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Aubrey Hepburn

Well-known member
Aug 22, 2004
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Kansas, U.S.A.
I know a lot of people who say that dinosaurs are "for little kids" and that most people "grow out" of liking them, but I still really love dinosaurs. They are airing dinosaur shows today on Discovery Science Channel, and I always watch these shows when they play them.

To me, dinosaurs are as real as anything else in this world, and it is strange to me how many people tend to dismiss them as valid areas of interest. They were a huge part of our Earth's history. They are also still here today, all around us as the birds that we are all very familiar with! I think they are amazing, fascinating creatures, and I really enjoy finding out new discoveries on their behaviour in particular. I know I don't have the patience for it, but I've always dreamed about being an archaeologist. I just think it is a very intriguing profession and field of study.

So, does anyone else really enjoy dinosaurs still? Are there any dinos that you find particularly interesting? I really like Ankylosaurus for the herbivores, and Spinosaurus for the carnivores. And, who doesn't love the T-Rex from Jurassic Park? xD

My parrots even have their "favorite" ancestors. hehe My little green Quaker Parrot gets really excited and cheers when I call her a "Compy"(Compsognathus), which is actually a tiny green dinosaur that is about the same size as her. My big Umbrella Cockatoo literally starts roaring when I point at him and call him a "T-Rex". :furawatchi: I like to keep them connected with their "roots". :) Or maybe they watch too much Jurassic Park. hehee

Yeah, I love dinosaurs.

My favourites are Pachicephalosaurus (don't ask how I can spell that XD), the Pterosaurs, Ornithomimus, Ankylosaurus, Velociraptor and Troodon. I like Troodon because scientists believe that if the dinosaurs hadn't been wiped out, the Troodon probably would have evolved into a humaoid-like creature because it was so smart for its size.

You could say I'm a Dino-Maniac XD


I like Dino's! I have a Dino Fossil tooth as a necklace! I like the T-rex!


I'd like a book on dino's

I've seen an episode about the Troodon, actually! It was a really neat dinosaur, and I've heard the discussions about its superior intelligence. It's really fascinating to look at a creature that could've possibly filled our evolutionary position.

You guys would love this place called T-Rex Cafe. It is a huge, dinosaur-themed restaraunt that is owned by the same company that owns Rainforest Cafe. They have one in Kansas, and they are also planning to open one in Florida. It is seriously a fun place for dinosaur lovers to visit!

I'm not a big fan of 'em.

But my brothers name is Rex, and when he was little, he wore shirts with a T-Rex on 'em and it said "T-Rex" on the top. My mom always made them, though.

I love Dino's ^.^ I really love the Raptors. They were so, different, in the way they were more intelligent and could speak to each other and work together. they could also rip you open and start to eat you will your alive and can feel the pain, and that's something to be respected. I also love the Stego, and the Bronchi.

While all the other girls knew about Disney princesses, I made annoying Dino sounds and could tell you about everything from the T-Rex to the Corythasorus (but I forgot how to spell it ^.^), I had buckets of plastic Dino's, and when I was little, while all the other girls wore flowers, dresses or normal cloths to the first grade picture shoot, I wore a shirt with a Rex, Pterodactyl, Stego and raptor that was actually a boys shirt. I cant draw Dinos, though. I suck at that.

dinosaurs are so cool <333

I remember always watching Jurassic Park when i was little..

I love the tall ones.. (with a B, can't spell.. lol) and Terdactels? (sp??????)

I just have to mention, when I was out shopping last night, I went into the Hot Topic at the mall and saw a whole bunch of really cute casual girls' t-shirts. They had one displaye d on the wall that was white with an "I", a big red heart, and then a big green dinosaur outline like a brachiosaurus on it! It was so cute I bought it. ;) hehe I immediately thought about what a coincidence it was that I just started this dinosaur thread here, and I had to tell you guys about it! xD

[SIZE=8pt]I love dinosaurs! I know way more than my teachers about them! I know more than 200 dinosaur names and i can name them A-Z! I am so in love with them that I want to be a paleontologist when I grow up. I know sooo much. My favorite would have to be either Leaellynosaura or Deinonychus or Velociraptor. I also love Compsognathus!♥♥ If anyone has any questions about dinosaurs, then come to me! (everyone does in real life too...) ;) [/SIZE]

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