do u hav a crush on anyone? or anyone has a crush?


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Haha, No.. Maybe... Yes.. no... OK YES....

Haha, He has kissed me five times, never on the lips, ^^, and we are bets friends, The other day he was playing soccer and I was watching his do all those fancy dealies and I was liek "SHOWOFF!" and he said "I AM NOT SHOWING OFF! ITS NOT MY FAULT YOUR SITTING THERE!" I was liek "o_____0"

But yea, we were on teh phoen for two hours the other day X.X

^^ Funny Crowfrost!

Luke and I are getting very close! He's got my number, I've got his, we talk every day, even at times we're not supposed to, we txt eachother until one of us runs out of credit, we joke all the time even if the jokes are lame, I mean he even joined the forum I txted him, and he joined it straight away!

It's nearly a year since I first looked into his eyes and saw brown, sparkling, gorgous, loving eyes. It is way to easy to get lost in them.

To some this might sound like a boyfriend, but he is actually only just a crush... well, I don't exactly call it a crush, or like. To me it's more like love. ♥♥♥

I have liked this guy since kindergarden, and I have been crushing on him for soo long. He finally started flirting with me in 6th grade. Now, in 8th grade, I got so frustrated of flirting with him and trying to get him, for a few years, so I asked him out. He said, YES!!!! We have been going out for about a week! I rlly love him, and I don't like anyone else. So he is my only crush, but he is my boyfriend and he knows :furawatchi:

I know I've already posted but oh well...

One day, I was in a very random mood so I asked one of my good friends, L to tell the guy I liked Z that I liked him during band after school. I think that afternoon, I went on msn and L was online so I started talking to her, then she told me that she had told Z and that when she did, he kind of went silent but was kind of smiling. After that, I think he just acted normally.

About a week later, I asked my other friend, M to tell him by email when L and I slept over at her house. She sent an email and a few days later she told me that she had talked to him on msn. She said that she asked him if he liked me, he said no, she asked him if he would go out with me if asked, he said probably not. Then, he said Oh I have to go and eat dinner. (M told me that it was around 10 pm when she talked to him about this)

M told me that she thought that Z was probably saying no because he didn't want to admit that he liked me. (He asked me out in term 1 but I said no, it's a long story and people keep insisting that he likes me and M says that he's always smiling and staring at me when I do any speeches or performances).

On friday, I decided to send Z an email asking if he thought that what L and M told him was a joke because after a while I just remembered that guys respond better if you ask them yourself. I haven't got a reply back yet but I have a feeling he's read the email...

Um.. Y'all are gonna think this is weird, but I have like a really deep crush on this girl. and I'm a girl. 

Of course we DON'T think that's weird! I am seriously in love with this one girl. We were dating once, but she doesn't love me anymore. *cries in corner*

its simple i LOVE this one boy who i havnt talked to in awile but every day i dont talk to him i just love him more! I cant start a conversation with him i just cant! i havnt seen him in months and for some reson he just stoped talking to me and how can i randomly just walk up to him and say something! its not that simple!!!!! :D

Of course we DON'T think that's weird! I am seriously in love with this one girl. We were dating once, but she doesn't love me anymore. *cries in corner*
you do? im not a lesbien but somtimes i find myself attracted to girls :D im not sure y

I do.... I still like him even though he's taken :/ I'll get over it though :>

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