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But then who do you live with?
Also, that post made me cry. ;-;
I live with my dad and my 8 pet cats.

I'm sorry it made you cry ^_^

I've lost a few pets too. I had a cat called sooky who was 5 years older than me and died when I was 11, My bird died the same year, I had her since I was 5. Last year one of my little kittens passed away (Fading Kitten Syndrome) and This year in January my cat Tiny died and it was so sad, because he was such a beautiful cat and he was sooo special to me. =[

Whenever I bring up the subject of my mum, my friends always try and change the subject really quickly because they think i'm gonna start crying or something, but they don't realise that I actually love to talk about her. It makes me feel happy when I talk about her.

my uncle died when i was in 4th grade...i was absent for about a week i couldnt stand it. i almost bursted out brying in class when i got back.i was so depressed.i still think about him off course.sometimes i cry myself to bed thinking about was such a horrible day for me and my family.

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I live with my dad and my 8 pet cats.I'm sorry it made you cry :D

I've lost a few pets too. I had a cat called sooky who was 5 years older than me and died when I was 11, My bird died the same year, I had her since I was 5. Last year one of my little kittens passed away (Fading Kitten Syndrome) and This year in January my cat Tiny died and it was so sad, because he was such a beautiful cat and he was sooo special to me. =[

Whenever I bring up the subject of my mum, my friends always try and change the subject really quickly because they think i'm gonna start crying or something, but they don't realise that I actually love to talk about her. It makes me feel happy when I talk about her.
Lara, I knew small parts about that, but not the full sorry. It brought a tear to my eye reading your story. You are a wonderful person, and I'm so glad it hasn't effected the amazing person you are!

Our close family friend died, John. I was only young. I used to take his washing up to his house for him, and he'd give me money just for taking it up. He'd always make me a trifle on my birthday. He was like my best friend. When he came to our house, he used to bang his walking stick hard on the back door, instead of knocking. We used to fear one day that he'd break the glass! xD Sadly, he was old, and became very ill with cancer. We used to visit him in hospital. But one day we went, and we were told he passed away. It was a hard time. I can barely picture his face anymore.

Another close family friend, Ronnie, died. He was in perfect health, however. He used to come to our house everyday, but his death is more recent. About a year and a half ago. He was out one night, and a gang of thugs attacked him, and he died. It was a hard time.

I only met my grandad a couple of times. He chose not to visit us. He was a nice man, I don't know why he didn't want to visit us, I think there was a more serious reason about it. I never really asked my dad, and I won't now, because I don't wanna bring the topic up and upset him. He became sick with pneumonia, and he was on a life support machine. They decided to switch the machine off on New Years Eve. I like to think of it as a positive note, so it was like, the end of the year, the end of his time. But it was my brothers 10th birthday. It was a major bombshell for us all.

Another was my Goldfish, Princess. I know it sounds stupid, but I was young. I loved that fish very much. It was something I could love and feed. Watching it swim around in it's own little world. I think I was in Year 1, and I couldn't see her swimming in her bowl, I asked my mum where'd she had gone and she said Princess was probably hiding in the rocks. She didn't want to upset me before school. I remember going my grandmas after school, and her telling me Princess had died. I cried.

I recently lost my pet rabbit as alot of you here know. It tore me up. I felt like... Ugh. I'unno. Everytime I think about him I just wanna cry. And when I go in the basement I get this sickly... lonely... morbid feeling. ;-;

Why is life so hard sometimes?

The first funeral I've been to was my Great Uncles funeral. Seeing a dead body for the first time gave me goosebumps.

I didn't know him very well, but it was horrible seeing his son say "That's my daddy.."

The second funeral was my Gramps funeral. He was always so kind and though of others. He died of lung cancer.

The last funeral I have been to was my Nanas funeral. It was really hard for me, I couldn't stay and watch, I spent half of the time outside the church. She died of cancer, she never told anyone about it, she's been fighting it for like, 20 years. So I don't know much about her death.

I really don't like to think about death, dying, what happens when you die...

My Nanna died when I was eleven. I was in pain, but I never cried. When I cry, I handle it a lot worse.

This year my great Aunt started going crazy - atleast thats what my parents told me. Now she's not eating and my dad says she's in really bad shape. Whenever my family went on holidays to visit family, we'd always visit them. They always take millions of photos of us, make buscuits and cakes. I am not extremely close to them, but it will be very bad when she dies. I know it will happen soon. I even dreamt that she died a few nights ago.

My Poppy, my great Aunt's brother, had a stroke a year or more ago. He survived, but it scared the crap out of me. He's probably the one I'm closest to apart from my immediate family.

I've had many pets die... I've handled their deaths really badly. I know that sounds bad considering I said I never cried when my Nanna died, but I saw my pets every day, and my Nanna... not so much. Once a week at most perhaps for her. When I was told my guinea pig Lucky died... I cried for hours. Locked myself in my room and didn't come out for ages. And my cat... She's 17 or 18 now. She's going good for an old cat, but she's running out of steam. I'm terrified of her death. I can't stand the thought of her not being there one day... So I try not to think about it at all. I'm not going to handle her death well at all. ):

Everyone's posts are making me cry haha :( but onto my stories...

Firstly I will talk about my pets :

Nona - I have 3 cats, and two of them were sisters, Nona, and Kari (who is still alive). Nona had to be put down in around Feb this year, the vet suspected she had a brain tumour which made her blind. The most vivid memory was when she woke me up with her miaowing (she would just miaow all the time) and I would talk to her and try to calm her down but she would just keep walking into a corner since she was blind. She died at 17 years old. rip nona <3

Cherry - Cherry was a Roborovski hamster, the smallest breed of hamster in the world, she was TINY ! I put a treat in her cage but the treat hadn't been made properly and there was some sharp thing and she stabbed herself (not on purpose obv) and she survived with daily medicine (in a cream form) for about 2 weeks, but in the end she just gave up ^_^ rip cherry <3

Fishes - My brother had many fish, but they all died :/ we didn't do anything wrong, but they just all died.

Now onto people :

My grandma died when I was young, I don't remember her.

Granny - my Granny died when I was about 4. I loved her and she was so sweet ! I don't really think about her that much but I miss her :/ rip granny.

My grandad died before I was born.

Great grandma (I think that was what it was ? It was great something) - she lived in America and I never got to meet her which I'm really sad about :/ she died in about July/August

My mum - my mum isn't actually dead, but she's attempted suicide twice :D

YEah, thats my story :)

A few of my pets and my grandparents, but I learned that this is part of life and I have to move on. It is a bit useless weeping and mourning for something long gone.

I've only had my great aunt die since I've been around.

I think I was about 9 or 10 at the time.

I knew her really well, but I didn't really cry at all.

I guess when I get really sad, I just fall silent.

My mom's cat Mapes had to be put down two days before the last day of third grade because of his pancreatic cancer. He pretty much hated me, but I cried so much when my parents told me he was being put down.

Our old sheepdog Bistro died when I was four or five. I don't really remember much about it. Except that he was the sweetest dog I've ever met.

Our other sheepdog, Peek-A-Boo-Lady had to be put down about two years ago because she had a rare form of doggy cancer. She and Bistro were my favorite dogs, and they both bit the dust.

Then Lucky, my dad's dog, had to be put down because of kidney failure and all these other problems, just last year as a matter of fact. He was adorable. I really miss him.

My mom's kitty Jessica is still with us, but her health is deteriorating, and she's almost 20. She's definately living on borrowed time.

My grandmother is almost 90. She seems to be in good health, I mean, good for an old person. She's a bit slow, has pains in her joints, but nothing serious. But she's getting up there. I know I'll never be quite the same when she goes. She's my favorite relative and my first choice as babysitter.

I always seem to keep a stiff upper lip when family and pets die, you know, just be in silent sadness, but when fictional characters die, I bawl like a baby. -headdesk-

I did not make it through the Deathly Hallows very well the first time.

It always sucks when people and pets die, but they really are in a better place. They'll be waiting for you when it's your time.

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I have lost three old friends in only a few years. they were all my age, and the reason why they died is... well, let's just say it came with our environment. This environment was a 'gathering place' for outcasts, tweakers, drunks and criminals, people no one cared about. I was in the custody of child welfare in a large town. Child welfare over here is lax and frankly they're not obligated to give a dang about you. That made me restless and bored. so i strayed from the halfway house, where all the girls by the way, was bullied, and i hung out with a lot older and streetsmart people who introduced me to a lot of unhealthy things.

I had just quit that lifestyle and was trying to stay away after my best friend Ingrid was found in her apartment. i was absolutely destroyed. December the year after "A", as we called him, drove off the road, and two years later Marg died. she was the one who had a place we could hang out if it was too cold in the park. it was then i realized i was spiralling as well. Young people in a setting like where we were are vulnerable to a lot of things; crime, drugs, "social" - diseases and the elements. The reason why we let things go too far was, in my opinion, ours and the others' attitudes at the time: "Nobody cares." What else would you call it when there's no supervision, nowhere to go and nothing to do. we tried, but, maybe not hard enough.

I never went to their funerals, i was too scared and sad. But i visit their graves every week. in spring i pick some branches with leaf buds on them and put them in water for them. i don't want their graves to become neglected.

i hardly think about this part of my life so thanks for letting me dump it here ;)

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this guy at school, we're good friends. one day my mum dropped him home from the bustop (he lives on our street) and his grandad was there helping their dad fix the fence. next day, Grandad dropped dead. it was quite sad when i found out, because the dad had got a call to say that Vern (grandad) had collapsed. on dads way there, Vern died. scary. then their moms nan died a few days ago. rough time. i cant say anymore. its too sad and they're not even my family. and the grandad was healthy as a horse

My Dad died on May 16th 2004. That was the hardest thing I've ever went through. The Day started out fine, The Pony/Horse that he bought me just arrived at the farm we were staying at [Grandparents. His Parents. Grandpa Died, and As For Grandma. I don't associate with her. thats another story]. We put the Pony/Horse [i wasn't sure if it was a pony or a horse. Sort of a size between both I guess] in the barn, We drove to the town to My Auntie's House for Supper, Most of our relatives were down from BC for a visit. Anyways, Supper was still cooking when We got there, It finished, and The Adults [My Dad, Grandma, Uncle, Aunt, Other Aunt, Other Uncle, and Cousin] all sat at the table, My Other Uncle [i have lots of family members] sat with us kids in the living room [Me, My younger cousin, my other younger cousin ]. About 10 minutes passed into supper, we were eating fine. Thats when My Dad had the heart attack. All I remember seeing was my Dad falling off the chair he was sitting on. My Grandma started screaming, and My aunt tried to give him cpr. I knew he was having a heart attack, because he explained them to me after he first got home from the hospital from his Heart surgery back in March of 2004. Anyways, Whenever he sat on a chair, he always sat on an angle, instead of facing the table. So He looked at me before he fell. About half an hour later, The Ambulance arrived [Even though it was stupid, The hospital was on the other side of town, a Small town, Yet they had to take half a friggen hour?] Usually, if an ambulance takes a body, they cover it up. My Aunt, or Uncle, Someone, must have told them that I didn't know...So He was left uncovered. Everyone went to the hospital, But they left me behind with one of my uncles, since I didn't know what was going on. About an hour later, My aunt came home from the hospital, and said "Michelle, Honey, Your Dad is with Grandpa now" I sort of blanked out. She then told me that he was Dead. I think I cried/bawled for a few hours straight.

I've always thought he Died in the ambulance, or the Hospital. I never found out until a few years ago, that he had a Massive heart attack. He died before he hit the ground when He fell.

Pretty Crappy thing for a 10 year old to go through [i was 10 at the time it happened]

The Funeral was a double funeral. [As in, My Grandpa and My Dad shared a Funeral. They never had a funeral back when Grandpa died]

I didn't even cry, My eyes were sort of wet with tears, But otherwise, Nothing.
Aww, that made me cry myself, even though its not my dad, I was still very upset for you.

I recently went through a family death. A close relative was ill, and my mother had to spend weeks away from home to look after him. He wasen't getting any better. But then, he got really ill. The hospital said they coulden't cure him, and it was pretty much the end. He died the next afternoon. So basically, I was at school, having fun, but I had no idea what was going on 30 minutes away from home....... I only got the phone call at evening. I was on the computer, and my dad awnsered the phone. Then, after tea, he looked really sad and told me he had serious news, and pulled me and my sister in the same room. Then he explained, that my relative was iller than we thought he was. The relative coulden't get any better, and that was the end of it all. We were all very sad, and I had to cancell seeing my friends that day. My mum didn't get back till a long time after that, but as soon as we saw her, we were as kind as ever to her. Thats so sad. RIP.

I'm in tears right now.

my uncle died when i was in 4th grade...i was absent for about a week i couldnt stand it. i almost bursted out brying in class when i got back.i was so depressed.i still think about him off course.sometimes i cry myself to bed thinking about was such a horrible day for me and my family.
Same with me, my uncle died when i was around that age. Me and my sister saw him all the time and it was really hard for me, but my sister was too young then to really be sad about it. I cried for quite a while after that.

I'm so sorry to hear that, Sarah. My heart goes out to you and your family. </3 Death is very hard. *hug* Feel better, ok?

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I remember my cousin having 3 pet hamsters, they where Toon link, Mario, and Pikapi. Then toon link got sick and died. he had that wet tail thing that hamsters get, Mario died because of old age, Pikapi died because of the same thing as Toon Link...

Now my couisn has a hamster named Hamtaro but its really not the same without the 3...

I remember my cousin having 3 pet hamsters, they where Toon link, Mario, and Pikapi. Then toon link got sick and died. he had that wet tail thing that hamsters get, Mario died because of old age, Pikapi died because of the same thing as Toon Link...Now my couisn has a hamster named Hamtaro but its really not the same without the 3...
Wet tail sucks. :[

My Hamster was literally dying in my hands because of it. I was holding her, and I knew she had wet-tail. She just started breathing lightly, and she started to get cold. I put her in a box, and went to my grandma's and Buried her. [Where all my pets are buried, a kitten, a turtle] She was actually still alive when I buried her, but She would have died in a few minutes anyway. She was like, 2 % away from death.


R.I.P Ginger...

My nan dies when I was in year 5. It killed me because she was practically a mum to me, and it didn't help that I was getting bullied because I am a Christian. My grandma is dying because she has Alzheimers. My mum is ill because she has a thyroid problem. I am worried she might die because she is always so tired and ill.

My best friend Myles died two days before Christmas, on the 23rd. It was even harder than when Anthony died.

We called him Smyles, because his smile was contagious. He was hilarious, probably the closest thing I had to a brother.

He died from this thing called The Choking Game :| It's where you apparently choke yourself and when you wake up from passing out, you're high. Except it lasts like thirty seconds.

But yeah. He passed out and he didn't wake up to take the rope off because he did it alone in his room at night.


And then he died. And they found him in the morning.

And I was told about it via text message.

Sometimes I write him letters. On facebook. That he'll never read.

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