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My dad died two years ago from cancer. I also have had lots of grandparents and pets die and stuff, but didn't really know my grandparents that well. ._. The most annoying thing about losing a parent is that afterwards people treat you differently, like you'll be extra sensitive to words like "death" and "cancer" and "dad". That bugs the @&*% out of me. Yes, it's sad my dad died, but please, stop treating me like I'm a "special" or "sensitive" kid. That about kills me. >.<

My neighbour died, it was really sad as he was a really nice guy and treated our family really well. I didn't go to the funeral, I was too young at the time :(


Lost Girl, your post made me cry. :lol:

I have not had any of my close family/friends/pets die, but my friends have. It didn't help that they died very shortly after I met them...

First there was my friend's dog, Mindy. The sweet dog had to be put down a few days after I met her.

Another time I was at my other friend's house to spend the night. A neighbor asked us to babysit. I knew the kids but had never been to their house. They had two dogs. The next morning, one of the kids came over and told us that one of the dogs, Amber, had died. As if that wasn't sad enough, my friend's dog Shadow died shortly after the sleep over (I knew Shadow already, but I stil felt cursed)

Lastly, the worst. I went to Six Flags with the two friends for my early birthday party. When we got back the next day, one of the girls (Mindy's owner) had her dad meet us for breakfast. I'd only ever seen her mom; her parents are divorced. Anyway, he was really funny and nice and we had a great time. The next day he died of a heart attack.

The only family members that has died is my great-grandmother and great-grandfather. I was too young to remember them, so I can't empathize with my friends. That only makes the guilt sink deeper...

I have not had any close family/friends die, so I'm lucky that way.

I have had family friends die, and though I never knew them well, I still cried majorly at their funerals.

I've also had pets die.

Death scares me. It's such a sad thing no matter how someone puts it.

I'm sorry to hear about everyone's family/friends dying [there's too many to list.]


My great grandma died a few moths ago of Alzheimer's. I didn't know her very well, she lived far away and I only saw her a few times when I was a little kid, but my parents knew her really well, so that was sad seeing everybody else so sad. What happened she forgot how to eat, and if they put the feeding tube in her, she was so weak, that it would kill her, so they had to let her starve, which would really suck. :[

I SAW my dad die... I'm still sad, but I've learned to make it through life

One of my close friends died the summer before sixth grade.

Her and her family got into a car accident the night before moving into their new house.

Her mother was instantly killed from the crash, and the baby was found on the field next to the crash, dead from the landing.

And my friend was in hospital with her little brother in crital condition. She died the next day, but her brother survived.

I miss her so much.

D; Ouch, I'm so sorry for you guys. I really am.

Recently alot of my family have died which has left me really confused about my life. My Grandma, Nan and Grandad. Aunt and Uncle. Great Aunt, Cousin and second Cousin.

I am thankful it's not my parents, or my siblings.

My grandmother died. And my friend's dad died. And my grandmother's sister died. [i think there's a special word for it..?]

My grandmother - died of cancer. Not much to say here. She only lived for a month or two when they found out that she had cancer. It was freaky on the last day. I saw her last death. And I still remember it.. On her funeral, my uncle did the speech. It was so sad. I didn't cry at all, until my aunt started to cry and then once my uncle saw, he started crying. Then I cried. My other aunt cried all day all night. I feel bad for her, she loved her [As in grandma] a lot. She died about 2 years ago.

My friend's dad - Well, one night he wanted to bring my friend hunting. His mom [My friend's mom.], said it was dangerous and he shouldn't go. And they had a fight. My friend's dad wanted to go, and he said that if he didn't get to bring my friend hunting he'd kill himself and he pointed a gun at his own head. Then he killed himself.. the sad thing is.. my friend doesn't know that. His mother said that his dad died of a heart attack. 'Cause if he ever knew.. Idk how miserable he'd feel. He might turn insane. I felt sad.. First I didn't know either, until mom told me when I came back to Thailand. I still remember that night when helicopters hovered over my friend's house, and it made such loud noise, and it was just really weird. I feel sad though. This was in like, 2005 or something. When I was still in America.

My grandmother's sister - I didn't get to go to her funeral, but she died of old age. She jst died a year ago. I never got to meet her at all before that though. Weird.

No not yet.

My first death will probably be of my bird Mango. :) Im so scared to lose her!!!!! We have such a close bond. When she does meet her Maker, though, I will have her cremated and I'll set her urn on my nightstand so I can always be sure she is near me like she always was on Earth.... snuffle........ :D :huh: :huh:

i know im freaking out in a place much more reserved for people passings, but she just means so much to me.......

I belive I was so close to dying. I was only 1 but my mom filled me in. I had severe pnemonia and i was laying in my ICU bed. It looked like I wouldn't make it but my body FINALLY started working so my body won the fight. I remembered I was in ICU and my mom was acting like I died already. She was sobbing by my little Hospital Bed.


My dad's twin died of heart attack ( I was only like 1 month) and my dad's dad died of diabetes.

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Oh God, where to start.

Well, the first death that didn't involve a pet was my Papa's death. He had low and high blood pressures since I don't know when. (somewhere in 05') Then one day Mum, Dad and Granny went to hospital together to see him. Me, my sister and my brother were waiting at home. Then they came back around midnight. I didn't know what had happened until the morning, the first day of Grade six. I was excited, until I saw Dad right next to the bunk bed I was sleeping in. I said "What's wrong?", and he told me those words. "Indy, your Papa is gone." I was in denial at the time, saying "This is some sick joke right? right?" but he didn't say anything. I bursted into tears the minute I realised he was serious. I never went to school that day. I went to school the next day though.

Then a week after he died, I went to the funeral. He was going to get cremated. Then the reality hit my face so suddenly, the second I saw that coffin. I cried so much that day. Then he was going to get cremated so his coffin slowly went down to the ground. That's when I cried so much it hurt. Granny (who was next to me) just kept singing that song that played. I still remember the song name as I poured down the tears I tried so hard to keep in. "Unforgettable."

That was my first proper funeral for someone so close to me. We got his ashes soon after that, and buried them in our backyard, under an angel statue.

The next real death that hurt me alot was my dog, Speedy. She died recently, almost two months ago. She was such a gentle dog, and she didn't deserve the way she died. She had a tumour in her ear, and one behind her eye. We got her checked out and they said she might need to be put down if they find more. Everyone in my class signed a petition called the "Praise Speedy Campaign". It was for the people that believed she wouldn't die. Then in the car, I was talking to my Mum, and showed her the Petition. She cried while I was talking about it, and my gut feeling was saying, "Oh God. I know what happened." Yet I asked her what was wrong anyway.

She said she'd tell me when we got home. I knew straight away something awful happened. When we got home, Mum told me to come to the loungeroom, and she told me everything. Speedy had two more tumours in her chest, and that's why she had trouble breathing sometimes. The Vet rang her to let Mum decide what should happen, and she said to put her down. I cried so hard that day, imagining the pain and suffering Speedy went through.

We're going to bury her ashes on a nice weekend. I still can't believe she's gone. She's been with me my whole life, and she's gone. I'm practically in tears writing this, but I know Speedy and Papa will remain peacefully in my heart, and where ever they are, they're probably thinking about us.


[SIZE=9pt]Um, well, my great aunt died about a year or two after I moved to the UK; I'd only met her once or twice, so it wasn't major.[/SIZE]

My grandpa died before I'd met him, I think. S;

My great grandma died, but I didn't know her that well either.


My great grandpa died, too - I was only 8 so I didn't really feel much pain, I just missed him loads cause we used to live with him.

I knocked on his bedroom door, & there was no answer, so I just went in - I was offering to make some tea for him. He was just slumped over on his bed... Our dog growled when I tried to wake him up. I called my dad, & he realised what happened, & rang the ambulance... Couple of days later, I went to his funeral.

He had that memory-loss - once, he got his belt & started threatening to beat us, & was shouting at me, my brothers, and my brother's friend, because he thought we had broke into his house.


I know people who've lost closer relations [they're dad, mum etc], & I don't know what I'd do without mine.

I've had lots of pets die. They're part of the family, & it just hurts so much when they aren't there anymore.


So.. Yeah.


I hate it when people die, & I hope that anyone who knows someone who is dying or someone who has just died has support to get through it.

My grandfather died last month

My grandmother died when my dad was 10

My great grandfathers died (dads side) last year (moms side) when my mom was 12


Murry died when I was 5

Alex died when I was 6

Charlie died when I was 7

Sammy died when I was 8

Norman died when I was 9

Bernie died when I was 10

Brittany died 3 days ago.

R.I.P. girlies (and Norman)

A girl from my cousin's school died in May due to a heart condition. It's really sad. When she was born, her mother asked God if she could have atleast a week with her daughter, and she ended up living until 16. People did a fundrasing thing in memory of her.

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