Did 2007 and 2008 just go by real fast for you?


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The second half of 2006 is AWEFUL. I had anxiety, depression, and anorexia to top it all of.

2007 was amazing though. I almost completely recoverd. It went by so fast, and I was so so happy.

2008... It would take a lot to sum it up. It went by really, really fast, but it wasn't a great year for me. So I'm happy that it's over, though a little frightened about how quick it went. I'm afraid I'm wasting my life. D:

Yes D:

I still mess up telling people I'm 18, when I'm going to be 20 in June XD

I'm glad '08 is over though. Year from hell >.< Hopefully '09 will show a little mercy.

SK wow you're already gonna be 20? O.O I remember when you had the countdown of days until you turned 18 :p

It went by REALLY fast, it's crazy!

I don't even remember '07 much. It's terrible.

But '08 was awesome! Though I barely remember it too. xD I think it's been the 2nd best year.


Every year goes by faster and faster. Here's a timeline of my life starting from 2004 (And that is what i actually remember).

2004: Best school year of my life. Last chance to enjoy being a kid in grade 2. I met my best friend. It went by SOOO slow!

2005: Worst teacher ever. This is when popularity really started to matter. Went by a bit faster.

2006: Ahhh...this was the year of my first crush. Best teacher of all time. Zoomed by so fast.

2007: I think this was the greatest year of my life. I had the same great teacher as from 2006 and my best friend and I got a lot closer.

2008: This is the year of friends. Me and my best friend weren't friends anymore for a while and I made a whole lot of new friends who are so awesome. I had an awesome teacher who cracked us up all the time. I also went to Russia for the first time. It was my first time overseas and my first time meeting my aunty, uncle and cousins. This was a year filled with ups and downs and now that its gone, all the bad memories become good. Was the fastest year ever.\

Sorry if this was slightly off-topic, I felt like I really needed to share that :]

I have a feeling 2009 will be controversial :p

2008 went by way too fast. 2008 wasn't really the best year for me. My friends and I, our relationship has changed so much. My 2 best friends now hate each other. I met new people and my friends got jealous. We all grew apart. :/

Hopefully 2009 will be a better year!


2007 - Fast, good year.

2008 - Incredibly fast. But a really good year. Got involved with tennis finally <3

2009 - Holds changes

GRAH. Why is time passing by so fast?!

No, it went by slowly. 2008 was the year where I got past the 'spoiled brat who gets anything she wants and isn't gonna shut up about it' phase. Very long, painful process. I look forward to seeing my sister do this in two years, as every female in my family must, it shall be very amusing. I guess I'm a better person now, or something touching like that. Very long year.

Phobo-x.addicted.x-x.N e o n

2007 was complete torture for me. New schools and Catty little 5th grade girls do NOT mix well with me.

2008 passed by pretty quickly. Summer was the best part of the year- lots of pool time and my first boyfriend <3

The years just keep going by.

I was 13 when I first joined..

It's like... each year is faster. For me, it's kind of scary to think that each year passes by faster. My dad says that years are passes by right before his eyes. Just yesterday I was born and now I'm about to be 16. :/

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08 went really fast. Maybe because I moved in December 07. WOW was it really 07??

2007 was the most painful, but the quickest, which I liked. 2008 was a bit quicker than average.

Leafing through the pages of my old journals, I've matured a lot. I look so idiotic in my journals. xP Well, though life isn't as pretty as it was, say, in 2006, I'm glad I'm making progress and wasn't my really immature self back then.

I'm glad about 2009, because of the opportunity. It's a fresh start. But like Tamagirl_Desy said, there are some things from 2008 that I'll miss.

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