Difference between small and big skull?


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Well-known member
Aug 5, 2006
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I've seen videos where at some point or another, the Tamagotchi is sick, but the skull that appears is a very large one, opposed to the tiny one that I usually see.

Then there's some that show the "skull" that looks like a tiny little black thing.

Anyone know the differences between these "skulls" and why?

the skull depends how old ur tama is(baby child teenager etc)

for baby it is a tiny one and for the rest it is the bigger one

What about the small black thing that appears also?
If I'm correct the small black thing you are referring to is on the top right side of your tama character? If you go HERE and scroll down a little, you'll see a chart I made a few years ago showing different animations that happen to your tama and a description for them.

~shawdy~ :mimitchi:

It's not surprising if you sometimes see the skull big or small. When the Tamagotchi is a baby the skull that showing it's sick will be small. Otherwise it will be big when it's an adult.

And by the thing you mean on the Tamagotchi's head might be an anger sign. It appears for different reasons. First check the health meter. It might be that your Tamagotchi is very hungry or have no happy hearts at all. Or you have to give it a praise then it will be alright.

No no, it's not the black square-thingy that appears for an angry Tamagotchi.

It looks like a small black skull-ghost. That's the best I can describe it.

Ooh! That one is just a kind of mad symbol, like the little sun over a happy tam! :D





Not a squiggly black diamond/square. :D

It's either a little skull (for babies), a big skull (for any tamagotchi older than a baby), or the little thing that is over your tama's head when it needs praise and has it's back turned to you, like other people have said. Or it might be some messed up pixels. Other than that I have no idea what it could be. What video did you see this in? Could you post a link?

I agree with pink memetchi, I've never seen that symbol before! :)

Edit:According to the red pixels (it might just be a strange picture) but coul it be an akai keitai version? check this link: https://tamenagerie.com/akai.html

Or this for the normal one, I think the instructions are the same for both: https://tamenagerie.com/keitai.html

Does that look familiar?

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Yes, they do look familiar.

Mine's the Akai Keitai Tamagotchi.

I do have other ones, but this version is the only one I have that shows that specific "skull" symbol.

I know other Japanese versions have it as well, such as the Color Plus, Hexagonitchi, and iD.

The weird skull might be just a beta image(Since lot of instruction books do that)

One skull is a skull and the other is actually a TOOTH; IDK WHYYYYY nobody has figured that out yet... "You will see a skull" WT* IT'S A TOOTH

That's the"Death Ghoast". It appears on some tamas when they are or about to die. It is only in the Japenese versions. You cannot press any buttons when it appears, but in the newer versions (Color and ID) you have exactally 30 minutes to cure your tama once it appears or your tama will die.

Hope I helped! :ph34r:

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