Deep in the Night...


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Well-known member
May 13, 2006
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Deep in night, rustling of bushes could be heard from the distance. I small Babytchi suddenly woke from her slumber. She crawled out of her crib and snuck past her parents room. When she opened the door, she saw something dark. She was about to scream, but the dark creature consumed her into the darkness...

She couldn't understand where she was when suddenly she heard a deep powerful voice booming from the darkness B) ...

but it was just a roar. She screamed again as her heart was filled of darkness, making her evil... As soon as it was morning Babytchi went to preschool and didn't share blocks with her best friends Haruchi and Mizutamatchi. The teacher scolded her but she gave the teacher a karate kick in the face and the teacher fell down. The princapal came but Babytchi tied her up in a rope and threw her against the wall and when the cops came Babytchi ATE Them.

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The strictist teacher in Pre-K, Miss Kashi, came in & yelled at Babytchi, "OK young lady u r coming with me!" She grabbed Babytchi's arm as hard as she could. Suddenly Babytchi screamed, "Argghh!" The darkness in her heart started to disappear. She passed out 4 half an hour, then woke up again. Then...


She awoke. It was a dream! She was always a victim of bullies but she was the bully! in that dream. She realized she didn't have school that day so she spent time doind fun things. Black dust was near her still, waiting for a chance to strike. Finally after getting in bed the black dust turned into a babytchi shape and went into Babytchi. Babytchi didn't scream at all. Finally she woke up with a devil smile and went to school. 3 mean tamas came up to her about to give her a weagie but she knocked them in the eye! She walked to the bathroom. A harutchi cut her in line. Babytchi evolved into a harutchi at that moment with legs. She kicked the harutchi in front of her. She went to the Mrs.Kashi and tied her up and called the police saying "this lady almost stole the preschool funds. take her away!" the cops came and took her away and she evily laughed. She was a very bad bully. The black dust was pernamentally stuck in her. She was to be evil forever, nothing could stop her.

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