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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2006
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someone told me that i can pick my tamas charachters if i "debug" it. wat is this? should i do it? HELP!!!! ^_^ :D this is my tamas partner :wacko: :ph34r:

srry i ment that could i do this with a baby tama or it has to be a new tama

Ok, remember debugging is cool, but it is dangerous, and could break your tamagotchi. You also can't enter shop codes or passwords- I will not be held responsible for broken tamagotchis though, lol- do it at your own risk!!! :D

Now, you know the effect, now, you need to know how to do it. . I've told you the down side to debugging, but there are some good things too!

~ You can speed up the growth process!

~ You can choose your characters!

I found a link with good information on debugging- click here to see it!

~R-M~ ^_^

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Ok, remember debugging is cool, but it is dangerous, and could break your tamagotchi. You also can't enter shop codes or passwords- I will not be held responsible for broken tamagotchis though, lol- do it at your own risk!!! :D Now, you know the effect, now, you need to know how to do it. debugging. I've told you the down side to debugging, but there are some good things too!

~ You can speed up the growth process!

~ You can choose your characters!

I found a link with good information on debugging- click here to see it!

~R-M~ ;)
I wont say any further information, as that is all you need In RM's post ^^ Though, I will add that I created a topic on debugging, but of course, with my bad luck I couldnt find it for you! Sorry!

OMG i looked at that link and it looks pretty easy but i couldn't ever develop enough guts to do it. It would scare me way to much? ;)

You can debug if you want, but I personally wouldn't recommend it. Remeber if you don't do it right your tamagotchi may break.

In debug mode you won't be able to have a TamaTown account and enter passwords or shop codes. Your tamagotchi will automatically reset itself when you debug, so that when you undebug, you will have to start all over again and won't be able to download your previous tamagotchi.

If you do choose to debug, check out the link that Rey Mysterio provided us with before you do it. I believe it is a pixel mood guide to debugging tamagotchis.

Best of luck,


You can debug if you want, but I personally wouldn't recommend it. Remeber if you don't do it right your tamagotchi may break.
In debug mode you won't be able to have a TamaTown account and enter passwords or shop codes. Your tamagotchi will automatically reset itself when you debug, so that when you undebug, you will have to start all over again and won't be able to download your previous tamagotchi.

If you do choose to debug, check out the link that Rey Mysterio provided us with before you do it. I believe it is a pixel mood guide to debugging tamagotchis.

Best of luck,

wont have a tamatown account?

ummmmmmm.... no. freaking. way.

i am not credible. my v3 is not debugged. why bandai wants to break away and suddenly demand that debugging is cheating and prevents access from all computer codes and shop codes and secret codes... is... impossible. and why now, instead of v1, or 2?

no. freaking. way.

not that i care, tamatown isnt worthwhile.

your tam might(? i forget) reset on its own, but if you debug it usually means your sick of your tamas after a lonnnnggggg time ;)

what i would do is transfer any really valuable items to another tam or a friends tam then when yu debug get them back.

*ps. aside from that tamatown thing if its true, debugged tams are able to lead normal lives, you can only pick the first gen tama. besides that yu get hypermode too.

I debugged mine and picked out the character and everything but when you are at the main screen and press c your tamagotchi speeds everything up and the time changes and when its sleepping you can press c and the time goes faster and i really don't like it i reset it to try to get it back to normal but it wont. does anybody know what to do? please pm me if you do. :D :huh: ^_^ :eek: ;) :p :D :lol: B) ;) -_- :angry: :) :wub: remember pm me.

Debugging is fun at first (I've done it), but like R-M said, it can be dangerous. Some hidden dangers:

MANY MANY GLITCHES - My experience:

Every time I went to use a certain item, it would automatically do a glitched-up closeup of my tamagotchi.

ITEM GLITCHES - My experience:

My friend debugged her tamagotchi, then "bugged" it again (made it normal). Once it was normal and she reset it she got tons of items. A few days later, half of her items turned into balls.

NO CODES - My experience:

You can't enter codes into the shopkeeper or the password place.

NO SOUND - My experience:

My friend debugged her tamagotchi, and once she was playing it, the sound was gone. So she figured it was a debugging glitch and made it normal again. But her sound was still gone.

So my advice to you is:


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