Did you ever have that feeling?


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It's Tina!

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2007
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In Dollar World
Did you ever have the feeling that when you are in school you can't wait for summer, and when you are finally on summer vacation you want to be back in school? I do, lots of times. :wacko:

I do right now. I'm very bored, and I keep thinking I have school tommrow, but then I don't. I miss my friends, the assignments, everything.

But I'm glad summer is here, I can sleep it. :wacko:

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I used to. This year I wasn't waiting for summer to come and now I'm not waiting for summer to end. 0__<

Same. But I am not looking forward to school in September....unless I can get a transfer, I wont be happy. x.x

Summer is always very boring for meh.

I am like that every year!!!! I can not wait till 7th grade.. because I am going to be in band again and we go to six flags for a trip because of a festival.... AND I'M TRYING OUT FOR JAZZ ENSAMBLE!!!!! *more trips*


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In a way, I sort of... do.

It's actually quite funny.

When it's summer, you want it to be winter. Then reverse.

Yeah, of course! I had a great class last year, a great teacher, great friends... It was awesome! But since I'm transfering schools this year, I'm not so sure of it... I DIDN'T WANNA TRANSFER!!!! *Throwing a Hissy Fit in the Floor* Oh well. Gotta move into a house sometime. :rolleyes:

Yeah, but I dont really want to go back to school- why? This Geek I swear is going to be back even if he had Horrible grades >< I scored a 2 on the State tests Barely passing me, so did he. Depending on his Final grades and End of Year Exam scores he might be on the Average team (I still am on the Advanced and Gifted team :D Yay for working my butt off Last semester)

I really want to go back for some reason o.o Maybe to make more friends but I highly doubt it. Maybe just for the fun of getting on school PC's and Adventure Quest, and to show off my retarded wallpapers I saved in my H: Drive. Maybe to see if the boy I have a crush on likes me back, or to see the New students who took the Spots of the students who Flunked.

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Sometimes, Usually because I like playing with my friend and lunch. But I'm ready for whatevers coming my way next!

Ya, but just the first couple days. Since I have a couple friends in town it's not too bad! Most of my other friends are out in the country... but that's ok cuz I hang out with my best friend every day!

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