Devilgotchi/Santaclautchi/Ocean-favorite luxe tama?


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Well-known member
Dec 13, 2013
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Minnesota, USA
I call them luxe because of the price/rarity. :p

So what's your favorite to run and why?

I'd like to hear from people who own all/some of them- but anyone can answer. c:

To me, Devilgotchi seems the best.. but I've never tried any of the three!

I love the Devilgotchis, they're so cute and have so much personality! They throw food back at you, randomly turn out the lights, summon bats and all sorts of antics that no other tamagotchi has :)

I like the Santa best, because the idea of the game is just so unique compared to practically any other version. And I love the shell designs :)

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well i am currently waiting for my very first devilgotchi so im not quite sure about this little guy yet..the tama sounds amazing! lol but ATM i have all others and the santaclautchi is definitely the top of the lit 0.0 so unique ,adorable, and everything about it is amazing..i love the costumes and changes..the reindeer and other characters and the game is excellent as well <3 higly recommend it!

the umino as hard of a pet as it is to raise i definitely recomend that one too because of the challange and it feels extremely rewarding to see your pet change...the characters are sooo adorable!

well i am currently waiting for my very first devilgotchi so im not quite sure about this little guy yet..the tama sounds amazing! lol
I seriously love the shell you got! The black and purple looks awesome. <3 I'd never even seen that design until you posted it. @_@ Honestly, I'd love to own a devilgotchi.. but I really only like the shell you have and the pink shell... one I never see, and the pink is like.. $300+ ><

I seriously love the shell you got! The black and purple looks awesome. <3 I'd never even seen that design until you posted it. @_@ Honestly, I'd love to own a devilgotchi.. but I really only like the shell you have and the pink shell... one I never see, and the pink is like.. $300+ ><
i know honestly i have never thought id ever have one added to the collection im just not willing to pay that much either but it was a year of hunting and i FINALLY found mine for the $200 i knew abo the design and was determined to get that one because its so gorgeous 0.0 lol but i have NEVER seen them go for any cheaper than well what ive payed now but the $350 its CRAZY!

Well, the Devilgotchi is one of my biggest dreams, Santa a bit less and I do have an Umino (which is same as Ocean, just in japanese) so I'd say the Umino is my fave. ;3

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