did ur tama work after water got inside?


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I spilled chocolate milk on my 3 tamas. Only one survived because it was farther away from the other tamas. The others get milk in the screen and the buttons got weird. Ended up throwing them away...but i replaced them! I now have 4 tamas! :angry:

Well, I have never had water in any of my Tamas and I don't really want to find out what would happen if I did.

my sister's old v2 fell in the sink and it still works but you have to push the a button REALLY REALLY hard to get it to work. even if you push it that hard it still may not work ;) but that didn't happen until a year later so that may not be the case.

I was wearing my tamawatchi (not tamagotchi a tamawatchi) when I jumped in the pool o_O it still worked luckily.


When I spilled water on my Tamagotchi, I took it apart & just left it to dry.

& then when I thought it had dried I started playing with it again, but I had the same problem as violetchi_garden, you had to push the buttons really hard to get them to work.

So I just bought a new one.

happn' to me. i was in the bath tub and my tama sliped in. we let it dry and it was good! ....but some of the pixels were missing :D

I have lots of water experiences...

When I was swimming, I was dumb enough to leave one of my V3s on the pool deck, and lots of water got on it. It almost broke, but I left out the battery over night and it worked again in the morning.

I left another one of my V3s in my jeans pocket, and it went through the washing machine. It did break, unfortunately...

My cousin dunked my V4, along with her own, in the pool when I wasn't looking. Her's broke totally, and mine doesn't work as well but at least it didn't break like her's. Serves her right I'd say! :)

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When I had my Mini tamagotchi, here is the story of how it happened and how it could help survive your tamagotchi:

My tamagotchi Mini had full water covering so this is how my dad got the tamagotchi up and running:

First my dad had to dry my tamagotchi in the sun on a clothes line for a few hours, then:My dad had to unscrew the tamagotchi back (to where the battery is) and then use the hair dryer to dry it )the tamagotchi) time by time until bits of it was partly dry. He kept on doing this until most of the tamagotchi parts were dry. then he????????????????

I love to say that but like a tiny drop of tap or rain water won't make your tamagotchi really go out.

Yeah. I had a V2, and spilled my water on it. It started beeping and it shut off. D:

What I did was I took out the battery, and set it on my deck, with the back cover off. It was summer time, and the sun dried it out. I put in a new battery a day or so later, and it was fine. :D

I also spilled Capri-Sun on one of my V1s, but it too, was fine. I did the same thing that I did with my V2. :)

Me and my friend wanted to destroy a tama once, so I unscrewed the back, shoved chocolate in it, dropped it in the sink full of water, carved my name into the screen, and it still worked! (of course, everything was a bit wonky, but you could see the screen and everything!)

Then we smashed it with a hammer and burnt the pieces in toilet paper :) It was funnn

Me and my friend wanted to destroy a tama once, so I unscrewed the back, shoved chocolate in it, dropped it in the sink full of water, carved my name into the screen, and it still worked! (of course, everything was a bit wonky, but you could see the screen and everything!)Then we smashed it with a hammer and burnt the pieces in toilet paper :D It was funnn
cruel.... :D

I ACCIDENTALLY DROPPED MY V4 INTO CHICKEN SOUP!!! :D but it still works, phew. The sound is really screwed up, though.

My brother dropped his v4 in the river once. We fished it out and it still works fine, all that happened is that he got free beef. :D

It still works. I wanted to see if my V3 would also debug if you place a waterdrop on the debugging button and... it did not debug. Instead... Nikatchi was always sleeping! I thought it was cute, so I used her as a keychain. Aww. she's so cute! It still works, but she always sleeps.

^_^ Good Night Nikatchi! ^_^

My sister dropped her Tamagotchi in the sink. She fished it out quickly (and the water was shallow), so it was fine, other than a few un-showing pixels and buttons that you had to press a little harder.

My brother drooled on my V1 ( ^_^ ) I unscrewed it, put it on my porch to dry for a few hours, and then used a hair dryer on it. I then gently wiped it with a cloth, and it works fine now. Though the sound is a little funny.

Keep your Tamagotchis away from your 1 year-old siblings, kids! ^_^

last year i had 6 tamagotchis. 5 went in the pool with me.XD then i mad one it was my very first tamagotchi. It's been through every thing with me. I love it but i disited to move on with my newer tamas I now have 4 v6s, 1v4.5, 1v5.5, and, 1v3. :mellow:

When I was younger, I accidentally dropped my Giga Pet 101 Dalmatians in a lake. It's been 12 years, and it still works fine. The screen and sound were awfully blurry for awhile, though.

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