Destiny Stars - Let's All help out!


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Well-known member
May 3, 2009
Reaction score
United States, VA
Heya! So, I can see from all the posts about them everyone wants to have a dreamitchi and dazzilitchi in which you can obtain by getting the destiny stars (Boy and Girl). Correct? Yes. So maybe we can all work together on a special account on music city that I made just for this. If we all work together on it we can get the destiny stars and share them with the whole world! Then, we could all get them! So, for all of you who can't get the stars come and work on this project with us and when we finish, we can keep what we earned! Just for the record, I am not doing this on my account just so you work for them and not me just so I can get them without doing work. I am doing it so everyone can get them, and yes I WILL help get them!



Come and join!!!!

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How many times must we say this? We are not going to share the codes. You need to earn them YOURSELVES.

I am not sharing the codes. If you go on the account yourself you can see i do not have one item yet I am trying to help those that to not have the stars. Ok. I am just trying to be nice to all that want them is that too much??? Plus, technically it is not sharing the code, it is working together to get the star itself.

Well if everyone gets them, they are not SPECIAL. And anyone can go on the account and get it. No work, they can just get it. Or hack the account when the stars are received. There has been much discussion on this, and I think the decision is not sharing them in any form. You can share it with your friends in a PM but not fully reveal them.

Sorry if I sounded mean.... I just really don't want them to lose novelty...

If you keep it in your signature, and that account does get them, everyone will be able to have them and they won't be special. You could be walking around and see 4 special characters. Would they be special then?

Ok, thank you! *hands you a Dreamitchi cookie*

Edit: Fixed "thanks you"

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When someone puts and action between two * it means they're doing that. So I handed you a cookie. Let's continue this in PM!

its really hard to get the destiny stars! i really want them but i dont have much access to the computer so sometimes i miss competitions... i hope they make it easier like it can be bought by points... :)

If you look below this may help you get a star:


heres a trick if you run out of gp's and adult food:

go into the door icon

select pc

after you get the login code,

hit the a button once to bring up item password.

this is going to sound tedious, but start going through the numbers one by one.

start with 000001, the try 000002, and so on.

its going to be a pain, but the food codes are usually lower like in the first few 100's.

i got a few ice creams, a fish, some bananas, and a taco doing this.

i also got a toy shop, sunglasses, a pair of jeans, and a boom box.

youll get the food you need, and while yor in pc mode its paused so he wont get hungrier or more stressed.

what makes this way easier, is if you have an account on music city.

log in with the login code yor tama gives you,

go to yor apartment,

and get either a toy or an instrument [something you can get a code for],

select the send to music star toy option,

and do the original one by one process,

but start with the first 3 digits of the item code they give you.


my code for headphones was 461210,

so i started with 461000,

then 461001,

and i found icecream at 461054,

and a boom box at 461040.


your tama's login password is basicly different everytime,

so this isnt something you can start, cancel out of, and try and to pick back up again; when the log in changes, the item codes change.

this also makes shareing item codes impossible; theyre like a one time situational thing.

To be honest, I would not have thought it was so easy, but in just a few minutes of repeatedly adding 1 to a valid item password from MusicCity I discovered a password for the Boy's Destiny Star.
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