do any uv you have a v5 tama


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Maybe Bandai released them in Japan or Chini and didn't in the US yet... I dunno, lol.

Hi I Lovetamas:Youre friend maybe buyed a fake tamagotchi, so if you see a v3, v4, v5, etc, don't buy it, It culd be fake :furawatchi:

Hope It Helped!

Muffin_Tama :unsure:
I think Muffin_Tama has a real good point, there. It is expecialy true that e-bay sells so many fakes, it's not even funny.


From, you can pre-order a v-3 :huh:

v1 and v2 are the only officail bandai tamagotchis. All of the rest are fakes. trust me there are a lot of people out there that would do anything for some money.

V tamagotchi doesent exist, V is to mean VERSION, like V2, VERSION 2

Hope it helped lifeman!


I think you can pre-order V3 Tamagotchis, but they will probably be Japanese versions.

Those are some kind of fake calling it's self a V4, V5. Who knows what they actually are. Could be multi pets or some low quality other pet. A lot of the time, those don't even have a working IR thing at the top. Sometimes they are a light. Low quality and annoying but if they turn out to be interesting, let us know.

They are not licensed by Bandai and can not legally use the Tamagotchi name anyway. :puroperatchi:

most of them are spelt different also...





and things like that...they are fake, there is nothing above a V2...why do you think they are so much cheaper than the actual V2's?

and when the person say a tamagatchi V, they probally ment the roman numeral, V=5

BIG FAT UGLY LIE!! ther isno V5 without a V4 V3 the only ones out are:





and anglelgotchi etc.

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