Do Tama's you marry in ON locations become permanently unavailable to marry in future generations?


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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2006
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I got Mametchi as my first generation and married him to Lovelitchi. Their now listed as family and do not show up at the Tama Hotel.

Are they now permanently removed as marriage candidates? Or are they unavailable for a certain amount of generations? I heard that 999 generations can be saved on the unit before its starts deleting older generations. Am I going to have to wait until generation 1000 before I can marry Mametchi or Lovelitchi to another Tama I raised?

And if their permanently gone from those locations once married, does that mean if I marry each generation I raise to each of the Tama's available in the locations for marriage they turn into ghosts towns with only unmarriageable Tama's there?

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I will be using your tamas as an example. If you raised Mametchi and married him to a Lovelitchi their child let’s say if it’s a boy will NOT marry a Lovelitchi.

However, the third generation if let’s say was a boy, you can marry him to a Lovelitchi because that will not register her as a parent. 

And you will be meeting them/playing with them regardless if they were the parent or not.

This of course is all based on the meets I own, which I think is should be identical to the ON :)  

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