did anyone think you were a 'natural' at something


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Well-known member
Nov 4, 2005
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Well, when I started flute lessons at my school, (which everyone thought was dorky but I decided to join), I first had to find the 'good spot' *coughs* whereyouputyourmouthon *coughs*

I got it on the first shot and the teacher was surprised, shocked and happy. Then the music head teacher came in and I did it again. They both agreed I was a natural because I got the finger places right and I could do flute.

(Believe me, I had never played flute before in my life before I joined.)

(Even my friends thought it was dorky. X.X Then my best friend joined 3 lessons after because I told the teacher about her and asked if she could join aswell)


Me and clairinet. I blew into it and it actually made a noise. xD

I'm not really a 'natural' at anything. I'm pretty good at driving and am getting the hand of it quickly, but that's through determination and practice. I very much doubt I'll be as quick as my boyfriend though - he was learning for 3 months and passed.

Well, when I started flute lessons at my school, (which everyone thought was dorky but I decided to join), I first had to find the 'good spot' *coughs* whereyouputyourmouthon *coughs* I got it on the first shot and the teacher was surprised, shocked and happy. Then the music head teacher came in and I did it again. They both agreed I was a natural because I got the finger places right and I could do flute.

(Believe me, I had never played flute before in my life before I joined.)

(Even my friends thought it was dorky. X.X Then my best friend joined 3 lessons after because I told the teacher about her and asked if she could join aswell)

that happend to me :D only on me it was the picalo (and there suppose to be harder than the flute)

im not a fairy boy for playing the picalo :angry:

People say I'm a natural born actress. Also, I'm a natural at alot of sports- especially badminton and football.

Im a Natural at Cooking. Drawing isnt Natural, it took me years of Practice.

I am also really good with figuring out Computers, my mom "Disconnected" the Internet from me, the idiot actually Unnactivated the Internet. It took a Hour for me to fix. I know how to fix several PC Problems, I just don't know how big a Gig is, a Kilobyte, stuff like that (I even got called a Jack*** just because I didn't know :angry: It really hurt)

I also am pretty good with Memory games, on my Mario Party 7 I never loose at the Memory games ^^ My mom actually depends on me to remember.

I may be lazy but I like Bored Games! Bored games are easy and fun ^^ So are video games. I catch on pretty quickly

I'm natural at being annoying. XD


Actually I'm really good with computers and stuff like that. I'm really good with HTML and stuff not many people know about. I'm don't know if I'm a 'natural' though.

Cooking is my thing. I am also very good at knitting. I'm kinda a natural at cooking and knitting, because those are things that (of course) took practice, but I got good at it fast.

(I'm counting)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...

About 7 of my own made up recipies. Some of them aren't ment for eating tho... :angry:

About 2 of them are ment for sidewalk chalk that you can make in your home.

It's fun to make sidewalk chalk. (my own recipie. Really easy)

set oven to 450 degrees

in a large mixing bowl mix 1 cup of flour and 1 cup of water. (if you need me to put it into the metric system please ask) after mixing the flour and water add any color food coloring to the mix. Than add another cup of flour and mix untill in makes a nice big blob of colored goop. (sometimes is a blob and sometimes its a ball. It doesn't matter)

find some mini muffin cups and spray or grease them and pour the mixture. (or roll up balls and place in the holes) and put them in the oven for 20 minutes.

Let them cool for about an hour. (or over night) and the next day you should have a bunch of nice hard balls of chalk. The best part is, it's highly biodegratible and sometimes you don't have to wait for it to rain. The birds will come and eat it! :D

People say I am a total natural for being so girly. That is just me! Well, yeah, so my closet is FULL of pink, big deal! Lol! :angry:

Science comes easily to me.

Drawing.. well, it's not work. It was never work to get to where I am.

Science comes easily to me.Drawing.. well, it's not work. It was never work to get to where I am.
I am good with Science too! Its one of my Favorite most Subjects with math!

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Hm... I don't know. I have nice piano fingers says my teacher wich isn't really that hard. Uh, math has never really been much of a problem for me.

I don't know what I'm considered a 'natural' at. o.o;

A lot of people have freaked, because I go into stores (like WalMart) and go straight to the electronics area, find a keyboard, and start playing for fun while my family looks around. Usually I play FurElise, and people think I'm just pressing keys and it's a setting on the keyboard, but then I stop and start again and they want to show their friends, family, and want me to play it again. xD (I can play it my memory, with my eyes shut, and sometimes really fast ^^) So they say I'm a natural at keyboarding.

Otherwise, I used to sing, but I completely stopped. I'm to embarrassed now. :rolleyes: Sometimes I sing when I'm alone though, and I think I'm really actually good. And when it comes to animals (mostly dogs), it's a spectacular thing. I can calm them down, get them to trust me, and sometimes even do tricks. :) I love dogs.

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