Do u sleep with..


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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2007
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do u sleep with webkinz?once i get one it will be my favorite

and i will sleep with it.

Nah, I do when they magically appear on my bed, becaus eI am to lazy to place them on my desk which is a centmeter away from my bed, lol

I have four, and I used to sleep with them along with Muffin, a cat Build-a-Bear I've had since forever that I could never ever part with. But it got to crowded, so I moved them to sitting on top of my stuffed animal box in my closet. :D



No, they're usually at the end of my bed. But sometimes I move them up to the pillows right next to me, along with my favorite stuffed animal.

Since I don't own one (and have never seen one in real life, since I A. Don't really look for them, B. Don't go to the stores where they're sold regurlarly, C. Don't know anyone that has one) I don't think I could sleep with one. But I do sleep with my beanie babies and other stuffed animals occasionally.

I sleep with a giant stuffed catfish I got at the Sportsman's Warehouse. It's kind of scary at first but it's really soft and I like it. ;)

I have a 'lil Kinz, but I don't sleep with her, I sleep with my Giant lion that I've had since I was four. It's about 1 metre long, and a half meter high, and a half meter long... :)

I sleep with a giant stuffed catfish I got at the Sportsman's Warehouse. It's kind of scary at first but it's really soft and I like it. :angry:
CATFISH? +0+ I love catfish!

No. Reasons: 1. Don't have one cuz I think they are lame. (sorry). 2. I don't sleep with stuffies anymore.


I'm sure if I had one it would earn a place in my bed, but nothing could ever take the place of my little stuffed beagle puppy, Max. I love him so much. He's my favorite stuffed animal that is always right next to me. The rest are crammed on the other side of me.

Yep! I sleep with Ellie, my elephant. I also sleep with a stuffed bear my sister gave me; I can't sleep without either of them in my arms. Corny, I know. xD

Yes, I do. Along with my other stuffed animals which I own in numerous amounts...I feel there is no shame in sleeping with a stuffed animal.

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