Disappearing Sections of TamaTalk?!?


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Tech Admin

Hello members!

I wanted to post a note to let everyone know the Guides team is trying out something new... We will start taking sections of TamaTalk offline for 1-2 weeks at a time so that we can go through and clean out repeat posts and spam. This should help us to keep the site clean and prepare for future posts. Things like this make it easier when it comes time to searching for useful information. Why would anyone want to use the Search if tons of useless information clogs the results up?! Anyways... We are trying it out... Let's see how it goes.

So if a section you frequent is no longer there all of the sudden... Never fear! It is just being scrubbed and polished up! ;)

Suggestions was the first offline, and now it is back, nice and clean! :D .

Next section is currently undercided. :eek:

Fun Stuff will be closed next for a short period of time whilst we clean it out. Don't worry, it will be back soon! :unsure:

Thanks :wacko:

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