Do barbie dolls suck? yes


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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2007
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they are physco dolls that can brain wash you! :huh:

Barbie Dolls are toys.

They are inanimate, so I don't think anyone need worry about being brainwashed :huh:

... unless... OMG! Do you think you've been brainwashed by your Barbie? (Is that what you're saying...?) :huh:

Haha, if Barbies could brainwash you, I think I'd be playing with them right now. ;D

But, I agree, they are evil.. in their own way...



That's why you flush their heads down the toilet. :3

I used fire crackers on all my Barbies, but that was for reasons of entertainment in desperate times.

No, I do not think they could brain wash you, but I do think at least Barbie was given a 'successful woman' view, opposed to Bratz.

Bratz dolls are also harder to blow up.

I have to try fire crackers sometime. o.o Thanks!

Bratz are out of proportion. You can't flush their heads down the toilet very easily...



That's when you throw them out a window. :3

This topic is slightly SPAM. (Barbie dolls don't brainwash you...)

But anyway, I don't mind Barbie dolls. Most little girls play with them sometime or another. It's just a doll that girls play with! I used to love Barbies so much, I had about 2 boxes full of them and their clothes, cars, etc, and whenever my best friend came round we would play that they were all the people in our class! Lol, those were the days! :huh:


I have to try fire crackers sometime. o.o Thanks!
Bratz are out of proportion. You can't flush their heads down the toilet very easily...



That's when you throw them out a window. :3
You have to get their heads off first, though.

Oh, you should see what me, my sister, a friend, and my mom (yes, my mother) did to my Bratz. They are now in parts on a string hanging on the inside handle of my closet. :3

Oh, you should see what me, my sister, a friend, and my mom (yes, my mother) did to my Bratz. They are now in parts on a string hanging on the inside handle of my closet. :3
I want to see that O:

If you could get a picture, be sure to send it me. :3

I threw a Barbie out a window, into a pool. Her arm snapped off in my hand, and her head fell off from the water's impact. :D Fun.

... I thouroughly (sp?) enjoy destroying Barbies. 8D

I see them as creepy things that are going to take over the world in a million years.

Cecib ^_^

Barbies are better than bratz though :eek:

Bratz just teach you how to be a whore

I remember when i had a spice girls barbie

my sister burned them :eek:

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Once my brothers wrapped an old Barbie doll of mine's head in duct tape. I took it off cause I pity them (sometimes), even though I hate them. It's hair was ruined > ^_^

This topic is slightly SPAM. (Barbie dolls don't brainwash you...)
But anyway, I don't mind Barbie dolls. Most little girls play with them sometime or another. It's just a doll that girls play with! I used to love Barbies so much, I had about 2 boxes full of them and their clothes, cars, etc, and whenever my best friend came round we would play that they were all the people in our class! Lol, those were the days! :D

This topic IS spam.

I was never a fan, but I don't think it's cool to blow barbies up or anything. :huh:

They can't brainwash you, especially when you don't have a brain to "wash".

This topic IS spam.
I was never a fan, but I don't think it's cool to blow barbies up or anything. :huh:

They can't brainwash you, especially when you don't have a brain to "wash".
LOL :(

Since this is becoming a bragging competition on how to destroy dolls I'm going to close it.

I would just add that I am sure that your local Goodwill store would appreciate donations of unwanted toys rather than you simply trashing them for fun.

Some folks can't afford to just destroy toys they don't like :D


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