DF41's Tama Log


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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2006
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[SIZE=14pt]Hello peeps! Thank you for taking the time to read my V5 tama log.[/SIZE]

I had a V5, but I got bored of it very quickly. I read someone's log and got interested again. I joined a group hatch and hatched my tamas right now!


Family Name:Choco(which is the name of my dog)

First born(in the middle):female-Futabatchi--Propeller

Second born:male-Omututchi--Cake

Last born:female-mimifuwatchi--Kin


The colored names are what I'm going to call them. The colors are the color code(just in case if I decide to put up what they're saying).


I'm keeping their hearts full. They pooped twice and got sick once. And, yes, I cleared it up and cured them.


I'm hoping to get mametchi, like I did all the time on my V1. Sadly, those happy days of good character are over *sob* <_< . And yes, I'm complaining. :unsure:

Edit: Now they're sleeping! Evolution time should be comin' around soon!

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And I was right! (About my tamas evolving soon)


I was practicing playing piano, and my tama was on the piano listening(they already woke up). I was taking care of them while I was playing and in between songs. Then finally, my tamas evolved.




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Wow, third post in one day.


I went somewhere with my mom, but I forgot about my tama. I came back and saw that my little tama pooped (once) and had a hungry heart gone and a happy heart gone. I'm not a good road to getting a good character...

It's almost 6:45 in my time. Little Propeller is opening and closing the fridge. I think he's eating too much without his siblings...


Me(to Propeller):Aren't you eating too much good food without Cake and Kin?


Propeller: Uhhhh.... NO!!!!


Me: O_O

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Yay! Yay Yay! Are you wondering why I'm celebrating? I finished entering all the special passwords (from binary)! W00T!

Propeller: Hey ya'll! Do ya have comments about this log? Do you wanna send mail to the Choco family? Go ahead! To comply to the site's rules, you'll have to pm them to DF41.

Cake:Send us mail, or else I will hunt you down, tie you up in a dark room, put your chair under the pool that's in the room, fill it with hungry pirhanas, and have them eat you! So send us mail please! :p :D

Cake, what have I told you about threatening people?

Cake: Nothing!

<_< *slaps forehead*

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Eep! My tamas just evolved! I was reading one of the "How To:" threads (yes, I was bored), and suddenly, I heard my tama beap the beap it makes when it evolves.

They are currently yawning like crazy :D .


EDIT:When they were doing that, the time was set to around 7 or 6.

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I used the sleep trick on my tama and stuck it in my bag. I think in the evening, I suddenly remembered it. It pooped once and had a couple of happy and hungry hearts gone . I quickly brought it back to health.

I don't think I said this here yet: My character goal for now is to get a Makiko. If I have, please forgive me.

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I forgot my tama at home and went somewhere. I realized I forgot my tama. I came back at around four or four-thirty. Then finally, when it was almost five, I remembered it (right now).

My tamas evolved just now. The (very short) story:

I put my tama on the sleep trick, and got lazy. Just now, I fixed it to the correct time. It suddenly evolved. YAY? I don't think I have the charrie necesary for a Makiko. I'll put up the charrie names up another time.

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These are the charries I had before this happened:


I was downstairs, practicing piano. I was in the middle of a piece, when I heard my tama ring for training. I trained it and brought it downstairs. I looked at the charrie names just a little later, and saw that my last born was a Watatchi! That's what I needed to get a Makiko! I wasn't sure if it would work (since it was my last-born), but I tried anyways. I used the girl's dresser, and it turned into a Makiko!

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Well, today I had my Kin (my Makiko) marry. Apparently, you get to pick which one of your charries marries (hey, that rhymes!). I had her marry a fella with a leaf/propeller thing on its head. Kin's brother and sister came to meet her, they talked and she and Propeller cried, and then Propeller and Cake left When I feedm the babies, the mom and dad come on the screen with the food, come off, and then the babies come on. When I give the babies medicine, the mom and dad bring it.

More info later! :furawatchi:

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I took a break from tamas today and yesterday. Probably tomorrow too. But I'll start again soon.

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