Desi's NEW fabulous tama log!


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Hey It's Colby!

I got a mail!!

It's an envelope.

Let's open it:

oh! it's the king!

he is giving me points


400 of 'em!


thank you king!

well I hope to post for you gys again soon!


-Colby [posted unknowingly!]


I got it to page 4!


and I heard that Colby posted without me??

Naughty boy!


well lets check the shops for my tam-tams,

For Nemo:



bow tie

and a muffin

hm... how bout a bowtie! =]

And for Colby:




and a melon

aww I don't have enough money for the trumpet,

And I don't usually buy food, so nothing for Colby.

=[ sorry Bub.

-Desi [PAGE 4 YESSS!]


guess who evolved today?!

That's right!

[man I say that too much!]

well anyways, it was Nemo! she is a Maidtchi!!

Aww! i haven't had one of those since...last summer!!

wow. memories memories.

Anyways, I am very proud of myself!

Aren't you guys =] OH!

I am sooo blond! i got a fanmail a while ago!

Here it is:

please keep on going your log is still amazing...just slightly less.Maybie pause your tamas and only un pause when you have time?
Aw shucks =]

how sweet.


And nothing has happened with Colby.

I accidentally left my tamas at my dads house,

And I'm at my grandmas house right now

So i cant really say anything...


Oh but I do remember that the king came to both tamas.


I got a chocolate heart from the king!

and i also got a heart in an envelope.

I bet its that little kuchipatchi i met at tamatown the other day =]

Billy. Ha.

i got a Bouquet of flowers from the king today.

i hope he doesn't just have a thing for me...Bai. =]

kay well I have to go!! buh-bye!


-Desi [Can't wait!!]

Hello people of tamatalk.

My sweet little Colby has finally evolved into an adult.

he is a Samuraitchi.


So I don't know whether I should mate Nemo and Colby.

I think you guys should PM me since I have no one who likes me any more.

=[ Just kidding.

AND...Nemo got a job at the flower shop.

Aw. She grows up so fast!

I am wearing my kitteh hat B)

i think I'll post pictures of my tamas in a minute...

well I think the tamas would like a word:


I am sooo happy about being an adult.

I have my eyes on this adorable Togetchi at my work.

His name is Timmy.

i don't think he knows i exist though. =[

Any ways PM Desi. she needs the company. and the encouragement.

-Nemo [not a fish ^-^]


i am finally an adult!

Now maybe I have a chance with the love of my life, Nemo.

I have always liked her but I think she thinks of me as immature.

But I need a job so that when we do get married I can afford the bills.

and fend for myself, AND the baby =]

if I have a baby, i have already picked out names:



Cute no?

Aw. He is already thikning of baby names =,]

makes me feel old. Ha.

Okayy till next post,

-Desi [Grandma]

Whai, Fancy seeing you here!


Click here Is you would like to see my Tamas.

Only two of them though.

I have plenty more =]

i haven't posted stats lately...

How peculiar. Lmao.

whoa...I never use words like:






That's weird.

I guess I'm not a text talker huh?


I am happy this way though =]

it's my 64th post!!

here is a song to celebrate:

#64 yay!

Anyways, that was really random.

My tamas are being Uber boring. as usual.

I think...I will start a new tama once These ones have babies.

Tell me what version I should use, Because I have all of them =]

i guess that was the purpose in this post =]


Desirae [people as places as people]

[edit] That picture showed up very dark sorry =[

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I don't have very many veiws...

anyways the tamas are doing good and..

status check I geuss.

well never mind I'm eating right now and this cereal is yummy.

so yeah. Seeya guys in a little bit I'm gonna go to and surf around.

Then Tamatalk. =]

-Desi [suddenly tired]


Nemo is insistent on talking.

So here we go again..

Tama Time


oh god.

I'm so flustered!!!!!

I got a letter from Timmy [My secret lover, that Desi doesn't know about]

saying he had JUST evolved and that we are basically the same age!!

and...I'm going to go meet him in Patchi Forest where he LIVES!

wish me luck tamtalkers!! =]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]


wow! I wasn't expecting that!! =[

-Desi[brackets are my fave]

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It's Des., how are you all?

the tamas will talk now! =]]]

Hi, it's Colby...=|


I'll give you a blow-by-blow after! =]]]]]]]

Seeyaaaa buddy

Des[iiiii B) ]

Oh Em Gee,

Nemo went on her first date!!

And I heard all about it!

Here's Nemo:

I went on a freaking date! It feels like a distant memory now...

[Timmy=blue, Nemo=lime]

Nemo? Is that you??Oh, Timmy! You're cute out of work uniform!

thank you. =]]

You are also much taller than me..

You'll catch up! -chuckles-

Let's go see a movie.


-after the movie-

Wow, that was scary!!

Don't worry, it's not real.

I have you to protect me as well.

I..I guess.

Timmy, do you love me?


You don't have to answer.


Oh! There's my house. I will see you again I hope?

Oh yeah! totally!


-runs to door-


-runs back and kisses on cheek-


-runs in house and shuts door-


Peace and Love,

-Desi [having funn]

my dear viewers,

I challenge you to make it to 600 views!


Anyways I'm thinking about getting another v5, but..scratch that I want plus color more!

so I can have all of em

except v1. I have a mini somewhere.

but they're really boring, because they only eat and poop and get sick and die. ahaha.

Nemo is very excited about Timmy as a Husband.

And Colby is very upset that his love [Nemo] Doesn't like him.


How sad...

We will find him some one =]

Maybe we can have dating-show post =D

I'll try =]


Seeya Laturr!



Well sadly it's time for me to sign out! =[ sorry buddies.

i think I won't have the tamas say anything this time because

My butt hurts from sitting.

And if I don't have at least 580 veiws by tomorrow morning

then i i'll have too open a can of Whoop-.....butt =]


-Desi [nighty night maih fools!]

You guys,

i know I said I was going

but I have DOUBLE bad news.

1 my internet is getting shut off for a month!!

And 2 My batteries died in both my tamas!

I am sorry to say, I am leaving tamatalk.

Goodbye friends.

I will miss you, definitely.

Loves and goodbye,

-Desi. [permanently left a mark in your heart?]

ps, I will have internet tomorrow so you can send me some goodbye pm's if you would like =,,,[



Well HAI!

How long has it been?!

Like a month right?

Anyways, I got my internet back!


Haha. Now I can log again!

Well, I am going to start up one of my v4's.

I think the color will be black...

because black and this shade of purple will look really good together. =]

I kinda want a new face...

like, an inverted one...:)

Ha PM me about it...and about my log too.


Activation time



uhm-kay, now we wait...

Ish a boy.

His name is...Robby

:) haha.


I'll reply in like...


-Desi [i am BACK baby!]

Sorry for not posting much yesterday,

and starting late today...

My mom was in the hospital, so...


Robby was very unhappy when I got home.

He had like...6 poops and he was sick.

Which made me feel bad

so I cleaned him up and tried to play jump rope with him

but I only made it to 15.

So that is my goal today;

Beat jump rope 3 least.

Kay let's check on his weight

Oh hey, it's not so bad! It's only 16 :)

I got 0 mail so far. that isn't nice!

Oh and he also got accepted into preschool. Yay!

Kay I think he will have a word with you.

Hello TT!

Haha, I am very excited because I get to go to preschool for the first time today!!

It is going to be sooo fun!

I am going to meet so many new people and have fun and do stuff and...

Hey, I got mail...

Its a beef bowl from the king, thanks!

Well that's all.

-Robby [pre-schoolaaah!]

:) there.

He seems to be excited.

My first day of preschool was torture.

Oh well.

-Desiiiii [TalkToMeh!]

Howdy friend,

I feel bad.

I am not good with guilt,

so I need to reset Robby.

He just evolved...

into a tooth ): or a bad care tama.

Which I can't stand.



Kay, lemme set it....

I think I should start up another one too,

how 'bout a v3?


Oh wait, it's a boy.

His name will be...Drew?

yeah, okay, Drew.

Alrighty now we wait for v3 to hatch...

Oh, its a boy also.



Oh, Dylans color will be Deep sky blue

Haha let the fun begin!

-Deluded Desi [New babiez]

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Guess what!

Yeah, I beat jump rope just now...

I also beat get but

that wasn't my goal.

So that's 1 down, 2 to go!


That's all really.

Babies are needy and awful boring ):

You know what,

I am just gonna go back to me =] / =[ faces because they look better,



That's all.

They will talk when they evolve.




-Desi [GoodTimes..]


They both evolved!!!


I couldn't get a pic of Dylan in his toddler stage before my camera died.

but here:

Drew =]

Dylan =D

Click up there^ is you would like to see mai tamas. =]

Dylan is a tamatachi

Drew is a mohitamatchi


Okay, that is all for now.

I will reply when something happens.

Kay, buh-bye now!

-Desi [Pictures =D]

EDIT: the pictures are really blurry sorry

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Sorry I am really bad at keeping up, yeah.

BUT! the tamas are fine.

I think they wll be evolving later tonight.

I can't wait.

But I need to get Drew's skill points up because they are fail right now.

Unlike the thundercats,

for they are go.


Sorry, I am rambling.



oh, right...I got a PM =D

Hey =}i couldn't help but notice your log, so uhmm, HAI!
I suppose that is a fanmail, right?

Oh well.

I think My tamas are bored,

Here, they will talk.

I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DESI! you left us here to rot while you went shopping! =[

DUDE! people can here you! If you are going to scream then don't do it close to the keyboard.

Oh, sorry. but still, you can't just go leaving us like that.

True, but I was happy. kinda...

that's because you weren't having to listen to that stupid mailman all day!

True. Ah well, it's not that big of a deal.

Hand me that bouncy ball?

-bounces against wall-


-continues bouncing-


-bounce, bounce, bounce-



You are just mad because the mailman brought you a snake today..


-runs away as fast as possible-

Deary me...


I don't think they like each other very much...

And it is true, I had to go shopping and I left my tam-tams.

They were sick and poopy.

But I fixed them! =D


-Destined Desi

EDIT: color fail =[

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Dear Tamagotchi Log,


I accidentally got ANOTHER Bad care teen.

Drew is a...OBOTCHI D=

And Dylan is a...PIRORIRORITCHI!

That is SUCH a long name!

I am using ALOT of caps =]

But anyways, I wont reset this time. I will have to live with it.

That's all.

I'll post pictures laterr.

Do you guys wanna talk?


Yeah, NO!

Why? Pfft you guys are sooo lazy!

Look who is talking! Miss 'I dont want to take good care of my toddlers'

YEAH! I just wanna play heading. =[


I don't care I just don't want to have a really long name!

Pfft. I have dreams, he doesn't.

I do too! dreams of a short name =]

And there you go.

-Darling Desi
