Do u wear make-up?


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im 13 and have been wearing makeup 4 a year or so. i hate seeing little kids wearing makeup. its really sad 2 see a 9 yr old with more makeup than me! but, its only 2 enhance ur beauty, not terrorize it!

im 14 and i wear make up all the time.

my mom always let me put on makeup when ver i wanted to when i was younger

i dont understand what the big deal is bout not wearin makeup

Yes, Im 12 And I Am Aloud.

Just Like... Eyeliner and LipGloss and Nail Polish *Smiles*

Yeah, If I Dont Wear Make-Up I kinda Feel Naked. Not Much though *Smiles Again*

I have used makeup since i was twelve - mostly the same items.

An older friend of mine taught me how to use it and what kind of makeup to use.

I'm a red head with green eyes. I use Clarins compact powder and i put a thin layer all over my face and lips. I afterwards put on some golden beige eyeshadow, and jet black diorshow mascara. i don't use cayal, but I put on some mascara on the lower eyelashes too.

on my lips i wear deep red chanel lipstick and some transparent lipbalm to smoothe it out.

Makeup is a thing of hygiene for someone, but it's great to see how confident some people can be about their natural looks.

I know I already posted in this topic... but I can't find my post! xD

I started wearing make-up at the middle of fifth grade. It started with some cheap silver eye shadow from a birthday party. My mom said make-up was forbidden, but she was OK with eye shadow! xD So she didn't notice it for a while, so I told her after a while. She said it was fine as long as there's no mascara or eyeliner. She bought me new pretty shadow not too long ago - different shades of blue! This year I'm trying to go "undercover" with my unallowed make-up; my friends got me mascara and eyeliner for my birthday (oh, the irony! xD) so when school starts, I'll put it on on the bus, and then when I get home I'll run to the bathroom and wash it off. I hope it's easy to get off... o.o'

Mascara leaves black under your eye if you try to wipe it off to quickly. It takes a good 10 minutes of scrubbing. I tried it, my mom got mad =/

Well, I just wear lip gloss. Untill like 7th grade, whenn I turn 13. Sucks....But whatever.

Yes, I do. (I am 12, turning 13 in a few months.) I just started this year, and I only wear mascara, lip gloss, and concealer to school, but I have a bunch of other makeup for going places. By the way, if you're going to start wearing makeup, I definately reccoment getting higher quality stuff at the department store or Sephora... Sephora is my favourite! But NEVER get it at the dollar store, trust me. I tried it once, just to see, and it's horrible. Anyways, wouldn't you rather have a few really high quality products than a LOT of bad ones? Just my opinion, of course. If you are looking for inexpensive makeup, try Sephora Piiink, I've never tried it, but it must be decent.

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I'm 14, and I started wearing makeup when I was 12 (but only a little bit).

I always wear makeup. I can't stand myself without it. I wear concealer, mascara, eyeshadow, and eyeliner. I never wore lipgloss before, but now that I've dyed my hair, it looks pretty good on me. But I can only pull off darker shades, like crimson. ; )

I'm 11 and I wear basic make-up.


You know, eyeshadow, lipgloss, blush, creame...there is a special creame I have to put on in the morning if I want to look half decent.

Mascara, eyeliner, and eyeshadow.

But I've been known to over do it =P

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I wear eyeliner.

Enough to make the ancient Egyptians jealous.

I have blue eyeshadow too >.<

When I can be bothered I put it all the way round my eyes.

I look scary.

But awesome.

Never. NEVERRR. xD

Sometimes I wear lipstick, or I fool around with mascara..

I'm 12 and I wear make-up. uhh I pretty much just put blush on (I have acne products that keep my pores from clogging up.) I'm pretty much like EMO in a way, so i wear like really black, and a lot of black eyeliner and mascara. umm..... lets see ...... oh yeah! I also love this lipgloss that I got, it's black clear, with sparkles in it... I wear that a lot to scholl, pretty much it.


Do you know how to put on eyeliner? It doesn't hurt. you don't put it IN your eyte, like that little edge near your eye you put it below the eyelashes. But if you put it in your eye, duh it will hurt XD.

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