesser lifespans than the 'good characters.' How old was the creature when it had it's baby?

did you friggin read the box?!it says that yes, a baby & its parent can stay together for a few days but soon the dad/mom disapears. FOOL.
Hey don't call him/her a FOOL she is new and propally dosen't know much about Tamagotchi!Man I hate when peoplpe call other people names when don't know something. p.s.:Ig5000 you want to be friends and also...Welcome to TamaTalk! :huh:

I still think that it was just an unfortunate glitch...I'm sorry for your daughter, I wouldn't want that to happen to my tam....

can you give more details? or is that all that is explainable? i might be able to find out what happened. hmmmm :)

Grr! Is Anyone Experinced!The Adult Dies 2 Days After Birth!
Excuse me, talking about experienced: maybe you should try reading a topic before replying; she said the parent AND the baby died, and that's NOT normal, so keep you're "experienced" replies to yourself if you can't give any usefull advice.

Maybe you can't get anymore gens than gen 8? Maybe 8 is the limit and that's why they both died, I don't know, could be couldn't it?

did you friggin read the box?!it says that yes, a baby & its parent can stay together for a few days but soon the dad/mom disapears. FOOL.
And did you read the post!?

Her daughter is on gen 8. I think they'd understand that concept by now, since the parent has left eight times.

Additionally, she said the baby AND the adult both died.


Go back to reading boxes. Online forums are clearly too complex.

And did you read the post!?Her daughter is on gen 8. I think they'd understand that concept by now, since the parent has left eight times.

Additionally, she said the baby AND the adult both died.


Go back to reading boxes. Online forums are clearly too complex.
You go girl! :)

yes, this is an unusual thing...maybe it was a glitch?
That's weird, I have a V2, and had several "glitches" today.

When I was playing games, and looking at the shop.

Once my whole screen went blank, then my tama came back after about 30 seconds.

And a couple of times my screen showed just two long horizontal stripes for a minute or two, those things really scare the hell out of me, thought I'd lost my Tama, but she came back and is doing fine now :) Thank God.

well, unfortunately, damage done to your tamas do alot of damage to it's circutry, I think it needs to be fixed with the V4's whgen they come out...I hope your tama gets out okay camoth...

did you friggin read the box?!it says that yes, a baby & its parent can stay together for a few days but soon the dad/mom disapears. FOOL.
Aren't you bloody nice? One person who needs some answers gets chewed out by someone who probably doesn't know much either. How lovely. Do the world a favour and just go into hiding. It's people like you who make this world a horrid place. Learn some manners!

Obviously the individual with this problem can't recall what version. I don't blame her. Parents can get confused easily. You weren't being helpful at all. You just decide "Hey I want to look like a moron over the internet, here's a good spot". Sorry for the chew out, but its better to learn now for you than to be cursed off the internet later :)

Anyway I have not seen any bugs or glitches in the V3 or V2. Only time in the V2 was when debugging happened. Weird eh? Well it blows that happened to you. I know if the character was one of the unhealthiest of ones, if you neglect it a bit too often it will die. I never seen a tama go up to 100 pounds and just keel over though as someone previously mentioned.

In any case, I hope you get your problem solved.

well, unfortunately, damage done to your tamas do alot of damage to it's circutry, I think it needs to be fixed with the V4's whgen they come out...I hope your tama gets out okay camoth...
Sure hope so too :) She seems alright now, happily hopping around the screen.

If it's broken then that's okay. It's a second hand this one, I'm expecting my brand new one tomorrow.

Would be a shame if I lost her now though, would have been such a waste of time... but hey, she's okay now so let's stay positive :pochitchi:

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