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~Angel Girl~

Active member
Aug 8, 2007
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Arizona, US
Well every single school i go to I'm always the one that is "different".

Almost every school I go to has had two "cliques". They always define themselves as the "preps" and the "ghettos". I'm neither. But for some reason I always end up blending in the preppy clique. I hate how I'm like that--I always try to blend in. I don't wanna force myself to say things I don't mean. If I did act the way I was I'd be a total loser.

Definition of "loser" at the school I've been to: anime-loving, loves rock and punk, wears black, dyes their hair wierd colors...

I have blue highlights in my hair and I hide it by wearing a hat or wearing hair clips.

Lately, I've been thinking a lot. I don't want to "blend in", I wanna stand out, I wanna have friends that accept me for who I am, but since I care what people think about me(I hate that about myself), I'm afraid of being rejected.

Should I just take the risk or go with what I'm doing now?


I think I can help you out. :)

I read an article about cliques, and how they make kids feel left out. People in the cliques usually think that they are 'cool' brcause they have their own little group. There is nothing wrong with trying to blend in. But there IS something wrong with being someone you're not, JUST to blend in with the so called 'popular' kids. :p

If you can be yourself, and still blend in with the other groups, then that's fine. You're sure to make friends with the group that you want to be with. However, like I said, if those people have personalities that just don't fit you, then I don't think it would be best to be in that group. :D There's got to be some 'outsiders' in the school that you can hang out with.

If you want to make friends with somebody, start off by saying hi to them in the halls when you pass them, and sitting with them at lunch. You are sure to find a friend that you can really connect with.

As for you being afraid to show your hair or something, don't be. I have a feeling that if I were to see somebody walking by with blue highlights, I'd probably be thinking, "hey, that girl's got really cool hair". So basically what I'm trying to say is that I'm pretty sure a lot of people would think you have cool hair too. :D

Good luck with everything! :D

Well every single school i go to I'm always the one that is "different".Almost every school I go to has had two "cliques". They always define themselves as the "preps" and the "ghettos". I'm neither. But for some reason I always end up blending in the preppy clique. I hate how I'm like that--I always try to blend in. I don't wanna force myself to say things I don't mean. If I did act the way I was I'd be a total loser.

Definition of "loser" at the school I've been to: anime-loving, loves rock and punk, wears black, dyes their hair wierd colors...

I have blue highlights in my hair and I hide it by wearing a hat or wearing hair clips.

Lately, I've been thinking a lot. I don't want to "blend in", I wanna stand out, I wanna have friends that accept me for who I am, but since I care what people think about me(I hate that about myself), I'm afraid of being rejected.

Should I just take the risk or go with what I'm doing now?

Differences are what makes everyone special.

Don't be afraid to show what you want.

mametchi ;)

Take a risk. I'm a loser according to your school.

I have orange, purple, brown and red hair... I'm really weird, but people like me for it.

Black is my ssignature colour. I always wear the sleeves, bracelets, pants, skirts... All black.

I <333 Punk and rock music.

It's who you are, so show it, they don't matter. At least you have the ourage to put blue in your hair (Haha)

Don't worry about them ^.^

Be yourself.

Try to find some that are more on the outskirts that can relate more to you. Chances are there are others in these groups that aren't so 'involved', if you will, with either group. Don't ever feel like you have to rebel to 'be noticed' or 'stand out'. Don't get so involved in being so different that you turn out just the same. ;]

Cetch my drift?

And, just practice it, like, wear your hair with the blue highlights in it, only just wear it to a store, and then as you get more comfrotable, go ahead to your friends house, (hey, what are friend's for?) then, get more comfertable.

As you feel better about, finally, wear it to school.

So who cares if Tommy (random name) says something mean? You like it, right?

Like GotchiGirl96, well, you might just find some new friends who enjoy it, and so...


mametchi :wacko:

oh, and there is this girl who died her hair in our class. she got picked on, but after a while, then, people got used to it.

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Be who you want to be, not what others want to see :D Being different is what makes everyone unique. Be proud about who you are and let your personality shine.

Just remember, the people who mind don't matter, and the people who matter don't mind.


I've always been different and "unique" everywhere I go. I love to be an individual, it is a harder path in life than it is to just follow the crowd...but it is worth it. Especially as you grow older, people accept it more. Sometimes, it is fun to play up your uniqueness. I tend to do things such as attend Reptile Expos every other month...in pencil skirts and heels. People think it's wierd enough that a girl "likes those creepy animals", and then to show up to purchase something reptilian in a ladylike skirt really makes people think twice about judging you. :D

Play up your personality! Be fearless. It's a very liberating way to think about society and yourself.

I've always been different and "unique" everywhere I go. I love to be an individual, it is a harder path in life than it is to just follow the crowd...but it is worth it. Especially as you grow older, people accept it more. Sometimes, it is fun to play up your uniqueness. I tend to do things such as attend Reptile Expos every other month...in pencil skirts and heels. People think it's wierd enough that a girl "likes those creepy animals", and then to show up to purchase something reptilian in a ladylike skirt really makes people think twice about judging you. ;)
Play up your personality! Be fearless. It's a very liberating way to think about society and yourself.
Aubrey is right.

Differences CAN be fun.

You won't regret this!

mametchi ;)

Well every single school i go to I'm always the one that is "different".Almost every school I go to has had two "cliques". They always define themselves as the "preps" and the "ghettos". I'm neither. But for some reason I always end up blending in the preppy clique. I hate how I'm like that--I always try to blend in. I don't wanna force myself to say things I don't mean. If I did act the way I was I'd be a total loser.

Definition of "loser" at the school I've been to: anime-loving, loves rock and punk, wears black, dyes their hair wierd colors...

I have blue highlights in my hair and I hide it by wearing a hat or wearing hair clips.

Lately, I've been thinking a lot. I don't want to "blend in", I wanna stand out, I wanna have friends that accept me for who I am, but since I care what people think about me(I hate that about myself), I'm afraid of being rejected.

Should I just take the risk or go with what I'm doing now?

lol. you r EXACTLY like me.. in fact... so much, it's scary.

I call myself an inbetweeny. Mainly since I'm an inbetween person. I'm not in any group or anything, but I do seem to fit in slightly with every group in the school. (geeks, emos, preps, regulars, goths, retards, etc.... exept boy preps. I don't fit in there)

People allways call me the wierd girl, because I like anime and study animals and know a lot about them and stuff. There was this time there was a mouse (a baby mouse) that fell out of a girl's shoe in my basketball class and everyone was screaming and running and my friend Fran was about to squish it with her shoe, so I went and saved it by picking it up with some toilet paper and putting it outside.


People are still calling me gross for that.

There's really nothing you can do about it ecept accept it. I wasn't always a betweeny, but when my best friend moved, she left me in the dust with no one. Now I have no best friends and I'm stuck with "somewhat friends" that all think I'm a wierdo. I met a new girl at school today tho. I think we could be friends, but she's no replacement for my old one.

The only way to really fix it is to move, I guess. You get used to it after a while.

If it makes you happy. I'm very concious about what other people thing, even though I shouldn't. So I just tell myself when I'm in public 'None of these people know me, why should they judge me' and it's not like I'll ever see them again. Just think about you, and your real friends because what anybody else thinks doesn't matter. :D

And Temari I don't think it's gross what you did, I think it's nice because it shows your a caring person :) .

lol. you r EXACTLY like me.. in fact... so much, it's scary.
I call myself an inbetweeny. Mainly since I'm an inbetween person. I'm not in any group or anything, but I do seem to fit in slightly with every group in the school. (geeks, emos, preps, regulars, goths, retards, etc.... exept boy preps. I don't fit in there)

People allways call me the wierd girl, because I like anime and study animals and know a lot about them and stuff. There was this time there was a mouse (a baby mouse) that fell out of a girl's shoe in my basketball class and everyone was screaming and running and my friend Fran was about to squish it with her shoe, so I went and saved it by picking it up with some toilet paper and putting it outside.


People are still calling me gross for that.

There's really nothing you can do about it ecept accept it. I wasn't always a betweeny, but when my best friend moved, she left me in the dust with no one. Now I have no best friends and I'm stuck with "somewhat friends" that all think I'm a wierdo. I met a new girl at school today tho. I think we could be friends, but she's no replacement for my old one.

The only way to really fix it is to move, I guess. You get used to it after a while.
o.o I did the exact same thing when there was a mouse..That's creepy how we're alike. The only difference is that someoneknocked me over took the mouse out of my hands and threw it on the grond and smashed it with a textbook. :D I was so mad. I don't have any best friends and the kinda sorta not really friends I have only like me for the person I'm pretending to be. It's difficult for me to find friends when I move to different places all the time.

I tried walking around the mall with my hair down, a ripped shirt and black pants with chains hanging off...and then I saw a group of my "friends" and they didn't even recognize me..


I know exactly what you're talking about. I hate how people label each other just judged by their appearence...I'm considered a loser or freak at my school because people can't tell if I'm "supposed" to be totally preppy or a punk. I would say I'm a mix of both, although I hate titles and you should just be yourself! It doesn't matter what other people think of you! Go ahead and show your blue hair to the world...you're just showing your own style and expressing yourself. There's nothing wrong with that. :)


~* spypeeps3 *~


P.S. Occasionally I temporarily highlight my hair blue, and nobody's ever said something negative about it :furawatchi:

Think of it this way. You can be popular for four years with the preps, and ignore studying for popularity, or you can be a 'freak' for four years, and when your making real money, the 'populars' will have four kids and be doing some dead ender. [That does not mean ALL of them will, just the ones who neglect studying and go to parties where erm..] I know thats a rather sinister way to look at it though. Maybe just remember that being in the popular crew means that you'll have alot of peer pressure on you, etc. <_<

Different is good.

Don't conform to them.

Be who you wanna be.

As for me, I am considered a 'freak' at my school.



- xd3vilx

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