did you ever make a tama house?


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Mar 9, 2007
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:p :rolleyes: :wub: did you ever make a tam house cause i did i used a shoe box, tape,and paper to make to furniture or i would let my little tamagotchi charms live in it!
Sorry to be off topic but,1.this is a duplicate topic!

To be on topic....NOPE!I have made a tama school with my cousin!

*binary: I've deleted the other duplicate topics since they had no replies but this one does have replies*

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Aw, that's so cute!! I want to make one now! I have a Kuchipatchi case and charm set, and a memetchi charm set! Unfortunately, I have no extra shoeboxes -___- But I DO have some extra sculpy clay for furniture... >=D


Good Idea! Cute :lol: I should make one out of a shoe box just like you. But I am currently working on, out of wet molding tissue papers... :) It may and May not work, but I'm going to try to work on another one.

My Items:

  • Wet Folded Tissue
  • Tape


I have! It's a little Mcdonalds bag I found in my room. It can normally fit 2 tamas, but if I do a little figeting, I can make it fit 3! Their "home" is right next to them! XD

Hmmm...sounds interesting. I used to do that with Micro pets. (if anyone remembers those) I don't make HOUSES anymore, but I sometimes make BEDS for my tamas. The house thing got pretty old. It would entertain me for about a day, then I would be over it. But thats just MY opinion!! And I'm 11!! You guys do what you want. For some people, that kind of thing is fun.

ooohoooh i LOVE pandas and mimichis :) :) :D :kuribotchi: :gozarutchi: :hitodetchi: :pochitchi: :mametchi: :mimitchi: :kusatchi: :unsure: :wacko: :blink: :D

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