Do I have a secret character?


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Jul 14, 2005
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I got a tamagotchi V2 yesterday and it turned into a star looking thing. I connected it with my regular tamagotchi and when it gave it a prestent. When it came on the screen it turned into a wierd character. It has a hat with an S on it and a round body with arms and legs. When it goes back on its screen it turns into the star looking thing again. :D

Does anybody know what it is? B)

if u connected ur v2 2 a v1 it shows up as the secret character because it cant show v2 characters on v1 but when it returns 2 it's own screen it shows up as a hitodetchi(the star thing u were talkin about)

Hmm... it sounds like a Nazotchi, but I don't think it has an S on its hat. ;) The V2 "starfish" is Hitodetchi.

Did you connect said V2 with a V1?

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I got a tamagotchi V2 yesterday and it turned into a star looking thing. I connected it with my regular tamagotchi and when it gave it a prestent. When it came on the screen it turned into a wierd character. It has a hat with an S on it and a round body with arms and legs. When it goes back on its screen it turns into the star looking thing again. :)

Does anybody know what it is? :(
it came up like that cuz V2 is different frum V1 so the graphics went bak to how it would look like in the V1

Dude, what u have witnessed is a graphic muddle-up. :kuribotchi: (no, theres nothing wrong with ur tamagotchi :furawatchi: )The version 2 graphics are 2 advanced 4 version 1. It's called a nazotchi i think. its happened 2 my version 1.

:p tama master Sarah :(

this little S on nazotchi's hat is the shiney part! it turns back into hitodetchi.

^Some people don't no that tamapaws^

Also it is a Nozotchi (spelling)

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