Discussions with your parents taht you hate


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May 2, 2010
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title is self explainatory

Mum: You brought somebody elses's pe top home! dad: you gonna look for the person who might have it? Mum: she dont care. Me: who would?

or when you geta boyfriend they have to give u 'the growing up' lecture

Growing up talks. "I shall talk to you now about wearing bras......" that kind of talk.

I also hate that "That was very rude, learn the proper and polite way. You are very naughty, apologize now"

And when they ask me what I did on the computer and why I'm laughing. I know they're only curious and that but seriously, the reason why I would be laughing is if um...I found something inappropriate but absolutely hilarious on the internet. Seriously.

The two questions I hate "Why are you sad?" when I'm perfectly fine, or "Where are you going?" Umm... my room? "To do what?" idk, read a book? Play nintendo DS?

Oh wait, that was three....

Well, now I have a boyfriend I'm quite involved with, mum keeps giving me awkward sex talks.

Like, tonight on the way home from work, out of no where 'You're still virginal, right?' 'Yes, mum'

She's very very concerned that I'm going to end up pregnant.

She's not open at all to me being sexual.

Everyday there's another awkward 'Have you done it? Where has he touched you?' type talk.

Well, now I have a boyfriend I'm quite involved with, mum keeps giving me awkward sex talks.Like, tonight on the way home from work, out of no where 'You're still virginal, right?' 'Yes, mum'

She's very very concerned that I'm going to end up pregnant.

She's not open at all to me being sexual.

Everyday there's another awkward 'Have you done it? Where has he touched you?' type talk.
No offence right im not suprised you moved out yet

Ahh, I hate the boyfriend talks. I'm just like "Go away pls".

I always get lectures about not eating all day, too.

Ahh, I hate the boyfriend talks. I'm just like "Go away pls".
I always get lectures about not eating all day, too.
I get the not eating ones, too.

Also, if I don't finish all my food I get lectured on how many people are starving each day.

I get the "blahblahblah get off msn do you work" talk all the time. I hate it. I'm gonna go on msn anyways : )

Ohyeah, and the "Do you have a boyfriend?" talk. No, I do not have a boyfriend, and if I did, it's not really something I'd be telling my parents, because they're the kinda parents that disapprove of relationships because apparently it distracts us from doing work, ahah.

When they talk about me being rude to my brother.

....it's the other way around :) ;]

Boys, the "wat are you doing on the computer," talk, the "you're gonna get killed if you walk around the corner on your own," talk, the "you're not going away for college. you're staying here. and you're getting in on a scholarship b/c lol we has no moneys," talk. Only because my dad says it over and over and over to annoy me. xD

I hate when my dad talks about my myspace page. Also, about songs with explicit lyrics. He gets really angry when I listen to them. Then when he wants me to talk about it with my mom, I hate that discussion, lol.

What I do on the computer. Mainly, "That tama.. something site." ;P

Conversations about pedophiles and stuff like that. My mom doesn't know when to stop.

The "it's all a part of growing up" talk. Blahh.

When my mum forever goes on about how I shouldn't wash my hair as much as I do and how I'm taking all the natural goodness out of it. xD So far, my hair is fine. When it starts to get all horrible and straw-like, thats when my mother can lecture me.

"The birds and the bees". Ohyes. :(

It's just the way they sound while talking to me.. they sound uncomfortable, so I feel uncomfortable.

I'm also not a fan of the homework/schoolwork talks, about how ungrateful I am that I can get an education and that I don't know how many people out there can't get educations. Same goes for food if I skip a meal.

I also get constant lectures on how I must uphold "family dignity", with how I act, dress, talk, etc. My parents are quite old fashioned, and they want me to be a "proper lady". I know that they take the time to tell me all this because they care, but sometimes I wish they'd just ease up a little bit.

I hate it when my mom complains that I'm doing too much homework. Yes, she complains when I DO my homework, instead of nagging me TO DO my homework. Instead of just leaving me alone and letting me do my work, she'll be "You spend too much time on your homework! Just finish it! Geez, how hard can it be?!" It's REALLY annoying. She never worked hard in school as a kid, so she doesn't know how much effort homework really takes. I quote: "When I was in school, I didn't pay attention. I used to look at the clock and twirl my pigtails until school let out" Then I have to read aloud some complicated stuff from my science textbook so she'll leave me alone. >.<

I also hate boy talks with my mom. I've never gone out with a boy in my life, and she STILL give me lectures. They go something like this:

Mom: What would you do if a boy tried to talk with you this summer?

Me: I'd have a conversation with them

Mom: What if he wanted to hang out with you?

Me: ...

Mom: Do the boys in you school talk to you?

Me: Yeah...

Mom: So that means you LIKE THEM?!

Me: Jesus! It's not a sin to talk to a boy! Just because I have conversations with them doesn't mean I'm gonna go out with them!

Mom: ...

As for my dad, he doesn't really give me lectures. He'll just tell me off once in a while for reading manga (He believes its 'Japanese crap') But I either tell him not to insult the stuff I like of just ignore it.

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