Depression Medication


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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2005
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I had to do a research project so I chose to research depression medications. I have learned quite a bit about these drugs and it's all very interesting.

My question is, what are your views on antidepressants and have you/do you take medication for depression/anxiety/PTSD etc. and what is your experience with them?

*Please keep in mind that the discussion side effects and such of the link with suicide and self harm in the mature context of this thread is okay but any attention seeking messages about killing/hurting oneself with be removed immediately as stated in the rules.*

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In the last couple years the FDA has placed big warnings on these medications because of the possible link between these meds and suicide and other nasty side effects. Because of this, the number of anti depressants being prescribed has gone down and actually the suicide rate has increased.

From my research I have found that many people [i'll have to find the actual amount later] get prescribed these pills from their general doctor instead of a therapist and that a lot of the time there is no real/valid diagnosis, just a write off.

For someone to be on these drugs they really need to have a therapist monitoring changes because a general doctor generally doesn't have the expertise needed.

In short, I believe that drugs with therapy can be a very effect tool but it's very crucial to be monitored by a therapist - not just the general doctor.

I'm on them. They probably saved me from killing myself, I'm not even kidding. They've done a lot for me, and I don't know what I would do without them now. I'm really messed up. xD


Anyways, no really, my regular doctor didn't prescribe me, some lady asked me questions and then said she thought I had the symptoms and she wanted to prescribe me. I didn't want to take them, but I'm glad I did, I was so depressed before I didn't even realize it. And it helps with anxiety too. It's alllll crazy and I don't want to keep going on about it.

Also, what's PTSD? And I don't understand what you were saying about side-effects.

I'm on them. They probably saved me from killing myself, I'm not even kidding. They've done a lot for me, and I don't know what I would do without them now. I'm really messed up. xD 

Anyways, no really, my regular doctor didn't prescribe me, some lady asked me questions and then said she thought I had the symptoms and she wanted to prescribe me. I didn't want to take them, but I'm glad I did, I was so depressed before I didn't even realize it. And it helps with anxiety too. It's alllll crazy and I don't want to keep going on about it.

Also, what's PTSD? And I don't understand what you were saying about side-effects.
Post traumatic stress disorder. ;)

It was in question, as ironic as it sounds, that some adolescents committed suicide because of the meds. It must have messed with their systems. So the FDA began to strongly caution people, less prescriptions were filled and the suicide rate jumped yet again.

Also with some people there are some other, non fatal but still unpleasant, side effects.

EDIT: Were you talking about the red text? Sorry if it was unclear - we have that no suicide topics rule so I wanted to distinguish the difference between that rule and this thread. :)

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I had to take them.But now I just go to a counsler because I poured them down the sink.I hated them.
Why'd you hate them? I don't know if the same thing happened to you, but my friend has told me that they make her feel really dull and apathetic sometime.

Had you tried any other treatments before taking the medication?

Depression medication generally works by straightening out a chemical imbalance in the brain that is assumed to be causing the depression symptoms. The scary thing is that everyone's balance (or imbalance) is different, and unless the perfect size dosage is given, you run a fairly high risk of actually upsetting that balance even further and making the patient even more depressed or apathetic. It can often take a lot of trial and error to get it right.

When I was on them in high school, I had to change medications twice and try many different doses before I found the right level for me. It takes a lot of persistence and a doctor that actually cares about his/her patients though.

Well, when I started them, I was on 10mg, and now I'm on 40. I don't think it's messed with my balances at all.


And what do you mean by the red text? Sorry, I'm confused a lot.;P

I have been taking medication for a few years-I have mild depression and insomnia-, it makes me a lot more...I don't know, balanced. I do feel a little more dull than I used to be, but I don't blow up at people and well, I sleep now. People usually hate taking medication, but to me it is a lot better than going without it. I used to be a little crazy. My lack of sleep and nightmares were contributing to the fact that I wanted to kill myself.

My dosages change quite a lot, at times I will be fine but then I will start feeling really doped out and they will have to lower it. But then I start feeling, for lack of a better word, depressed again, so they increase it. It gets really annoying and I am so sick of it, it's not even funny anymore, I want it to stop. But aside from that, it doesn't affect me that much, so I guess it isn't that bad.

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I never took any and I don't have any experience with them. I don't think anybody in my family took depression medicine. I can get depressed, but I don't take any medicine. My mother said it's not good for your health. Once I told my mother that I was depressed, she wouldn't beleive me either Dx I almost went crazy. After that I got better. Now I'm healed :]

I used to take Prozac, for ADD. But then it made me all angry + agressive so I had to be taken off. I also once took Abilify [spelling? Sorry] for ADD[i was taken off, I think it made me gain too much weight.]. I think I also took it when I was depressed due to a car accident I was involved in.

I haven't used them, though I've been very depressed lately. :) I'm just trying to live with it. I don't even WANNA use medicine! :)

I haven't used them, though I've been very depressed lately. :) I'm just trying to live with it. I don't even WANNA use medicine! :)
Medicine isn't the only treatment available and just because you've felt a little down doesn't mean you have depression. You'd have to go to a therapist/psychologist for a diagnosis and then they can help you figure out what would help best in your case. For me, drinking my oolong tea and regularly visiting a therapist helps with my anxiety, though different from depression obviously, can work for mild cases.

I think it's funny that people feel dull with theirs because mine makes me feel a LOT less dull, lol.


And like TWP said, just because you're down doesn't mean you have it, there's other symptoms with it.

Don't have any experience with medication, though I'm sure they would put me on some if I went to the doctors. I really dislike the idea of shoving pills down my throat. They gag me and make me feel like I'm going to be sick. Anyway I really should see someone but well I'm to nervous to do something like that. My sister even tried to get me to see someone. I'm a hermit, I go to work, come home, and don't go anywhere on my days off. Lets not get me started on me being paranoid, thinking that my bosses want to fire me.(a rational part of me knows its their stressed because of inventory)

I've been on all kinds of meds for depression and other disorders. I refuse to take them anymore.

Every med I've been on for any mental problem has made all my problems worse, my stress level raise, and everyday I wanted to kill myself more and more.

I still occasionally take trazodone, but only in the case of sleeping. I feel so groggy when I wake up though, so I'm grateful on days that I don't need it.

I think at this point, I'm so sick of failed medications that I don't want to push myself to find one that works. I feel horrible enough without the meds. I don't want to go back to feeling even worse on them.

i just got put on zanex today.

yesterday i had a really bad anxiety attack, and almost had one today in the doctor's office.

i'm really scared. i have to be really careful.

and i might have to go to therapy too ;__;

i don't really know what depression meds are like, but i'll find out.

i don't want to get hooked.

the thought scares me.

I have to take lexapro for my depression and insomnia, and it helps a lot. I was off it for a little while, and during that time I felt really awful, and was staying up until 3am. I'm back on it now and I feel fine, so it definately helps. I've never had any thoughts of killing myself since I've been taking it, or even before.

I don't take them, and I honestly don't want to.

I'm sure someday I'll be perscribed depression meds, but I'll refuse to take them. Being told that I'm mentally ill is getting old, and I refuse to believe it.

I have to take lexapro for my depression and insomnia, and it helps a lot. I was off it for a little while, and during that time I felt really awful, and was staying up until 3am. I'm back on it now and I feel fine, so it definately helps. I've never had any thoughts of killing myself since I've been taking it, or even before.
I'm taking Lexapro, as well, though mine is for something more along the lines of anxiety. Without it, I get migranes and anxiety attacks to the point that I feel like I can't breath at all. Exactly the reason I'm home today - my persciption ran out. ;P

I haven't taken depression medication, really, but my sister has and it did help with her being so emotional. But that was also the problem. She didn't seem sad anymore, necessarily, but at the same time was emotionally butchered. You could rarely tell how she was feeling because she was just so deadpan. My mom took her off it years ago, and now she seems to be doing a lot better.

I may be getting a different kind of medication soon, though, so I may let you know how that goes if you're interested.

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