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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2005
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Hey guyz,

I've been down for a while. I've lost my energy, my interests, my favorite activities are now sleeping/dreaming and getting on the computer, I don't feel social, I've pretty much "dropped out" of my church- I don't feel they care about me, and I can't seem to get out of this... funk. I can't put my finger on it and don't know exactly where to turn right now.

Should I be concerned? Could it be clinical depression?

Please, if you will, give me some discription. I don't know, I really don't. If not, can you give me suggestions to get back to my normal self? I feel so... alien.

I need help but don't know where exactly to turn. I know you aren't doctors, but a lot of you ahve been there, done that.

Thanks in advance.



Those are all symptoms of clinical depression that you described. Here is a list of symptoms that the medical community have agreed on.

* feeling worthless, helpless or hopeless,

* sleeping more or less than usual,

* eating more or less than usual,

* having difficulty concentrating or making decisions,

* loss of interest in taking part in activities,

* decreased sex drive,

* avoiding other people,

* overwhelming feelings of sadness or grief,

* feeling unreasonably guilty,

* loss of energy, feeling very tired,

* thoughts of death or suicide.

If you are experiencing a few of these things I think it is worth it to speak to your doctor about it, and when you do, dont speak dismissively. Make clear that this is a big change and that you have some concerns.

These things arent part of growing up. Depression is real and affects a lot more people that most think.

Also remember that you don't need a 'reason' to be depressed and that it can be caused by a chemical imbalance in your brain. So don't talk yourself out of it because you think you're life is okay and you don't have a reason to be depressed.

I hope that was somewhat useful and if you want to talk, please feel free to PM me, I have been dealing with Major Depression and Anxiety Disorder for 5 years now, so if you have any questions or just want an ear, im here.

Oh gawsh. D:

That's what I've been thinking- my life is supposed to be perfect. I have Hope, I have a wonderfuly loving family, I have friends but I feel dispair for seemingly no reason.

Thanks for you insight; I probably will be dropping you a pm in the next few days or so.

I'm gonna be dead honest when I say I went through the same thing. I left my old church back when I was 12, and haven't found a home since. No, it's not depression as much as it is confusion, but do not allow this confusion to overtake your daily walk.

Oh gawsh. D:
That's what I've been thinking- my life is supposed to be perfect. I have Hope, I have a wonderfuly loving family, I have friends but I feel dispair for seemingly no reason.

Thanks for you insight; I probably will be dropping you a pm in the next few days or so.
Im really glad I could clear that up for you. I think a lot of people get stuck thinking that because they don't know that it can be internal and not as a result of external situations.

And like I said, whenever you want, PM me.

[SIZE=14pt]Sounds like you're a bit depressed.Try eating natural mood boosters like peanut butter bread (or anything that has protien in it)[/SIZE]

Hey guyz,
I've been down for a while. I've lost my energy, my interests, my favorite activities are now sleeping/dreaming and getting on the computer, I don't feel social, I've pretty much "dropped out" of my church- I don't feel they care about me, and I can't seem to get out of this... funk. I can't put my finger on it and don't know exactly where to turn right now.

Should I be concerned? Could it be clinical depression?

Please, if you will, give me some discription. I don't know, I really don't. If not, can you give me suggestions to get back to my normal self? I feel so... alien.

I need help but don't know where exactly to turn. I know you aren't doctors, but a lot of you ahve been there, done that.

Thanks in advance.

OMG Ive been like that for a while now.

I think it is because you are growing, the older you get (As in Teens) the more seperated and depressed you feel. Everyone goes through it.

[SIZE=14pt]Sounds like you're a bit depressed.Try eating natural mood boosters like peanut butter bread (or anything that has protien in it)[/SIZE]
I eat that everyday. xP

I guess I should at least mention this to my mom but I dunno. I'll try if she comes in.

Oh and just for reference, this ins't just a one week deal. I've felt like this for over 4-6 months now.

@Tehblues- I've noticed a different. I don't feel close to God anymore. I'm gone because of the social deal. I really do like my pastor and youth pastor and their sermons, but I've come to loathe them because so much of it is social. Now I'm just forced to go to sunday school which I do not mind because I'm not in a big group where I feel like the only one that's alone. I teeter on and off of liking to go on Sunday mornings.

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I eat that everyday. xP
I guess I should at least mention this to my mom but I dunno. I'll try if she comes in.

Oh and just for reference, this ins't just a one week deal. I've felt like this for over 4-6 months now.

@Tehblues- I've noticed a different. I don't feel close to God anymore. I'm gone because of the social deal. I really do like my pastor and youth pastor and their sermons, but I've come to loathe them because so much of it is social. Now I'm just forced to go to sunday school which I do not mind because I'm not in a big group where I feel like the only one that's alone. I teeter on and off of liking to go on Sunday mornings.
Yes, absolutely talk to your Mom! It does sound quite a bit like clinical derpression, do you have any idea what may have caused this? If you do, try to solve the little problems in your life, because that may turn out to solve the big problems!

If you need any other advice/ect (lol) just PM me, when I feel derpressed I just talk to someone, and sometimes they help me out. :p

Take care- Katie--

PS. Talk to your preist about your feelings of church, he may help.

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Where do I begin, though? I mean, I'm not just going to say "hey Mom, I think I'm depressed" and walk out of the room. Lol. xP

The reason I've put off the idea is that my life is practicaly perfect and has been for a while. So it's hard to tell if it really is a possibility.

I've been having some wierd "girl thang" issues lately, too. Could that be connected? If it is, does that mean that it will clear up? Should I still try to find help?

Where do I begin, though? I mean, I'm not just going to say "hey Mom, I think I'm depressed" and walk out of the room. Lol. xP
The reason I've put off the idea is that my life is practicaly perfect and has been for a while. So it's hard to tell if it really is a possibility.

I've been having some wierd "girl thang" issues lately, too. Could that be connected? If it is, does that mean that it will clear up? Should I still try to find help?
Hmm, I have the same issue when I want to tell my mom something like that. Usually, I just lay on the couch sighing untill she realizes and says "Whats wrong" And Id go on and on about how I feel unhappy, and she might ask you how long your been feeling like that. Then I think you know what to do after that!

Maybe, you arent really depressed, maybe since your life is perfect, something really, tiny microscopic small happened, and it has bugged you without you knowing?

Hmm, I have the same issue when I want to tell my mom something like that. Usually, I just lay on the couch sighing untill she realizes and says "Whats wrong" And Id go on and on about how I feel unhappy, and she might ask you how long your been feeling like that. Then I think you know what to do after that!

Maybe, you arent really depressed, maybe since your life is perfect, something really, tiny microscopic small happened, and it has bugged you without you knowing?
I've used that one before, too! xD

Well, it is possible to have clinical depression without an outside reason.

TW/P will mention it to her mother... when she finds the chance.

I've used that one before, too! xD
Well, it is possible to have clinical depression without an outside reason.

TW/P will mention it to her mother... when she finds the chance.
Lol, that always works! XD :p

So ya, talk to your Mommy, she could really help!

Hey, I feel that way sometimes. I am hating it. I try to be happy and cheery, I'm good at masking it, but on the inside, I feel so, horrid.

I know what has caused it and I can't do anything about it, because it's my gran, who has went into hospital and I feel sick and like I want to just shut myself away when I think about it. I know my mum wants me to visit, but I can't, I know she'll never get better and I feel that if I don't see her, it'll stop me from feeling this way, but it makes it worse. Now I feel my mum is angry at me. I feel horrid just typing it up here. Anyway, this is TW/P's topic and I'm clogging it with my post.

Anyway, talk to your family, go to a phsycologyst(or whatever those people with the long couch things are) ect.

Lol, "couch things" xD

Sorry about your grandma. That's really tough- I had to hear my grandpa babble about how he just went on a secret mission in some wierd place. o...O; All I can say is that I know the feeling but try to break down that wall. You may not have much time with her so even if it hurts now, this may ease your pain later.

I told my mom. I cried a little bit and she help me for a minute. She said she would figure something out. She asked if maybe it was too much stuff going on but I really don't think it is.

So I told her... now what do I do? I don't know if I could even open up to some random "couch person".

XD I dunno what they're called...

Thanks, you're really nice and helpful... Um, your grandpa is strange, but in a good way I hope?

You must open up, open up like a tin of beans o__o' You could try just going to see the 'couch person' a few times, talking about stuff that you feel comfortable with, like, movies, programs, ect. Then after you have done this, you might feel better about it... You could ask them to not tell your parents if you don't want them to know, or if you want it to be a secret?

My advice is to just wait, let your mom organize a meeting with the "couch person" And hopefully that will help.

Everyone here at TT is right behind you (Literally! Watch out! We're following you!) so if you need help, were right here (seriously. RIGHT here) xP!


XD I dunno what they're called...
Thanks, you're really nice and helpful... Um, your grandpa is strange, but in a good way I hope?

You must open up, open up like a tin of beans o__o' You could try just going to see the 'couch person' a few times, talking about stuff that you feel comfortable with, like, movies, programs, ect. Then after you have done this, you might feel better about it... You could ask them to not tell your parents if you don't want them to know, or if you want it to be a secret?
Just to let you know, psychiatrists are bound by confidentiality. There are two acceptions to this. If you are going to harm yourself or if you are going to harm someone else. Otherwise what you say is between you and your doctor.

Lol, "couch things" xD
Sorry about your grandma. That's really tough- I had to hear my grandpa babble about how he just went on a secret mission in some wierd place. o...O; All I can say is that I know the feeling but try to break down that wall. You may not have much time with her so even if it hurts now, this may ease your pain later.

I told my mom. I cried a little bit and she help me for a minute. She said she would figure something out. She asked if maybe it was too much stuff going on but I really don't think it is.

So I told her... now what do I do? I don't know if I could even open up to some random "couch person".
Opening up to a psychiatrist isnt as difficult as you may think. They aren't going to begin by asking you a bunch of tough questions. They will want to know your history, what you like to do for fun, things like that. I can almost promise it wont be as awkward as you might imagine. And you can open up as much or as little as you want. Just don't lie about things.

*smile* You're a tough cookie, I know you can do it.

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