Differences Between v4 and v4.5?


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Well-known member
May 3, 2005
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Oklahoma, USA
Hello, I already have two v4s, and I was thinking of getting a v4.5, but everything I've read about them isn't too encouraging. So are they basically just a v4 but with different characters/items/games? Are there any major gameplay differences? Do they go to different areas in Tamatown online? I try to buy two of each new version, but if it's really not that different, then I'll just buy one, or maybe I'll wait for the v5 to come out.

Thanks for any info!

There really isnt any difference between the v4 and the v4.5. except the jobs and games and new characters.

Hope this helps!

The difference between a v4 and v4.5 is that v4.5 has new characters, games, and careers. V4.5 is like an updated version of the v4.

Here are all the differences I can think of (bear in mind I do not have a v4.5)


v4: The games are Jumping Rope, Mimic, Shape, Dance and Flag.

v4.5: The games are Climb, Tug-o-war, Apple, Shapes and Manhole.


v4: Babies are Tsubutchi and Kuritchi (or male Tsubutchi- I call it Kuritchi because it looks exactly like a Kuritchi).

v4.5: Babies are the same as v4.

v4: Children are Harutchi, Puchitchi, Mizutamatchi and Mohitamatchi.

v4.5: Chilren are Hitodetchi, Kuribotchi, Tamatchi and Kuchitamatchi.

v4: Teenagers are Yangu Mametchi, Yangu Robotchi, Yangu Mimitchi, Ringotchi, Gurumetchi, Hinotamatchi, Ichigotchi, Yangu Memetchi, Yangu Kuchipatchi, Oniontchi, Yangu Dorotchi, Nikatchi, Hawainotchi, Hawaikotchi, Obotchi and Ojotchi.

v4.5: Teenagers are Ura Yangu Mametchi, Kurakkatchi, Zouritchi, Ura Yangu Marotchi, Daiyatchi, Kujakutchi, Ura Yangu Memetchi, Ura Yangu Furawatchi, Kometchi, Bokusatchi, Ura Yangu Yattatchi, Yakantchi, Hashitamatchi, Hikotchi, Ichigotchi and Yufotchi.

v4: Adults are Mametchi, Robotchi, Zukyutchi, Mimitchi, Meidotchi, Marotchi, Tosakatchi, Togetchi, Shimashimatchi, Ponitchi, Memetchi, Furawatchi, Minotchi, Tarakotchi, Kuchipatchi, Pukatchi, Sebiretchi, Yattatchi, Pyonchitchi, Debatchi, Gozarutchi, Pyonkotchi, Hanatchi, Masukutchi

v4.5: Adults are Uramametchi, Samuraitchi, Matsuritchi, Horoyotchi, Tsukkomitchi, Urazukyukotchi, Serebutchi, Yasaguretchi, Uratogetchi, Purimatchi, Uramemetchi, Urafurawatchi, Tenpatchi, Tougyutchi, Urakuchipatchi, Urayattatchi, Uradebatchi, Shitekitchi (nope that wasn't a typo), Mametchi, Kuchipatchi, Gozarutchi, Mimitchi, Memetchi and Furawatchi.

v4: Secret characters are Tensaitchi, Makiko and Nonbiritchi.

v4.5: Secret characters are Hyottokotchi, Hanagatatchi and Mukimukitchi.

v4: "Old-timer" characters are Otokitchi, Ojitchi and Oyajitchi.

v4.5: "Old-timer" characters are the same as v4.


v4: Jobs are Chef, Scientist, Baker, Florist, Doctor, Banker, News Reader, Rock Star, Fashion Designer, Teacher, Fireman, Kindergarten Teacher, Amusement Park Worker, Tour Guide and Hairdresser.

v4.5: Jobs are (this is from an instruction booklet that I don't completely trust lol) Chef, Clown, Baker, Florist, Banker, Doctor, News Reporter, Rock Star, Teacher, Weight Puller, Fireman, Kindergarten Teacher, DJ, Tour Guide and Hairdresser.


v4: On the v4 growth chart from Bandai the characters are sorted out into "families." v4 characters stay within their family.

v4.5: On the v4.5 growth chart from Bandai the characters are not sorted out into "families" (though the characters do have families on the Uratama). v4.5 growths are erratic.

v4: Skill points are Intelligence (pencil), Style (star) and Kindness (flower).

v4.5: Skill points are Humour (face), Gorgeousness (sparkle) and Passion (fist).

thats why its called tamagotchi 4.5. its different, but not a lot, if it was that different, then it would be tamagotchi v.5
