Do u ever hear voices in ur head?


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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2007
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They mostly just tell me random stuff. Or what to get for lunch........ those fahitas were GOOD!!!! :eek:

What do they say 2 u?

That stupid voice always comes up at the wrong times.

Come on Lynn, one more won't kill you.. D<*explodes*

Only when I'm about to fall asleep, or when I'm spacing out.

It does get annoying, sometimes. I can hear somebody say something like they're right next to me, when I would rather be dead to the world at that moment but can't.. D:

They say random things, EXACT EXAMPLE FROM TODAY IN CHOIR WHEN SINGING NATIONAL ANTHEM ALTO: America... *remember to go down, instead of up* America.... God shed his grace on thee....*remember to hold for 4 beats* Oh say can you see....*don't hold, quickly, speed up* by the dawnserly(sp?) light..*eeeek can't go that low!* What so proudly we HAILED..*toast would taste so much better if it was fried instead of toasted.* At the twighlight's last gleaming....

Ya know what? Toast would taste better fried. I am so totally trying it.

I like to believe it is your own voices (Or your consiouns (sp?)).

Sometimes I renember random things. Thing that came up long ago, or insignificant things in my life.

For instance, while writing this post I just renembered drawing my first smileyface :eek:

And that I enjoy waffles.

They usually pop up when I'm at ease. Or spacing out.

Cecib :eek:

They say random things, EXACT EXAMPLE FROM TODAY IN CHOIR WHEN SINGING NATIONAL ANTHEM ALTO: America... *remember to go down, instead of up* America.... God shed his grace on thee....*remember to hold for 4 beats* Oh say can you see....*don't hold, quickly, speed up* by the dawnserly(sp?) light..*eeeek can't go that low!* What so proudly we HAILED..*toast would taste so much better if it was fried instead of toasted.* At the twighlight's last gleaming....

Ya know what? Toast would taste better fried. I am so totally trying it.
LMAO I am sooooooooooooo trying that!!!!!!!!!!

I like to believe it is your own voices (Or your consiouns (sp?)).Sometimes I renember random things. Thing that came up long ago, or insignificant things in my life.

For instance, while writing this post I just renembered drawing my first smileyface :eek:

And that I enjoy waffles.

They usually pop up when I'm at ease. Or spacing out.

Cecib :)
Me 2, like a few days ago, out of nowhere I remembered the first Bulid-A-Bear (trademark) commercial. Are you wondering what it is? Here, see if you can remeber it:

Girl that looks like shes thirteen (Girl for short): *listining to CD player, singing along* ♪ She's a washing machine, whirling around ♫ (ftw?)

Mom: Do you know where were going?

Girl: *passes by counter with fish bowl w/ mom* Yes mom.

*girl in B-A-B*

The girl chooses a brown teddy bear and puts on tacky popstar clothing on it. (silver pants, glittery srhug, pink shirt with star on it, headset. Pretty tacky popstar.)

Girl: *sitting on bed back at home making tacky teddy sing* ♫ She's a washing machine......♪

I'm going to see if I coukd find it no YouTube (trademark).

P.S. the tradmark thing was a joke, so LAUGH!!!!!!!!

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Girl that looks like shes thirteen (Girl for short): *listining to CD player, singing along* ♪ She's a washing machine, whirling around ♫ (ftw?)

Mom: Do you know where were going?

Girl: *passes by counter with fish bowl w/ mom* Yes mom.

*girl in B-A-B*

The girl chooses a brown teddy bear and puts on tacky popstar clothing on it. (silver pants, glittery srhug, pink shirt with star on it, headset. Pretty tacky popstar.)

Girl: *sitting on bed back at home making tacky teddy sing* ♫ She's a washing machine......♪

I'm going to see if I coukd find it no YouTube (trademark).

P.S. the tradmark thing was a joke, so LAUGH!!!!!!!!
I remember that, though I'm not sure it was teh first. :)

I remember the fish, xD

Back on Topic, BOT, I do! They do! Wait, what?

Anyway, normally I'm thinking, but this morning I had a dream about a girl named Raven, she was SOO real, liek I knew her. She was gothic looking, and had short black hair, but was really sweet.

It was like I knew her, and when I asked my mom if I had ever known a Raven, she said now.

Thinking about it now, I SWEAR there was a girl in kindergarten named Raven, but if I look at my kindergarten photo, no one is there...?


Yea and there always talking about random stuff especially in class at school lol like one day it said: I like turtles :eek: lol I was like " what on earth? " :) lol.

Yeah! And sometimes I wonder if I said it out loud and nobody listened or if it was only in my head? xD

Yeah! And sometimes I wonder if I said it out loud and nobody listened or if it was only in my head? xD
omg lol me too. Also sometimes I wonder if someone else said it. BTW I made fried toast, and it was really, really, good.

Lol. I hear them all the time at night.

Just last Saturday, I was in my bed trying to get some sleep, and because I'm such an anime freak (X.x) I heard that whack laugh of Light's at the end.

Anyone who has watched the Death Note anime knows what laugh I'm talking about. o_O

It was scary, so I drowned it out by blaring Disney Channel. xD

OMG just last night i was writing something down, then one of the voices said

'Hey smell ur feet!' SO WIERD!! :huh: :angry: ;)

They say random things, EXACT EXAMPLE FROM TODAY IN CHOIR WHEN SINGING NATIONAL ANTHEM ALTO: America... *remember to go down, instead of up* America.... God shed his grace on thee....*remember to hold for 4 beats* Oh say can you see....*don't hold, quickly, speed up* by the dawnserly(sp?) light..*eeeek can't go that low!* What so proudly we HAILED..*toast would taste so much better if it was fried instead of toasted.* At the twighlight's last gleaming....

Ya know what? Toast would taste better fried. I am so totally trying it.
i had toast fried. it was GOOD!!!!! ;)

I remember that, though I'm not sure it was teh first. ;) I remember the fish, xD

Back on Topic, BOT, I do! They do! Wait, what?

Anyway, normally I'm thinking, but this morning I had a dream about a girl named Raven, she was SOO real, liek I knew her. She was gothic looking, and had short black hair, but was really sweet.

It was like I knew her, and when I asked my mom if I had ever known a Raven, she said now.

Thinking about it now, I SWEAR there was a girl in kindergarten named Raven, but if I look at my kindergarten photo, no one is there...?

I tried searching it on YouTubecbut I got nothing. Then I tried Google, and it turns out I'm not the only one who remembers.

Wow that is creepy!!!!!!!!

Sometimes, I can hear my mom or sister's voice, saying my name.

One time, during a test, It happend, and I KNEW it was one of the voices, so I screamed "Shut up! D<" out loud XD

Everyone was all "?" at me XD

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