Difference between small and big skull?


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No wonder they'd die only a little while after... XD

On another note, I'm actually curious, I want to one day see a video of the Color, iD or Hexagotchi death scene. XD

I dunno why, seeing all the different animations, like that, are curiously amusing to me. Like, I like to see how different it is compared to the others.

Yeah, I've been hunting around for a video of the Color or ID doing that as well. I'm actually glad (bordering on excited about it, even though it IS a death scene and all :D ) that they have this "saving life" feature. It's kind of realistic. :ph34r:

The small skull is normal:It isthe sick sign.Every tamas have itat least once.

The big skull is sometimes the death sign.I don't have much info aboutit,beacause I never had it.

Ah, so pretty much that's the death scene, compared to the US Tamagotchis they'll be on their face with a skull.. Right? :)

okay so when ur adult tama gets sock it shows a big skull above its head because its older, but when a baby gets sick it shows a small skull because its younger. :p

but anyway i dont know weather that was the answer u were looking for but anyway hope i helped a little bit!! :p :p


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