disses and insults ruin lifes


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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2008
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Insults were the main thing that made me feel down in school.From "your fat" to more nasty ones like "your a sl**" This is a major problem and it has to stop.Do you think insults are going over the top?

I have a personal experience.Bullys sometimes look for reactions from their victoms.so the best thing to do one someone is bullying you is to act like it doesn't bother you. i have a story that proves it.

ok so their were two bullies i will call them *a* and *b* ok so *a* walked up to me after lunch and said hey ______ (thats my name) your mom is so dumb (he had never met my mom)I pointed out to him that he had never met my mom and *b* said to *a* dude i can do a better one so *b* said your little brother is fat and i said i know he is this kept on going for a while and once they saw these "insults" were not working he just said your stupid and hurried away from me . lawlz i took care of him

(by the way *a* ended up getting suspended for bringing a pocket knife to school)

Pathetic insults like that, in my mind, aren't even really bullying.

I mean geez.

That was just pathetic.

'Your brother is fat'? That isn't an insult. That's stupid.


On the topic, I believe that unless the bullying reaches critical heights, kids need to learn how to suck it up and deal with it on their own.

That's just my opinion.

>_> haha, when ever people try to mess with me verbally..

They get a rude awakening.

I talk them out, I get them. I'm good at that.

But if they try to physically hurt me, I beat them up.

Haha, I come from a tough family. I beat up a high schooler.

On topic, insults. Negative, stupid, even pathetic at times.

But they do sometimes, have major impacts on the mind.

Last year was hell, my friend and i where treated like dirt. She would make a joke and the boys would come over and be like "your not funny" or "thats not funny" we where so sick of it that My friend snaped and took the guys hat and shoved it in the garbige can, Then she stomped it in and buried it under all the trash.

We where treated like nothing, we sat alone on one side of the table and they all srunched into the other side. Then we did all the work on the group projects and the teacher didnt even care(nither the principal).

Then they where so imiture there was a mentalie chalanged kid lets call him "c" and when he bumped into them thay would sream "EWWWWW "c" germs" and wipe it on other people and if they wiped it on me i didn't care.

Finely we get back to the lunch table and they would throgh there trash at other people and say "no give backs" and i was like"WTF" so asked whos garbige it was (no answers) so i got up and though it out so i sayed "Thats sad i have to thiugh your garbige out for you like you where babys"

Personaly i hate people who do that from experience and now in days i snap and talk off anyone who messes with my friends.

Insults were the main thing that made me feel down in school.From "your fat" to more nasty ones like "your a sl**" This is a major problem and it has to stop.Do you think insults are going over the top?

I have a personal experience.Bullys sometimes look for reactions from their victoms.so the best thing to do one someone is bullying you is to act like it doesn't bother you. i have a story that proves it.

ok so their were two bullies i will call them *a* and *b* ok so *a* walked up to me after lunch and said hey ______ (thats my name) your mom is so dumb (he had never met my mom)I pointed out to him that he had never met my mom and *b* said to *a* dude i can do a better one so *b* said your little brother is fat and i said i know he is this kept on going for a while and once they saw these "insults" were not working he just said your stupid and hurried away from me . lawlz i took care of him

(by the way *a* ended up getting suspended for bringing a pocket knife to school)
[SIZE=14pt]Some kids like to bully or insult others to make them feel strong. A form of advantage I guess. Just ignore them and walk off. You DON'T need them, they need you to survive, just leave them alone and they'll die off and do something else. Don't say ANTHING to them, pretend they're not there. If you are easyly hurt,like me, I would just...talk to a teacher or somebody.[/SIZE]

The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.

Take one look at their parents. They're probably drug addicts who bully their kids. At least, that's the case with most bullies. They probably need counseling or something.

If it wasn't their parents who are giving them that influence, and they're bullying people just for the fun of it... well, it's not so fun. If they just randomly walk up to you and say these stupid, idiotic *cough* and immature *cough* insults to you, just walk away. I mean, who invited them over in the first place?

By the way, who comes up with these stupid insults like "your mom" and "go suck balls"? If they want to be smart with you, be smart right back. Tell someone in authority about them.

Insults were the main thing that made me feel down in school.From "your fat" to more nasty ones like "your a sl**" This is a major problem and it has to stop.Do you think insults are going over the top?

I have a personal experience.Bullys sometimes look for reactions from their victoms.so the best thing to do one someone is bullying you is to act like it doesn't bother you. i have a story that proves it.

ok so their were two bullies i will call them *a* and *b* ok so *a* walked up to me after lunch and said hey ______ (thats my name) your mom is so dumb (he had never met my mom)I pointed out to him that he had never met my mom and *b* said to *a* dude i can do a better one so *b* said your little brother is fat and i said i know he is this kept on going for a while and once they saw these "insults" were not working he just said your stupid and hurried away from me . lawlz i took care of him

(by the way *a* ended up getting suspended for bringing a pocket knife to school)

Bullying will NEVER stop. It's life, sorry to tell you, hun.

Just tell them it ain't working like you did. I don't put up with that bull from anyone. It only "ruins" the lifes of wimps, honestly.

Um.Bullying will NEVER stop. It's life, sorry to tell you, hun.

Just tell them it ain't working like you did. I don't put up with that bull from anyone. It only "ruins" the lifes of wimps, honestly.

Pathetic insults like that, in my mind, aren't even really bullying.
I mean geez.

That was just pathetic.

'Your brother is fat'? That isn't an insult. That's stupid.


On the topic, I believe that unless the bullying reaches critical heights, kids need to learn how to suck it up and deal with it on their own.

That's just my opinion.
I couldn't agree with you more.

I like ignoring people. It makes them mad.

But plotting revenge is so much fun. [/devious]

With insults like "You're fat" and "You're a slut", I personally think they could be handled better than most do.. Because people should just know better than to believe it if they're being bullied. I would say the same for stereotypes.. :/

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