do u do anything wierd in your sleep?


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Well-known member
Dec 5, 2006
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i sleep walk and talk and kick in my sleep and all this wierd's wierd

i'll tell u a story

*i was sleeping in a hotel and i woke up my grandma in the middle of the night and i told her i had to show her somthing and i walked to the door and stared at it for like 2 minutes......and then i just walked away and got in bed

and left her there at the door.....* it was kinda wierd cause i dident know untill i woke up that morning and she told me it!!! i was laughing

ok that's my story! it is not the funniest 1 but the funniest ones r tttooooo long

so if u have anything u do in the night tell me (please) and then say a story about it (please)

I toss and turn alot, my sister says sometimes she can't sleep because I toss and turn so much I bang into the wall - The wall is next to my bed. I've even woke up with bruises on my legs and sometimes a sore head :( .

But strangly enough when I stop my boyfriends house he sleeps so close I don't have enough room to toss and turn, even though his bed is huge - he's just greedy but I'm always warm :p .

I usualy go down stairs (it's like 2 pm) and g ooutside my kitten greets me(i love her so much) and i picked her up i got some cereal and put the cat on the table and i put the cereal near her and she loved it.I got her cat food opened the can and i ate it!!!,that was so disgusting!!!,lol.

[SIZE=11pt]I kick and punch in my sleep and I move around alot! But while I was at camp last month (Yes I went to camp because I'm only in grade 5 but dont underestimate me! XD) Anyways, I was in my cabin with 12 girls and my teacher. At night, my friend was snoring SO loud and we're all like "Amber, is that you snoring?" And she said "Mommy, Gurpreet did it!" XDXDXD AND after that, there was this girl named Ashley and she was making "aaahh, Ooohh" noises in the middle of the night! it was soooooooo weird! XD[/SIZE]

I toss and turn alot and I don't wanna say it!I sometimes snore not alot and talk in my sleep,And I also bang on the wall and fall off the bed

Lol, I just toss and turn. One time I was having a dream that someone was smashing my fingers with bricks, then I was half awake half asleep, and I was crying and saying, OW OW OW OW!! I was sleeping with my dad so he woke up and he was asking me what was wrong, and I was all like, "WHAT?" LOL

I've slept [slept? o_O] walked/talked before.

One time my brother was still awake and as he was walking down our hallway he heard me say [while I was sleeping] 'Cheese! Cheese no! Don't leave! NO!'. xD

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I talk in my sleep, I sing in my sleep, I sometimes walk in my sleeep and I toss and turn alot.

The other night, I was drinking a cartin of juice before bed. In my sleep, I lifted it up and poured it all over myself. I woke up at 4:40am (as of usual) and was like "WTF- it's all wet!" Then, I relised, I had the juice in my hand.

heres one I fell asleep at my house then I woke up but I was still half way asleep and I walked into the kitchen then I walked back and my mom was like Chelsea Chelsea and I walked in my room and pulled all my stuff animals off the bed and walked back into the kitchen then my mom said my dad picked me up and put me in my bed and I fell asleep thats what my mom told me oh and at my grandmas house I was sleeping on the couch and then I was half way asleep so I sat up in my bed and my grandma was like Chelsea are you ready to go to bed and I looked at her and then I got up and headed to the kitchen and got close to the door and then turned around then my grandma noticed was sleep walking and then I went back to the couch and went to sleep my mom thinks just if I am not sleeping in my own bed I do that and that kind of scares me lol its kind of like sleep walking

My mom says I tlk but I dunno???
I don't snore or anything but my mom said I talk in my sleep too. But maybe that isn't true. If it isn't, during my sleep, I just sleep.

Sometimes I get up and start running in place on my bed =P

My sister videotaped me once

My sister, my mom, and my friends all say I sleep walk and talk. =P Hehe. I have lots of stories! (Sleep Talk=ST, Sleep Walk=SW.)

ST: My Mom came downstairs because she was thirsty or something, and I was tossing and turning. She said I said something about the "Waffle King chasing me..." or something! xD Then, afterwards, I said something about "They want the recipe, but I won't give it to them.." and "Hehe... They're good hiders!". XD XD XD My friend, who's house I slept over at last night, says I was laughing, giggling, and then laughing evilly in my sleep. 0.o

SW: I've walked to the very top of the stairs, teetering (Hehe. Teetering is a funny word. What?? Oh... Sorry. Anyways...) at the edge. My Mom [thankfully] woke up and grabbed we before I fell. And I don't remember anything of this. I've also opened the front door and pointed outside to where my dad walks home from work. I have no idea why. I've gone to sleep in my bed, and woke up in my parents'. Yes, I know I'm odd.

LOL. Otherwise I just toss and turn, wake up at the worst times (like during a real good dream), stuff like that. =P

i sleep walk and talk and kick in my sleep and all this wierd's wierd

i'll tell u a story

*i was sleeping in a hotel and i woke up my grandma in the middle of the night and i told her i had to show her somthing and i walked to the door and stared at it for like 2 minutes......and then i just walked away and got in bed

and left her there at the door.....* it was kinda wierd cause i dident know untill i woke up that morning and she told me it!!! i was laughing

ok that's my story! it is not the funniest 1 but the funniest ones r tttooooo long

so if u have anything u do in the night tell me (please) and then say a story about it (please)
Haha, that's funny! One time I was at my friends house and she was sleeping. She was talking in her sleep and that woke me up. She was saying "Courtnee. COURTNEE!!" and I was like, "what?" and she was like, "Go get me some ice cream.", and I was like "ok" so I got up and went and got her ice cream. Then woke her up and gave it to her. When I woke her up I was like "here's the ice cream", and she was like, "what? i dont want ice cream" and I was like, "uh, you woke me up and asked me for some a few minutes ago", and she laughed and said, "I did?" she ate it then we both went back to sleep.



When I sleep,I talk,kick, punch,laugh or cry (when I dream) and snore.

My cousin is worse than me!! once we had a sleepover at aunt's house and I taught her how to play Uno. When we were sleeping she was talking about the Uno card game in her dream!!!!!. I was so afraid that I woke up my aunt and I slept instead of her.

I don't think I do anything in my sleep. When I go to sleep on my stomach with my head turned, I wake up in the same position.



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