Decorating Ur Tama!


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Well you could use nail polish but i don't recommend it ,

but why buy that specific tamagotchi if your going to change the design with nail polish or liquid paper?

tama007 :(

yeah i like my tamagotchi the way it is so i don't want to cover or paint it with anything

remember those little gold star stickers our teachers used to put on our good tests when we were little? theyre perfect for tamas!

I just got my gen3 yesterday and went a little psycho with stick-on crystals!



You guys can try it too! Also remember that these little crystal stickers don't come cheap and come off if yoyu're too rough with them (or keep on moving them!), so be careful with them!


Happy decorating!

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i put some sticker earings on my tama, it looks great!

they dont come off easily, only when u actually pull them off with ur fingernails, and they dont leave a mark!

also, theyre small enough to put on the front

ok ive read most of the 'decorating tamas' topics and found that most of them use nail polish,and that is all they have.SO i've decided to give more ideas on decorating tamas!!

**``Key Rings``**

what u need:



-any little charms


what to do:

1.cut the string at desired length.

2.string the beads in a way that u like

3.put the little charm at the end and tie a knot.

4.Attach it to the silver 'O' on the side of the tamagotchi.

5.Tada!! u have a cute little charm for ur tamagotchi!!!

**'' Stickers ''**

i heard stickers are wonderful to put on ur tama especially on the back so why not try it without any nailpolish :marumimitchi:

i tried the nailpolish and it took the paint away from my tama so do not use it


tell me if they r good ideas!!!!

cool :marumimitchi:

I just got my gen3 yesterday and went a little psycho with stick-on crystals!


You guys can try it too! Also remember that these little crystal stickers don't come cheap and come off if yoyu're too rough with them (or keep on moving them!), so be careful with them!


Happy decorating!
that is the coolest and prettiest tama i've ever seen!!!! It was so pretty I saved both the front pic and the back pic so i could spark some ideas from that too. I'm not sure if i can get a lot of them though. but oh well!


kuchipatchiluver ^_^ :) ^_^

i put some sticker earings on my tama, it looks great!they dont come off easily, only when u actually pull them off with ur fingernails, and they dont leave a mark!

also, theyre small enough to put on the front
(I didn't know if you could put 2 quotes in 1 post or not, so i'm just making another post) thats like jayjayne's idea but its cheaper. great idea! I'll try that! :D


kuchipatchiluver ^_^ :) ^_^

cool most people say to make it unique take a button off one and trade so if you have all white ones you can have one pink and two white do not do this my button broke luckilyi ws able to fix it

LOL :furawatchi: :lol: :) :( :D :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: ::

B) :( :p :p :( :D :( this isn't much but it's something! okay take two tamas and take of the back cover(that protects the battery) and exange(sp?) them like if you have a blue tama and a green tama put the green back the the blue tama and the blue back on the green tama! like i said it's not much! :D i've done it it's cool! :p :unsure: ;)
I know I said this before but:

I decorated my sisters tama before with nail polish and I did stars it was cool! I will try to give you a piccy! B)

i put some sticker earings on my tama, it looks great!they dont come off easily, only when u actually pull them off with ur fingernails, and they dont leave a mark!

also, theyre small enough to put on the front
I was going to try that idea, so i went to Dollar General to get some, because i saw them there before and i was sure that they had them this time, except, it was closed, because their computer was down. so then i went to Family Dollar. No, I didn't find any stick on earrings, but I did find these really cute Christmas stickers. some are small enough to put on the front, and some of them are bigger so they can be put on the back. They had a bunch of designs, and they're only $1! They had a bunch of designs, but the one i picked out had mostly snowmen, a few Christmas trees, and some stars, too! Also, they're like a plasic material, and they don't leave a mark on them. A couple of days ago i put a tiny red bow that i found on my translucent pink v3, and today it started coming off, so i just pulled it off and threw it out. it had double-stick tape on it, so when i pulled it off, it left a mark. when i saw all of the Christmas stuff in the store, it just put me in the Christmas mood. I love Christmas! So those are a good idea too. I was also trying to find those friendship bracelet things, but all i found was some fake hair in braids to put on your hair. and I wouldn't want to put fake hair on my tama. Weird.... anyways, thats also a good idea too! :angry:


kuchipatchiluver :) :angry: :wacko:

ok ive read most of the 'decorating tamas' topics and found that most of them use nail polish,and that is all they have.SO i've decided to give more ideas on decorating tamas!!

**``Key Rings``**

what u need:



-any little charms


what to do:

1.cut the string at desired length.

2.string the beads in a way that u like

3.put the little charm at the end and tie a knot.

4.Attach it to the silver 'O' on the side of the tamagotchi.

5.Tada!! u have a cute little charm for ur tamagotchi!!!

**'' Stickers ''**

i heard stickers are wonderful to put on ur tama especially on the back so why not try it without any nailpolish :lol:

i tried the nailpolish and it took the paint away from my tama so do not use it


tell me if they r good ideas!!!!

great ideas :blink:

it worked wonders 4 my tama :) :wub:

I panted my tama it looked nice. The trick is if you want to ever want to replace the battry open the back of the tama before you pant it.My tama looked so nice evry one said ''did you get a new tamagotchi?''after I panted it :marumimitchi:

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